
This rentability set now needs to be linked to all required representations. The link dates are to show for which period you want to use this set for the particular representation(s). 
To link a representation(s), use the highlighted button to open the following popup:

Step 1Step 2

Add the dates for which the link needs to be created. The default dates show up as per the rentability set usage dates (defined during set creation), but they can be changed if required. However, the stay dates need to lie within the rentability set usage period. Likewise, the book dates have default dates from today to the end of the usage period, they can be altered as well but only for future dates (past dates cannot be selected).

If required, use the 'Location' filter to narrow down the list of accommodation types that would show up in the next step. After this, click on 'Next step'.

Select the required accommodations whose representations need to be linked to this rentability set, and then click on 'Next Step'.

Step 3Step 4
In this step, select the required representations. If an internal name is added for any representation, it shows up in bracket, as can be seen below. It can be used as an identifier here, in case each accommodation has multiple representations. Click on 'Next step'.The final step is to approve the selection made. If everything is satisfactory, click on 'Start Update', else it is possible to go back to previous steps by clicking on 'Previous Steps' and making required changes.


titleImport possibility

It is also possible to import rentability rules into the various rentability sets, instead of manual configuration. The Excel template can be downloaded from the system, and the required data can be added and imported to the system. In case of any errors in the import, the system gives the respective errors, which can be fixed in the file and re-imported.

Template can be downloadedSample file to check how data needs to be filled in is attached hereFile can be imported after filling the details 

View file

The 'Location' to be selected here is the location whose rentability set data you want to import.

Likewise, it is also possible to import the links between rentability sets and representations, following the same process (with a different template). However, it is mandatory to have internal name for representations to be able to use this feature,
