Cash Clearance

Cash Clearance

Purpose of this article is to explain the cash clearance process. 


  1. Check How to configure Cash register articles? for the configuration of the cash articles/add-ons
  2. Check Configuration Cash Accounts to enable the correct payment method (cash/pin/credit card/check) per cash account
  3. Check How to create Cash register categories? to set up the categories per group of add-ons
  4. Check how the Cash Register sale can be used

Cash Clearance use

  1. The user is able to open the module MXTS Front Office Manager/Cash Clearance
  2. The user is able to create a new cash clearance
  3. The user is able to count the coins and notes which are in the cash register drawer
  4. The user is able to enter the amounts for different (credit)cards which are processed via the terminal
  5. The software automatically calculates if the total cash drawer amount matches the registered transactions for the cash account(s) closed
  6. If there is a cash clearance difference, the user is able to provide a reason for this
  7. User is able to check the transaction from the cash clearance when there is a cash difference
  8. After that the user is able to save the cash clearance, the transaction report will now be generated automatically
  9. The details can be observed afterwards, a number is generated for the cash clearance and the transaction report
  10. Transaction reports can be checked in the Finance manager
  11. Journal reports can be created/scheduled in the Finance manager
  12. Users who still want to print the cash clearance report now and then can do this using the browser print option

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