Please note, that NF525 is a french legislation and is therefore NOT mandatory for any clients who do not operate in France.


This article will explain the new features that have been setup with regards to creating different types of invoices per NF525 legislation in France and how to use this new invoicing functionality within the Maxxton Software system.


New functionality - Definitions

The old invoice functionality that was already present in Maxxton Software before the NF525 Invoicing has been setup creates only a final invoice. With the NF525 invoicing, there is a new functionality that creates 4 types of invoices :

Feature flags

Until certification has been approved by the auditor (Infocert) this new functionality is driven by temporary feature flags (see below screenshot). The client does not have access to these feature flags. To enable them, please contact Maxxton’s Customer Success Team.

Temporary feature flags.JPG

For each type of document the corresponding template is linked. This template cannot be directly modified by the client, but can be changed by Maxxton internal teams if required.

Using NF525 Invoicing

Invoicing per Administrative Organization

Invoicing is being performed per Administrative Organization.

In order to make sure the invoices are created for the correct entity it is required to update all the information on the Administrative Organization before using the NF525 Invoicing functionality. This can be done on the Admin Organization details drawer. To do so, follow the path below :

Maxxton Software Home > Finance Manager > Configuration > Admin organization > Select the relevant Administrative Organization and click on “Admin Organization details” at the top.


All of the information that is in the drawer should be up to date, such as (non-exhaustive list) :

Reservation and invoicing flow

The invoicing follows the reservation flow and will only create a new invoice when it is appropriate.
This will happen automatically.

Down payment invoices are only created for each payment on a reservation as long as there is no invoice in place yet.

General flow simplified.jpg

In case there has already been created an invoice and the user makes a change in the reservation, then the user has the ability to immediately create a credit/new invoice.

NF525 invoicing simplified.jpg

This can be achieved via the following path :

Maxxton Software > Reservation Manager > Select a specific reservation > Finance sub-tab > Invoices card.


In case the user does not do this, then the credit/new invoice will get created at the end of the day automatically.


To help users better understand when a given credit/invoice will be generated, the following table (Excel sheet) has been created to describe the different scenarios that will or will not result in the creation of new credit/invoices.


You’re all set and are ready to use the NF525 Invoicing functionality ! If you still have questions, please contact Maxxton’s Customer Success Team for further assistance on this topic.