Le but de cette documentation est de définir les modalités de l'archivage fiscal :
Table of Contents | ||||
Documentation en français
Les archives fiscales Le but de cette documentation est de définir les modalités de l'archivage fiscal :
Table of Contents | ||||
Documentation en français
Les archives fiscales sont créées pour les factures et les tickets générés dans la plage de dates sélectionnée avant la création d'une archive. Un fichier zip est créé avec plusieurs fichiers Excel contenant les détails des factures et tickets pertinents. De plus, ce fichier explicatif fait partie de l'archive fiscale créée.
Colonnes | Explication |
RESERVATION_TAX_TOTAL_ID | ID de l'enregistrement du total des taxes d'une réservation |
ENTRYDATE | Date et heure de création de l'enregistrement dans le format AAAAMMJJHHMMSS |
ADMIN_ORGANISATION_ID | ID de l'organisation administrative |
ADMIN_ORGANISATION_NAME | Nom de l'organisation administrative |
ADMIN_ORGANISATION_DESCRIPTION | Description de l'organisation administrative |
LEGAL_NAME | Nom légal de l'organisation |
VAT_NUMBER | Numéro de TVA de l'organisation |
CHAMBER_OF_COMMERCE_NUMBER | Numéro de chambre de commerce de l'organisation |
RCS_CITY_OF_REGISTRATION | Ville d'enregistrement de l'organisation RCS |
SOCIAL_CAPITAL | Montant du capital social de l'organisation |
NAF_CODE | Code de la Nomenclature des Activités en France (NAF) |
APE_CODE | Code de l'Activité Principale Exercée (APE) |
SIRET | Numéro SIRET de l'organisation |
SIREN | Numéro SIREN de l'organisation |
ADDRESS1 | Adresse ligne 1 de l'organisation |
HOUSENUMBER | Numéro de rue de l'organisation |
HOUSENUMBER_SUFFIX | Complément de numéro de rue de l'organisation |
ZIPCODE | Code postal de l'organisation |
CITY | Ville de l'organisation |
COUNTRY | Pays de l'organisation |
PAYERTYPE | Type de payeur. Il peut y avoir jusqu'à 3 types de payeurs (par exemple, le client, le client payant et/ou l'agent) pour une réservation qui ont chacun leur propre enregistrement de TVA avec les détails correspondants. |
GRAND_TOTAL_TYPE | Type de grand total. Cela peut être GTF (enregistrement de facture), GTT (enregistrement de ticket), GTP (clôture quotidienne), GTM (clôture mensuelle) ou GTA (clôture annuelle). |
RESERVATION_ID | ID de la réservation |
RESERVATION_NUMBER | Numéro de réservation |
GRAND_TOTAL | Montant total de la réservation |
ABSOLUTE_TOTAL | Compteur de montant total absolu |
RELATIVE_TOTAL | Compteur de montant total relatif |
SIGNATURE | Signature pour la facture |
PREVIOUS_SIGNATURE | Signature pour la facture précédente |
EMPLOYEE_ID | ID de l'employé créant l'enregistrement du total des taxes |
DOCUMENT_ID | ID du document |
DOCUMENT_TYPE | Type de document |
INVOICE_TYPE | Type de facture |
CUMULATIVE_DAY | Compteur cumulatif par type de document par jour |
CUMULATIVE_MONTH | Compteur cumulatif par type de document par mois |
CUMULATIVE_YEAR | Compteur cumulatif par type de document par an |
OPERATION_TYPE | Type d'opération |
TOTAL_NO_OF_BILL_LINES | Nombre total de lignes de facture sur un ticket |
TOTAL_VAT | Montant total de la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée (TVA)) |
NO_OF_PRINTS | Nombre total d'impressions du document |
INVOICE_DATE | Date de création de la facture |
SERVICE_EXECUTION_DATE | Date d'exécution du service |
CUSTOMER_ID | ID du client |
CUSTOMER_NAME | Nom du client |
CUSTOMER_ADDRESS1 | Adresse du client |
CUSTOMER_ZIPCODE | Code postal du client |
CUSTOMER_CITY | Ville du client |
CUSTOMER_COUNTRY_NAME | Pays du client |
PAYING_CUSTOMER_COMPANY_NAME | Nom de l'entreprise du client payant |
PAYING_CUSTOMER_VAT_NUMBER | Numéro de TVA de l'entreprise du client payant |
INVOICE_CREATOR_ID | ID de l'employé ayant créé la facture |
NF525_VERSION | Version du logiciel NF525 utilisée pour créer la facture |
SOFTWARE_NAME | Nom du logiciel utilisé pour générer la facture |
Colonnes | Explication |
RESERVATION_BILL_SNAPSHOT_ID | Identifiant unique pour chaque ligne de facture |
RESERVEDRESOURCE_ID | Identifiant unique pour chaque ressource réservée |
RESERVATION_ID | ID de référence interne dans le backend pour la réservation |
RESOURCE_TYPE | Type de ressource réservée, tel que supplément, type de produit ou type d'hébergement |
RESOURCE_NAME | Nom de la ressource réservée |
CASHFLOWRULE_NAME | Identifiant des lignes de facture |
