Search Reservations
Search Reservations
The Search Reservations menu enables the user to have insight into all reservations and make specific selections based on search (saved) criteria, add extra columns, open multiple reservations in new tabs, print and export reservation details.
Search Reservations
- Click on Search Reservation (sidebar menu)
- Fill in the required search criteria
- Matching reservations will be shown
- Click on Icon to open a reservation
Saved filters
Click on icon
in the right corner of your screenClick on Create filter
Give the filter a name
Click on Save filter
Click again on icon
Click on icon
to share the saved filter with other people (based on the linked roles to the user account) /update/remove or set the created set as default.Each time the user opens the menu Search reservations the results will show the reservations matching the conditions on the saved filter
Multiple filters can be created/saved/shared, there is no limit
Open a selection of reservations in multiple new tabs
- Select multiple reservations by using the or to select all
- Click on the button Open selected reservations in new tabs
- Observe the selected reservations are opened in new tabs
- If the reservations does not open in a tab per reservation then deactivate the pop up blocker in the browser settings
Extra columns
- Click on icon to open the column set
- Show or hide columns by switching icon on or off. Drag and drop icon to change the order of a column
- Update the changes on the bottom of the column list, the changes will be visible immediately afterwards
Print reservations
- Create the selection of reservations you want to print by using the search filters on the left side
- Select multiple reservations or Select all and click on Print reservations
- User is able to change the layout and print the list
Export reservations
- Create the selection of reservations you would like to export by using the filters on the left side
- Click on Export reservations
- Show or hide columns by switching icon on or off. Drag and drop icon to change the order of a column
- Click on Export as Excel, the system will now start the Excel download
- During the process user will be asked to save the selected columns as a set to reuse the set in the future
- The saved sets are visible and can be reused by all users of the concern
, multiple selections available,
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