
For the API, Web Manager, bookings engine, my environment and webservices we don't use database listeners. For this, we have a separate flow in place, because we require additional information (such as pre-calculated prices) in the Elasticsearch index.

We use Elasticsearch to store availability and prices. Elasticsearch is a search engine that provides fast searches and grouping of data (so-called aggregations).
The availability index consists of documents and each document represents a possible stay; it contains (among other fields) a resourceId, arrival date, duration, distribution channel, units, price, and possibly an offer code.
Only accommodation types meeting the following criteria will be indexed:

Index Modes

We have several index modes available which all have their requirements and benefits. Below you can find a matrix in which per index mode the requirements, benefits, and limitations are listed.

An overview of which customer uses which index mode can be found here: Index Modes.


Length of Stay using Pricecache

Night Rates on Unit level

Night Rates on Type level

PerformanceProcessing time (faster = more real-time)(minus)(plus)(plus)(plus)(plus)(plus)

Index size (smaller = faster search)(minus)(plus)(plus)(plus)

RequirementsRate Option - Night rates



Rate Option - Length of stay rates(tick)(error)(error)

Every day departure(tick)(tick)(tick)

Departure on specific days(tick)(tick)(tick)

Difference in units of one accommodation type  (e.g., amenities)(tick)(tick)(error)

FunctionalInheritance of prices(tick)(tick)(tick)

Length of stay price calculation(tick)(tick)(tick)

Fixed rate offers (e.g., -20)(tick)(tick)*(tick)*

Relative (percentual) offers (e.g., -10%)(tick)(tick)*(tick)*

Offer that overrides accommodation price ("New price" offer)(tick)



X=Y offers (e.g., 7 days for price of 6)(tick)(error)(error)

Subject-based offers(error)(error)(error)

Exact period only offers(tick)(tick)(tick)

Combination of offers (max. 2)(error)(error)(tick)

Implies fixed amount per stay(tick)(tick)(tick)

Implies fixed amount per night(tick)(tick)(tick)

Implies subject-based(tick)(tick)(tick)

Implies with relative prices(error)(error)(error)

Implies on unit level(error)



Search amenity on location level(tick)(tick)(tick)

Search amenity on type level(tick)(tick)(tick)

Search amenity on unit level(tick)(tick)(error)

Gap configuration(tick)(tick)(tick)


Include unavailable units(error)(tick)(error)

* only if configured with nightly or consumption rates.

** only when the offer is "exact period only".


To check why some availability is missing, see Checklist availability online.