Kind of rule: This refers to what type of payment will need to be made.
There are 3 possible choices:Absolute: This is a fixed payment amount that is the same, independent of any other factors.
Relative: This is an amount that depends on other factors such as previous payments made.
Remainder: This refers to everything that still needs to be paid.
Value: When choosing the absolute or relative kind is chosen, you are also required to enter the rule’s value , or the amount that needs to be paid.
Valid Resources: Here, you can select for This refers to which resources the rule will be valid. You have Thera are 4 different options here . You have to choose one of the 4. and:
All resources
Resources of type:
Resources of kind:
Resource: Selecting this option allows you to browse for a specific resource.
Once all of the setup configured, click “Next”“Next>>”. You should get the following pop-up window: