For making the accommodation types bookable when you create a new accommodation type or when you want to mark it ready for next book year, it is important to add 'Release' for your accommodation types.
- This release status is used when you want to relase release your accommodatio accommodation types through all booking applications for everyone untill until the specified period you mention in the 'Available from'/'Available until' dates.
- Maximum release can be added for 730 days in advance advance.
Release dates Vs Release days
You can configure the release using
- Release dates: You can specific specifiy 'Available from' and 'Available until' dates when adding a release to the accommodation type (not more than 731 days in advance).
- Release days: You can select the checkbox "Relatively available. (number of days in the future)" to add the release for relative number of days in future (not more than 731 days in advance).
Note: You can add a release either using release days or dates and not both at the same time. In case you wish to change from Release days to dates or vice versa then you need to close all active releases and the choose to add new.