

Reseller Description

Founded in August of 2008 and based in San Francisco, California, Airbnb is a trusted community marketplace for people to list, discover, and book unique accommodations around the world — online or from a mobile phone or tablet.

Clients can link with Airbnb in two ways, they can link their Accommodation-types of the Location or they can even link individual Units along with Airbnb.

Tasks Supported by this Connection

  1. Export Availabilities
    Reservability is exported to Airbnb either from accommodation type or unit depending upon the linking level the client chooses in Maxxton.
    In addition to existing reservations, it's important to consider other factors that can affect the availability of properties on Airbnb:

    1. LOCK: Users can apply a 'lock' status to an Accommodation-type or unit, effectively blocking its availability for a specified period across all Distribution Channels (DCs). During this time, the property cannot be booked, and the system communicates 'Zero' availability to resellers.

    2. Stop-Sell: Another factor impacting availability is the 'Stop-Sell' feature. With 'Stop-Sell,' users can designate the blocking of an Accommodation-type or unit for a specific Reseller (associated with a particular DC). This action restricts bookings for that Reseller only, while availability remains unaffected for others. Detailed instructions on adding and configuring different types of 'Stop-Sell' are available under Reseller configuration → Stop-sell

  2. Export Prices(Multiple rate types)
    We have two types of pricing 

    1. Per day pricing: Per day prices (nightly prices) are sent directly as they are configured in ‘Rates’.  It's important to note that special prices cannot be sent to Airbnb when on ‘Per day’ pricing.

    2. Length of stay pricing: In length of stay pricing (LOS), maximum stay prices are sent for each arrival date. Initially, LOS prices get uploaded on Price Cache where the final price is calculated, considering special and other factors. Subsequently, then these final prices are exported to Airbnb.

  3. Import Reservations (Multiple rate types)
    We support the below reservation requests

    1. Acceptance - It is a new reservation request

    2. Alteration - It is a modification request

    3. Cancellation - It is a cancellation request

Steps to connect with “Airbnb”

  1. Contacting Airbnb: Reach out to Airbnb to establish your hotel or room listings and complete necessary configurations.

  2. Setting Up Airbnb Reseller in MXTS: Concurrently, create an Airbnb reseller in MXTS. Instructions for creating/activating a new connection are provided Reseller Configuration | ResellerConfiguration Howtolinkanewreseller?

  3. Configuration Completion: Upon creating the Airbnb reseller in MXTS, mandatory settings such as endpoints and credentials will be automatically added by the system. However, the user is responsible for completing the remaining configuration tasks related to linking locations/properties.

  4. Opening a Support Ticket: Generate a JIRA ticket titled "Connection with Airbnb" and include all pertinent information. Assign the ticket to support-connection@maxxton.com. This ensures that the connection team is notified of your intention to connect with the reseller and can assist with any queries posted in the ticket.

  5. Creating a New Distribution Channel (DC): Establish a new DC specifically for the Airbnb reseller. Ensure that all identified resources are associated with this DC.

  6. Employee Setup: If necessary, create a new employee and link the Admin Organization (AO) and all resorts to the newly created employee

  7. Preparation and Configuration: Verify that all prerequisites and mandatory configurations outlined by Airbnb are completed within the Maxxton software for each location and its accommodations. This ensures that the system can utilize this information to create properties on the Airbnb platform.
    Below is the list of the prerequisite (mandatory configuration) defined by Aibrnb that needs to be in place to make property LIVE on the Airbnb side:

    Basic Details:

    1. Bathrooms

    2. Bedrooms

    3. Property Type

    4. Amenities (At least 5)

    5. Cancellation Policy(To be saved in setting from the below list only, for more details please refer to https://www.airbnb.co.in/home/cancellation_policies )

      1. Flexible

      2. Moderate

      3. Strict

      4. Super_strict_30

      5. Super_strict_60


    1. Geo Code (lat/long)

    2. Address1

    3. State Code

    4. City

    5. Country Code


    1. Language

    2. Name

    3. Short Description

    Photo: A minimum of 6 images are required to be present for the property that is to be linked

    1. Description or Name

    2. URL

  8. Linking Airbnb Hotel/Room with MXTS Properties: Navigate to the Linked Accommodation Types card to initiate the connection process. It's important to note that for Airbnb, clients have the option to list Accommodation-types or individual Units on the Airbnb website. Decide on the type of linking required and contact the 'Support Connection' team with the list of Locations and their accommodations/units for connection. The team will generate "Access token & Refresh token" for individual Locations via the Airbnb portal, serving as credentials for accessing the locations on Airbnb's platform.
    Please click on Reseller Configuration | ResellerConfiguration HowtoActivatenewAccommodationType(s) to see steps on how the linking of Accommodation(s) is done in Maxxton software.

  9. Completion of Linking: Once the linking process is complete, connect with the 'Support Connection' team again. They will finalize the setup by creating Job schedulers for property creation (listing generation) on the Airbnb side and setting up Jobs for uploading prices and availability to Airbnb..

  10. Upload Verification: 'Support Connection' will ensure successful uploads for the linked properties and provide updates accordingly.

  11. Monitoring the Airbnb Reseller: You can monitor the reseller Airbnb from https://maxxton.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TP/pages/13699583

Supported settings/features

Maxxton offers a range of supported settings and features that enhance the connection with Airbnb, providing added value to our customers. While some settings, such as mandatory endpoints, are automatically added by the system when creating the Airbnb reseller in Maxxton software, others offer flexibility and convenience in customizing your setup.

Airbnb specific settings are mentioned below:

  1. Reseller tagline code
    This is a ‘dynamic field’ setting and through this setting user can choose to send Airbnb specific accommodation/unit names to Airbnb.

  2. Welcome Message
    Another dynamic field setting that enables you to define a customized welcome message for guests making bookings on the Airbnb website.

  3. Allows Child
    This dynamic field setting, defined at the accommodation/unit level, notifies Airbnb that children are allowed at the specific property.

  4. Allows Infant
    A dynamic field setting that is defined at the accommodation/unit level, this setting notifies Airbnb that infants are allowed at the specific property.

  5. Cancellation Policy
    This setting can be added per Location, allowing users to send location-specific cancellation policies to Airbnb. Airbnb's cancellation policy codes include Flexible, Moderate, Strict, Super_strict, and Long-term..