START_DATE | Date de début de la ressource réservée |
END_DATE | Date de fin de la ressource réservée |
VALUE | Montant de base de la ressource |
QUANTITY | Quantité de la ressource dans la facture |
MULTIPLIER | Multiplicateur utilisé pour calculer la valeur totale de la ressource réservée |
TOTAL | Montant total par ressource dans la facture |
OVERRIDE_VALUE | Valeur remplacée pour la ressource réservée |
VIRTUAL_OVERRIDE_VALUE | Montants de la facture mis à jour incluant la TVA après remplacement de prix |
VAT_RATE | Taux de TVA par ressource dans la facture |
MULTIPLIER | Multiplicateur utilisé pour calculer la valeur totale de la ressource réservée |
TOTAL | Montant total par ressource dans la facture |
OVERRIDE_VALUE | Valeur remplacée pour la ressource réservée |
VIRTUAL_OVERRIDE_VALUE | Montants de la facture mis à jour incluant la TVA après remplacement de prix |
VAT_RATE | Taux de TVA par ressource dans la facture |
EXTRA_ISWARRANT | Indicateur indiquant si la ressource réservée est une garantie |
PAY_AT_RESORT | Indicateur indiquant si la ressource réservée doit être payée sur place |
STAY_ARTICLE | Indicateur indiquant si la ressource réservée est un article de séjour |
WITHHOLDINGARTICLE | Indicateur indiquant si la ressource réservée est un article de retenue |
OVERRIDE_EMPLOYEEEXTRA_ISWARRANT | Indicateur indiquant si la ressource réservée est une garantie |
PAY_AT_RESORT | Indicateur indiquant si la ressource réservée doit être payée sur place |
STAY_ARTICLE | Indicateur indiquant si la ressource réservée est un article de séjour |
WITHHOLDINGARTICLE | Indicateur indiquant si la ressource réservée est un article de retenue |
OVERRIDE_EMPLOYEE_ID | ID de l'employé ayant remplacé la valeur de la ressource réservée |
OVERRIDE_EMPLOYEE_NAME | Nom de l'employé ayant remplacé la valeur de la ressource réservée |
OVERRIDE_REASON | Raison du remplacement de la valeur de la ressource réservée |
BILL_LINE_TYPE | Type de ligne de facture, tel que produit, service, remise ou total |
TOTAL_EXCL_VAT | Montants de la facture hors TVA |
ADMIN_ORGANISATION_ID | ID de l'employé ayant remplacé la valeur organisation administrative responsable de la ressource réservéetransaction |
OVERRIDEPAYER_EMPLOYEE_NAMETYPE | Nom de l'employé ayant remplacé la valeur Type de payeur, tel que société ou individu |
CODE | Code de la ressource réservée |
OVERRIDEENTRY_REASONDATE | Raison du remplacement de la valeur Date de saisie de la ressource réservéetransaction |
BILLVALUE_LINEEXCL_TYPEVAT | Type de ligne de facture, tel que produit, service, remise ou total |
TOTAL_EXCL_VAT | Montants de la facture hors TVA |
ADMIN_ORGANISATION_ID | ID de l'organisation administrative responsable de la transaction |
PAYER_TYPE | Type de payeur, tel que société ou individu |
CODE | Code de la ressource réservée |
ENTRY_DATE | Date de saisie de la transaction |
VALUE_EXCL_VAT | Valeur de la ressource réservée hors TVA |
TOTAL_VAT | TVA totale pour la ressource réservée |
SEQUENCE_NUMBER | Numéro de séquence pour la ligne de facture |
Payment report
Valeur de la ressource réservée hors TVA | |
TOTAL_VAT | TVA totale pour la ressource réservée |
SEQUENCE_NUMBER | Numéro de séquence pour la ligne de facture |
Payment report
ID for the tax total record of a reservation
Timestamp when the entry was made in the format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
ID of the administrative organisation
Name of the administrative organisation
Description of the administrative organisation
Legal name of the organisation
Value-added tax (VAT) number of the organisation
Chamber of commerce number of the organisation
City where the organisation is registered
Amount of social capital of the organisation
Nomenclature of Activities in France (NAF) code
Activité principale exercée (APE) code
Système d'identification du répertoire des établissements (SIRET) number
Système d'identification du répertoire des entreprises (SIREN) number
Address line 1 of the organisation
House number of the organisation
House number suffix of the organisation
Zipcode of the organisation
City of the organisation
Country of the organisation
Reservationbill for which the tax total record is created. There can be up to 3 payer types (e.g. customer, paying customer and/or agent) for 1 reservation which each have there own tax total record with relevant details.
