Le but de cette documentation est de définir les modalités de l'archivage fiscal :
Columns | Explanation |
RESERVATION_TAX_TOTAL_ID | ID for the tax total record of a reservation |
ENTRYDATE | Timestamp when the entry was made in the format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS |
ADMIN_ORGANISATION_ID | ID of the administrative organisation |
ADMIN_ORGANISATION_NAME | Name of the administrative organisation |
ADMIN_ORGANISATION_DESCRIPTION | Description of the administrative organisation |
LEGAL_NAME | Legal name of the organisation |
VAT_NUMBER | Value-added tax (VAT) number of the organisation |
CHAMBER_OF_COMMERCE_NUMBER | Chamber of commerce number of the organisation |
RCS_CITY_OF_REGISTRATION | City where the organisation is registered |
SOCIAL_CAPITAL | Amount of social capital of the organisation |
NAF_CODE | Nomenclature of Activities in France (NAF) code |
APE_CODE | Activité principale exercée (APE) code |
SIRET | Système d'identification du répertoire des établissements (SIRET) number |
SIREN | Système d'identification du répertoire des entreprises (SIREN) number |
ADDRESS1 | Address line 1 of the organisation |
HOUSENUMBER | House number of the organisation |
HOUSENUMBER_SUFFIX | House number suffix of the organisation |
ZIPCODE | Zipcode of the organisation |
CITY | City of the organisation |
COUNTRY | Country of the organisation |
PAYERTYPE | Reservationbill for which the tax total record is created. There can be up to 3 payer types (e.g. customer, paying customer and/or agent) for 1 reservation which each have there own tax total record with relevant details. |
GRAND_TOTAL_TYPE | Type of grand total. This can be GTF (invoice record), GTT (ticket record), GTP (daily closing), GTM (monthly closing) or GTA (yearly closing). |
RESERVATION_ID | ID of the reservation |
RESERVATION_NUMBER | Reservation number |
GRAND_TOTAL | Grand total amount of the reservation |
ABSOLUTE_TOTAL | Absolute total amount counter |
RELATIVE_TOTAL | Relative total amount counter |
SIGNATURE | Signature for the invoice |
PREVIOUS_SIGNATURE | Signature for the previous invoice |
EMPLOYEE_ID | ID of the employee creating the tax total record |
DOCUMENT_NUMBER | Number of the document |
DOCUMENT_TYPE | Type of document (e.g. invoice, receipt) |
INVOICE_TYPE | Type of invoice (e.g. product, service or mix). |
CUMULATIVE_DAY | Cumulative counter per document_type per day |
CUMULATIVE_MONTH | Cumulative counter per document_type per month |
CUMULATIVE_YEAR | Cumulative counter per document_type per year |
OPERATION_TYPE | Type of operation (e.g. sale, refund) |
TOTAL_NO_OF_BILL_LINES | Total number of bill lines on a ticket |
TOTAL_VAT | Total value-added tax (VAT) amount |
NO_OF_PRINTS | Total number of prints of the document |
INVOICE_DATE | Date when the invoice was created |
SERVICE_EXECUTION_DATE | Date when the service was executed |
CUSTOMER_ID | ID of the customer |
CUSTOMER_NAME | Name of the customer |
CUSTOMER_ADDRESS1 | Address line of the customer |
CUSTOMER_ZIPCODE | Zipcode of the customer |
CUSTOMER_CITY | City of the customer |
CUSTOMER_COUNTRY_NAME | Country of the customer |
PAYING_CUSTOMER_COMPANY_NAME | Company name of the paying customer |
PAYING_CUSTOMER_VAT_NUMBER | Company VAT number of the paying customer |
INVOICE_CREATOR_ID | The ID of the employee who created the invoice. |
NF525_VERSION | The version of the NF525 software used to create the invoice. |
SOFTWARE_NAME | The name of the software used to generate the invoice. |
MUTATION_IDThe ID of the payment for which the down payment invoice is generated | L'identifiant du paiement pour lequel la facture d'acompte est générée. |
REVERTED_INVOICE_IDThe ID of the invoice for which the credit invoice is created | L'identifiant de la facture pour laquelle la facture d'avoir est créée. |
DISTRIBUTIONCHANNEL_IDThe ID of the agent for which the agent bill invoice is issued | L'identifiant de l'agent pour lequel la facture de l'agent est émise. |
DC_NAME | Name of the agentNom de l'agent. |
DC_ADDRESS1 | Address line of the agentPremière ligne de l'adresse de l'agent. |
DC_ZIPCODE | Zipcode of the agentCode postal de l'agent. |
DC_CITY | City of the agentVille de l'agent. |
DC_COUNTRY_NAME | Country of the agentPays de l'agent. |
DC_VAT_NUMBERVAT number of the agent | Numéro de TVA de l'agent. |
LOCATION_IDThe ID of the holiday destination location for which the invoice is issued | L'identifiant du lieu de destination de vacances pour lequel la facture est émise. |
LOCATION_NAMEThe name of the holiday destination location for which the invoice is issued | Le nom du lieu de destination de vacances pour lequel la facture est émise. |
FILE_IDThe | ID of the generated PDF document for the invoiceL'identifiant du document PDF généré pour la facture. |
Columns | Explanation |
