Financial Accounts

Maxxton explanation

All  accounts  needed  in  the  sub-administration  are  classified  by  their  account  type  in Newyse, i.e.:

  • Account type = ‘Bank’ for bank payments;
  • Account type = ‘Cash’ for reception, cash, round off payments;
  • Account type = ‘Giro’  for giro bank payments (EU only);
  • Account type = ‘Miscellaneous’  unassigned, credit card, internet payments; 
  • Account type = ‘Purchase’  currently N/A yet.

Accounts of which the account type is defined as ‘Bank’ are  exclusively  used  for  bank accounts and ‘Giro’ for giro accounts (EU only). All receivables recorded in the Newyse Payments module will be journalised in a journal, in Newyse formally known as Financial transaction report, of which the journal type is defined as ‘Bank’.

During  the  creation  of  new  accounts  the  appropriate  journal  must  be  selected  in  which the  financial  transaction  should  be  recorded  and  journalised.  Subsequently  select  the ledger from the choice list of ledgers that are allowed for that journal. The allowance is part of the journal configuration and defined in the Newyse Journals module. See also the special ‘Attention!’ here underneath this segment. All transactions collected through this journal will be journalised to the ledger to which the new account is linked.

Per  account  either  the  AO  or  the  company,  choice  is  mutually  exclusive,  should  be selected.  The AO or company and the combination of the selected resorts in through the ‘Resorts’ tab will exclude which resorts can  make records  of  receivables  through  this account  and  (indirectly)  which  users  will  have  access  to  this  particular  account.  The shielding  or accessibilityfor  users  based  on  account  configuration  will  not  directly determined  by  the  AO  or  company  selected  here.  However  users couldhave  access  to certain  resorts,and  with  that  to  the  accounts  that  are  linked  to  these  resorts.  So  in  a way we may infer which users will have access to this account.


There is an interaction between the Newyse Accounts module and the Journals module. In  case  a  new  journal  is  created  in  the  Journals  module  of  which  the  journal  type  = ‘Cash’ this entry will only be visible in the Accounts module when account type = ‘Cash’ selected  and  so  on.  Be  aware  that  as  soon  as  you  will  create  a  new  account  that  all financial  parameters  such  as  the  AO,  company,  resort,  ledger,  and  journal  have  been created first and that the correctaccount type has been selected in the Newyse Accounts module. Also that each account type, account subtype, has its own typical user dialogue. 

Configuration parameters

Numbering restarts every year 

For each account that makes use of bank statements, i.e. all bank accounts accept for reception accounts, Internet accounts and credit card accounts, the standard bank statement numbering is a running number. However some banks start all over again at the beginning of the year. If the ‘Numbering restarts every year’ check box is checked then the bank statement number is preceded by a year number, by which the bank statement number always remains a unique number.

Info remark is obligatory
Especially with allowances and other payments the business administration wants to know exactly what is deposited and what is disbursed from an account. If the ‘info remark is obligatory’ check box is checked then the user is always obliged to enter a remark or the purpose of an payment. These remarks will be visible in the journal to which the account is linked.

Currency rounding account
(only meant for account sub type = ‘Reception Account’)

When using cash accounts of which the subtype = ‘Reception account’ there is always a risk of causing some minor differences in rounding. For cash register clearing we need to have an account to book these differences in rounding. First you have to create an account per reception of which the subtype = ‘rounding account’ before you can configure the cash accounts per reception in which the appropriate rounding account is set.

Account unassignable payments
For accounts of which the type = ‘Bank’, ‘Giro’, or ‘Cash’ (and sub type = ‘Cash account’) you can optional choose to set an ‘unassignable payments’ account. When using the Newyse Payments module you can always record any receivable of which the purpose of payment was not made clear by (temporarily) parking the receivable on the ‘unassignable payments’ account. If this account is not available and you could not assign the payment then you cannot commit the transaction(s) in the Newyse Payments module.

Payment method
For ‘Miscellaneous’ accounts of which the subtype is defined as ‘Internet’ or ‘credit card’ account respectively the payment method (i.e. VISA, MasterCard, iDeal) and the credit card type (i.e. VISA, MasterCard) is required.

Distribution channel account
The ‘Distribution channel account’ check box will only be visible for the ‘Miscellaneous’ accounts of which the subtype is defined as ‘unassignable payments account’. By means of checking this check box this ‘unassignable payments account’ will be exclusively visible in the Newyse Distribution channels module.