Type of grand total. This can be GTF (invoice record), GTT (ticket record), GTP (daily closing), GTM (monthly closing) or GTA (yearly closing).
ID of the reservation
Reservation number
Grand total amount of the reservation
Absolute total amount counter
Relative total amount counter
Signature for the invoice
Signature for the previous invoice
ID of the employee creating the tax total record
ID of the document
Type of document (e.g. invoice, receipt)
Type of invoice (e.g. product, service or mix).
Cumulative counter per document_type per day
Cumulative counter per document_type per month
Cumulative counter per document_type per year
Type of operation (e.g. sale, refund)
Total number of bill lines on a ticket
Total value-added tax (VAT) amount
Date when the invoice was created
Date when the service was executed
ID of the customer
Name of the customer
Address line of the customer
Zipcode of the customer
City of the customer
Country of the customer
Company name of the paying customer
Company VAT number of the paying customer
The ID of the employee who created the invoice.
The version of the NF525 software used to create the invoice.
Colonnes | Explication |
MUTATION_ID | ID interne dans le backend pour la transaction |
RESERVATION_ID | ID de référence interne dans le backend pour la réservation |
RESERVATION_NUMBER | Numéro de réservation |
PAYER_TYPE | Paiement effectué par le client, le client payant ou l'agent |
AMOUNT | Montant de la mutation |
MUTATION_DATE | Date de la mutation |
AMOUNT_IN_PAYER_CURRENCY | Montant de la mutation dans la devise du payeur |
STATEMENT_NUMBER | Numéro de relevé bancaire |
ORIGIN_MUTATION_ID | ID interne dans le backend pour la mutation d'origine si la transaction RESERVATIONest traitée comme un paiement non attribuable |
BANKSTATEMENT_ID | ID de référence interne dans le backend pour la réservationRESERVATIONpour le relevé bancaire |
PAYMENTREFERENCE_NUMBER | Numéro de réservation |
PAYER_TYPE | Paiement effectué par le client, le client payant ou l'agent |
AMOUNT | Montant de la mutation |
MUTATION_DATE | Date de la mutation |
AMOUNT_IN_PAYER_CURRENCY | Montant de la mutation dans la devise du payeur |
STATEMENTde référence du paiement | |
PAYMENT_NUMBER | Numéro de paiement |
CHEQUE_NUMBER | Numéro de chèque |
MONEYORDER_NUMBER | Numéro de relevé bancairemandat |
ORIGINEMPLOYEE_MUTATION_ID | ID interne pour la mutation d'origine si la transaction est traitée comme un paiement non attribuableBANKSTATEMENTde l'entité enregistrant la transaction |
EMPLOYEE_NAME | Nom de l'entité enregistrant la transaction |
ACCOUNT_ID | ID interne pour le relevé bancairecompte |
PAYMENTREFERENCEACCOUNT_NUMBERNuméro de référence du NAME | Nom de la méthode de paiement |
PAYMENT_NUMBER | Numéro de paiement |
CHEQUE_NUMBER | Numéro de chèque |
MONEYORDER_NUMBER | Numéro de mandat |
EMPLOYEE_ID | ID de l'entité enregistrant la transaction |
EMPLOYEE_NAME | Nom de l'entité enregistrant la transaction |
ACCOUNT_ID | ID interne pour le compte |
ACCOUNT_NAME | Nom de la méthode de paiement |
ADMIN_ORGANISATION_ID | ID interne pour l'organisation administrative |
ADMIN_ORGANISATION_NAME | Nom de l'entité légale pour laquelle l'archive est créée |
English Documentation
The fiscal archive is created for invoices and tickets created within the date range selected before creating an archive. A zipfile is created with multiple Excel files which hold the details of relevant invoices and tickets. Furthermore, this explanatory file is part of the created fiscal archive.
