Pre-booking Configuration Setup
To be able to make a Prepre-booking, some configuration has to be checked/added:
1. Pre-bookings can only be made for periods after the last Release. This can be viewed/configured in the Content Manager (Accommodation Type menu→ Availability card→ Releases)
In this case the last release has it’s Available until date for Everyone as 1/1/20. Which means that Pre-bookings could be enabled from 1/1/20.
2. If the houses to be linked have multiple representations, and only one of them has to be linked (for instance, only one for internal bookings like Reception), add an internal name for such representations.
(This can be done in the Representations card in the Content Manager)representations to distinguish the representations, since the names of all representations. To do this, you need to navigate to Content Manager→ Accommodation type menu→ Representations card, select the required representation (which opens the popup as shown below), and add the Internal Name.
3. The Accommodation needs to have a Rentability Set which have been marked as Pre-booking. Can
To create a rentability set, navigate to Rate Manager→ Rentability set menu. A few fields are required in the creation step, which can be seen below. The purpose of each of them is explained below:
- Location: Rentability Set can be created at the topmost location/individual resort level
- , depending on which houses you want to use this set for. For instance, if the set is created at the topmost resort, it can be used for all accommodations under this resort and all accommodations under its child resorts as well.
This rentability set (and its rules) need to have a stay date in the future, preferably the period till which you want to opt for Pre-booking.
4. This rentability set now needs to be linked to all required representations. The link dates are to show for which period you want to use this set for the particular representation(s).