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Price Compare widget

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  1. Type of widget:
    1. Page level:  If present on the page: it presents the Choices (different prices) for an Accommodation
    2. Results panel: If present as results panel widget, on clicking of each results; we can be present with the choices. 
  2. Required params for the Request: 
    1. Start date (YYYY-MM-DD format)
    2. End date
    3. Subjects
    4. resourceid
    5. DC and Ratetypes (configured in Site settings, or Type or Unit search container) 
  3. Result: Different choices: Base choice, choice with Specials/packages. 

       Specials are choice which have no "impliesId", in-short Specials which are not implied. Sometimes a special can be implied, so then the special will also be in the base choice. Also you can have multiple base choice, if the client has multiple rate types linked to a DC

       3 4. Api used: Price Engine: POST ENDPOINT ** /choices/generate/ **

       5. To get the the Bill of the corresponding Choice, select "Generate bill for the choice" widget option.


Bill widget:

Image Added

  1. Type of widget:
    1. Page level:  If present on the page: it presents the Bill for an Accommodation
    2. Results panel: If present as results panel widget, on clicking of each results; we can be present with the Bill. If the accommodation has a special, offer bill will be shown else bill for the Base price will be shown on each result. 
  2. Required params for the Request: 
    1. Start date (YYYY-MM-DD format)
    2. End date
    3. Subjects
    4. resourceid
    5. DC and Ratetypes (configured in Site settings, or Type or Unit search container)
  3.  Api Api used: Price Engine: POST ENDPOINT ** /choices/generate/ **
  4. In the widget, we can customize the Bill lines to be shown. "Reserved resource" is an important bill line, since its contains the price of the Resource we are booking.