To ensure the utmost security and integrity of the archive, a robust encryption mechanism is employed. The entire archive is protected using SHA512 encryption, a strong cryptographic algorithm known for its reliability. This encryption process guarantees the confidentiality and tamper-proof nature of the archive.
The integrity of the archive is further ensured through the use of an electronic signature. To generate the electronic signature, the complete archive is signed using the Maxxton RSA key. This process verifies the authenticity of the archive and safeguards against any unauthorised modifications or tampering.
It is important to emphasize that the client does not have access to our private key, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of the archive. Any changes made to the files within the archive will result in the invalidation of the signature, indicating potential tampering or unauthorised alterations.
By implementing SHA512 encryption and maintaining strict control over the private key, we guarantee the security and reliability of the fiscal archive.
For each generated archive a zip file is created. That file is stored in a Google Cloud Storage Bucket and made accessible through the software as a download option.
Before the zipfile is created, all required files are being build up. Mostly by exporting data from the Oracle database into a csv file, combined with this pdf, it’s packaged together in a zip archive. For this zip file we generate a signature hash and store this in the database.
The files in the archive are:
*Reservation_Tax_Total_Report: This is the main file in the fiscal archive with almost all details related to invoices, tickets and periodical closing totals.
*Reservation_Tax_Report: This document holds VAT specifics on ticket/invoice level.
*Eventlog_Report: This document holds JET data for selected daterange, which is stored in nf525_eventlog table.
*Reservation_Bill_Snapshot_Report: This document contains a snapshot of the bill, everytime a transaction on the reservation performed. Data is stored in reservation_bill_snapshot table.
*Payment: This file holds received payment details.
*signature_file: This document contains the electronic signature of the archive, as well as electronic signature of previous fiscal archive (if applicable).
Per file, a detailed explanation of the columns is given:
ADMIN_ORGANISATION_ID | ID interne pour l'organisation administrative |
ADMIN_ORGANISATION_NAME | Nom de l'entité légale pour laquelle l'archive est créée |
English Documentation
The fiscal archive is created for invoices and tickets created within the date range selected before creating an archive. A zipfile is created with multiple Excel files which hold the details of relevant invoices and tickets. Furthermore, this explanatory file is part of the created fiscal archive.
To ensure the utmost security and integrity of the archive, a robust encryption mechanism is employed. The entire archive is protected using SHA512 encryption, a strong cryptographic algorithm known for its reliability. This encryption process guarantees the confidentiality and tamper-proof nature of the archive.
The integrity of the archive is further ensured through the use of an electronic signature. To generate the electronic signature, the complete archive is signed using the Maxxton RSA key. This process verifies the authenticity of the archive and safeguards against any unauthorised modifications or tampering.
It is important to emphasize that the client does not have access to our private key, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of the archive. Any changes made to the files within the archive will result in the invalidation of the signature, indicating potential tampering or unauthorised alterations.
By implementing SHA512 encryption and maintaining strict control over the private key, we guarantee the security and reliability of the fiscal archive.
For each generated archive a zip file is created. That file is stored in a Google Cloud Storage Bucket and made accessible through the software as a download option.
Before the zipfile is created, all required files are being build up. Mostly by exporting data from the Oracle database into a csv file, combined with this pdf, it’s packaged together in a zip archive. For this zip file we generate a signature hash and store this in the database.
The files in the archive are:
*Reservation_Tax_Total_Report: This is the main file in the fiscal archive with almost all details related to invoices, tickets and periodical closing totals.
*Reservation_Tax_Report: This document holds VAT specifics on ticket/invoice level.
*Eventlog_Report: This document holds JET data for selected daterange, which is stored in nf525_eventlog table.
*Reservation_Bill_Snapshot_Report: This document contains a snapshot of the bill, everytime a transaction on the reservation performed. Data is stored in reservation_bill_snapshot table.
*Payment: This file holds received payment details.
*signature_file: This document contains the electronic signature of the archive, as well as electronic signature of previous fiscal archive (if applicable).