RESERVATION_TAX_ID | ID of the record in Reservation_tax_total |
RESERVATION_TAX_TOTAL_ID | ID for corresponding record in Reservation_tax_total_report |
TAX_PERCENTAGE | Identifier of VAT rate for the record |
TAX_AMOUNT | VAT amount for VAT rate |
RESOURCE_AMOUNT_INCL_TAX | Total bill amount including VAT for the VAT rate |
RESOURCE_AMOUNT_EXCL_TAX | Total bill amount excluding VAT for the VAT rate |
DP_RESERVATION_TAX_TOTAL_ID | ID of the down payment invoice record for which VAT is reverted based on issueing final invoicede l'enregistrement de la facture d'acompte pour laquelle la TVA est annulée suite à l'émission de la facture finale. |
Columns | Explanation |
EVENTLOG_ID | ID for record in database |
EMPLOYEE | Employee executing the event which leads to registration in eventlog |
EVENT_TYPE, | NF525 eventcodes |
EVENT_TYPE_DESCRIPTION | NF525 naming of event type |
EVENT_TIME | Time of event |
OLD_VALUE_VARCHAR2 | Initial record ID of event in particular table primary key. |
OLD_VALUE_DESCRIPTION | Old value, if applicable |
NEW_VALUE_VARCHAR2 | Record ID of event in particular table primary key. |
NEW_VALUE_DESCRIPTION | New value, if applicable |
SIGNATURE | Electronic signature of event number |
PREVIOUS_SIGNATURE | Electronic signature of previous event number |
EVENT_NUMBER | Sequential event number. |
Columns | Explanation |
RESERVATION_BILL_SNAPSHOT_ID | unique identifier for each bill line |
RESERVEDRESOURCE_ID | unique identifier for each reserved resource |
RESERVATION_ID | Internal backend reference ID for reservation |
RESOURCE_TYPE | the type of resource reserved, such as extra, product type, or accommodation type |
RESOURCE_NAME | the name of the reserved resource |
CASHFLOWRULE_NAME | Identifyer of bill lines |
START_DATE | the start date of the reserved resource |
END_DATE | the end date of the reserved resource |
VALUE | Base amount of resource |
QUANTITY | Quantity of resource in bill |
MULTIPLIER | the multiplier used to calculate the total value of the reserved resource |
TOTAL | Total amount per resource in bill |
OVERRIDE_VALUE | any overridden value for the reserved resource |
VIRTUAL_OVERRIDE_VALUE | Updated bill amounts including VAT after price override |
VAT_RATE | VAT rate per resource in bill |
EXTRA_ISWARRANT | flag indicating if the reserved resource is a warranty |
PAY_AT_RESORT | flag indicating if the reserved resource is to be paid at the resort |
STAY_ARTICLE | flag indicating if the reserved resource is a stay article |
WITHHOLDINGARTICLE | flag indicating if the reserved resource is a withholding article |
OVERRIDE_EMPLOYEE_ID | ID of the employee who overrode the value of the reserved resource |
OVERRIDE_EMPLOYEE_NAME | name of the employee who overrode the value of the reserved resource |
OVERRIDE_REASON | reason for the override of the value of the reserved resource |
BILL_LINE_TYPE | the type of bill line, such as product, service, discount or total |
TOTAL_EXCL_VAT | Bill amounts excluding VAT |
ADMIN_ORGANISATION_ID | the ID of the administrative organisation responsible for the transaction |
PAYER_TYPE | the type of payer, such as company or individual |
CODE | the code for the reserved resource |
ENTRY_DATE | the date the transaction was entered |
VALUE_EXCL_VAT | the value of the reserved resource excluding VAT |
TOTAL_VAT | the total VAT for the reserved resource |
SEQUENCE_NUMBER | the sequence number for the bill line |
RESERVATION_TAX_TOTAL_ID | the ID of the corresponding invoice record in D de l'enregistrement de facture correspondant dans la table reservation_tax_total table. |
REPORT_RESOURCE_NAMEthe name and translation of resources which is printed on the invoice | Le nom et la traduction des ressources qui sont imprimées sur la facture. |
Payment report
Columns | Explanation |
MUTATION_ID | Internal backend ID for transaction |
RESERVATION_ID | Internal backend reference ID for reservation |
RESERVATION_NUMBER | Reservation number |
PAYER_TYPE | Payment made by Customer, Paying Customer or Agent |
AMOUNT | Amount of the mutation |
MUTATION_DATE | Date of the mutation |
AMOUNT_IN_PAYER_CURRENCY | Amount of the mutation in payer currency |
STATEMENT_NUMBER | Bank statement number |
ORIGIN_MUTATION_ID | Internal ID for original mutation if transaction is processed as unassignable payment |
BANKSTATEMENT_ID | Internal ID for bank statement |
PAYMENTREFERENCE_NUMBER | Payment reference number |
PAYMENT_NUMBER | Payment number |
CHEQUE_NUMBER | Cheque number |
MONEYORDER_NUMBER | Money order number |
EMPLOYEE_ID | ID of entity registering the transaction |
EMPLOYEE_NAME | Name of entity registering the transaction |
ACCOUNT_ID | Internal ID for account |
ACCOUNT_NAME | Name of payment method |
ADMIN_ORGANISATION_ID | Internal ID for admin organisation |
ADMIN_ORGANISATION_NAME | Name of the legal entity the archive is created for |