Introduction: This document aims to address the most commonly asked questions about our APIs, providing clarity and guidance for a seamless integration experience.
1)How to create a new Rest API user?
DC should be created in MXTS.
RC should be linked to the DC created above.
2)What is the reservation creation flow using API inline with MXTS?
DC and RC to be used for creating the booking.
Expected stay period (arrival date, duration).
Basic required configurations like applicable rates, rentability and other such conditions that are needed for the accommodation to be bookable.
Solution: Please follow the steps mentioned below:
There can be multiple or one of the below mentioned reasons:
a) check whether DC is marked as "has its own representation set" in Newyse. If it is marked as true, it is available in the index; if marked as false, then it is not available in the index.b) Price cache is built only for specific DC’s and not for all. In such a case the DC of the existing price cache and the new DC should be selected in the same representation of the resource. Also, there should be rates available for the rate type of existing DC. The same rates will be followed for new DC.
b) check whether DC is marked as "has its own representation set" in Newyse. If it is marked as true, it is available in the index; if marked as false, then it is not available in the index.
Note: The 'Has Own Representation Set' toggle will soon be removed, and the 'Enabled' setting will be applied across all DCs.
16)Why are rates for some addons not calculated on the landing page of website?