Per file, a detailed explanation of the columns is given:
Columns | Explanation |
RESERVATION_TAX_TOTAL_ID | ID for the tax total record of a reservation |
ENTRYDATE | Timestamp when the entry was made in the format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS |
ADMIN_ORGANISATION_ID | ID of the administrative organisation |
ADMIN_ORGANISATION_NAME | Name of the administrative organisation |
ADMIN_ORGANISATION_DESCRIPTION | Description of the administrative organisation |
LEGAL_NAME | Legal name of the organisation |
VAT_NUMBER | Value-added tax (VAT) number of the organisation |
CHAMBER_OF_COMMERCE_NUMBER | Chamber of commerce number of the organisation |
RCS_CITY_OF_REGISTRATION | City where the organisation is registered |
SOCIAL_CAPITAL | Amount of social capital of the organisation |
NAF_CODE | Nomenclature of Activities in France (NAF) code |
APE_CODE | Activité principale exercée (APE) code |
SIRET | Système d'identification du répertoire des établissements (SIRET) number |
SIREN | Système d'identification du répertoire des entreprises (SIREN) number |
ADDRESS1 | Address line 1 of the organisation |
HOUSENUMBER | House number of the organisation |
HOUSENUMBER_SUFFIX | House number suffix of the organisation |
ZIPCODE | Zipcode of the organisation |
CITY | City of the organisation |
COUNTRY | Country of the organisation |
PAYERTYPE | Reservationbill for which the tax total record is created. There can be up to 3 payer types (e.g. customer, paying customer and/or agent) for 1 reservation which each have there own tax total record with relevant details. |
GRAND_TOTAL_TYPE | Type of grand total. This can be GTF (invoice record), GTT (ticket record), GTP (daily closing), GTM (monthly closing) or GTA (yearly closing). |
RESERVATION_ID | ID of the reservation |
RESERVATION_NUMBER | Reservation number |
GRAND_TOTAL | Grand total amount of the reservation |
ABSOLUTE_TOTAL | Absolute total amount counter |
RELATIVE_TOTAL | Relative total amount counter |
SIGNATURE | Signature for the invoice |
PREVIOUS_SIGNATURE | Signature for the previous invoice |
EMPLOYEE_ID | ID of the employee creating the tax total record |
DOCUMENT_NUMBER | Number of the document |
DOCUMENT_TYPE | Type of document (e.g. invoice, receipt) |
INVOICE_TYPE | Type of invoice (e.g. product, service or mix). |
CUMULATIVE_DAY | Cumulative counter per document_type per day |
CUMULATIVE_MONTH | Cumulative counter per document_type per month |
CUMULATIVE_YEAR | Cumulative counter per document_type per year |
OPERATION_TYPE | Type of operation (e.g. sale, refund) |
TOTAL_NO_OF_BILL_LINES | Total number of bill lines on a ticket |
TOTAL_VAT | Total value-added tax (VAT) amount |
NO_OF_PRINTS | Total number of prints of the document |
INVOICE_DATE | Date when the invoice was created |
SERVICE_EXECUTION_DATE | Date when the service was executed |
CUSTOMER_ID | ID of the customer |
CUSTOMER_NAME | Name of the customer |
CUSTOMER_ADDRESS1 | Address line of the customer |
CUSTOMER_ZIPCODE | Zipcode of the customer |
CUSTOMER_CITY | City of the customer |
CUSTOMER_COUNTRY_NAME | Country of the customer |
PAYING_CUSTOMER_COMPANY_NAME | Company name of the paying customer |
PAYING_CUSTOMER_VAT_NUMBER | Company VAT number of the paying customer |
INVOICE_CREATOR_ID | The ID of the employee who created the invoice. |
NF525_VERSION | The version of the NF525 software used to create the invoice. |
SOFTWARE_NAME | The name of the software used to generate the invoice. |
MUTATION_ID | The ID of the payment for which the down payment invoice is generated. |
REVERTED_INVOICE_ID | The ID of the invoice for which the credit invoice is created. |
DISTRIBUTIONCHANNEL_ID | The ID of the agent for which the agent bill invoice is issued |
DC_NAME | Name of the agent |
DC_ADDRESS1 | Address line of the agent |
DC_ZIPCODE | Zipcode of the agent |
DC_CITY | City of the agent |
DC_COUNTRY_NAME | Country of the agent |
DC_VAT_NUMBER | VAT number of the agent |
LOCATION_ID | The ID of the holiday destination location for which the invoice is issued |
LOCATION_NAME | The name of the holiday destination location for which the invoice is issued |
FILE_ID | The ID of the generated PDF document for the invoice. |
Columns | Explanation |
RESERVATION_TAX_ID | ID of the record in Reservation_tax_total |
RESERVATION_TAX_TOTAL_ID | ID for corresponding record in Reservation_tax_total_report |
TAX_PERCENTAGE | Identifier of VAT rate for the record |
TAX_AMOUNT | VAT amount for VAT rate |
RESOURCE_AMOUNT_INCL_TAX | Total bill amount including VAT for the VAT rate |
RESOURCE_AMOUNT_EXCL_TAX | Total bill amount excluding VAT for the VAT rate |