Allotment configuration


Allotment configuration -

The objective of this feature is to empower users to configure allotments for specific accommodation types in association with targeted distribution channels. Users will have access to an interface facilitating the configuration of allotments and further specifying quantities, period blocks, and related details.

Prerequisites -

The Distribution Channel should be an Allotment Distribution Channel, allowing users to book units exclusively from the allotment if the allotted quantities (Number of Units) are available. The Distribution channel must be linked with the accommodation types to enable users to allot units of these accommodation types.

Access -

Users require permission to access distribution channels.

Permission to access the distribution channel
Individuals authorized to access the distribution channel.


  1. The distribution channel should be set up to permit bookings exclusively through allotments, utilizing available allotment cards.

  2. Ensure the Distribution Channel is selected in the representations of accommodation types where units are available for booking and allotment.

  1. The Distribution Channel should be selected in the representations of accommodation types on which units are available to book and allotment can be done with the selected DCs.

Types of the Allotment

  1. Type level allotment -

The allotment can be made for the accommodation type and units are not specified with this type of allotment. The user can define periods for some unit quantity out of the total units of the accommodation type, but specific units are not selected in this type of allotment.


  1. Unit level allotment -

The allotment can be made for the units and the units are specified in this type of allotment. The user can define specific units of the accommodation type for the allotment.

Create Allotment/Add Allotment

Steps to create an allotment

  1. Navigate to the Channel Manager.

  2. Access the Distribution Channel.

  3. Select an Allotment DC from the list or search using the DC name, code, or ID.

  4. Click on the allotment card.

  5. Click the "Add Allotment" button at the bottom of the allotment card.

  6. Insert a unique allotment name of at least 3 letters to proceed.

  7. Select the type of the allotment

  8. Select Accommodation Types

  9. Add quantities and select date periods for the allotment availability.

  10. Ensure at least one accommodation type is selected to proceed.

Type Level Allotment

  1. Navigate to the Channel Manager.

  1. Access the Distribution Channel.

  1. Select an Allotment DC in the list or Search DC with DC name, DC Code, or DC ID.

  1. Click on the allotment card

  1. Click the "Add Allotment" button at the bottom of the allotment card to create/add the allotment.

To add an allotment there is a button “Add allotment“ provided at the bottom of the allotment card. Users can click on this Add allotment button to open the allotment creation wizard.

  1. Insert a unique allotment name of at least 3 letters to proceed-

Add an allotment name with a minimum of 3 letters otherwise, it will throw an error and also the user will not be allowed to view the next step the Next step button will be disabled until a valid name is inserted.

Add a unique allotment name else it will show an error for the same existing name. Once the user adds the valid name the next step will be visible then only the user can go to the next page.

  1. General Settings -

Users can add names to the allotment and also define the type of the allotment. The User can keep the Unit Level allotment configuration toggle ON to create the Unit Level allotment toggle otherwise by default it will create the Type Level allotment.

  1. Add Accommodation Types

On this page, the user can select multiple accommodation types for multiple locations when the location filter is set as All the user will get all locations and the respective accommodation types as well.

For the location filter - A User can view/select multiple accommodation types from multiple locations when a specific location is not selected. If a user wants to select the accommodation types for a specific location, then the user can select only one location. The users can search locations by name. The user cannot select more than one location at a single time. The User can select multiple accommodation types for the selected location.

Users can search the accommodation types with the name, code, path, or location. Users can check-uncheck the checkbox to select and deselect the accommodation types. The user should select at least one accommodation type to go to the next step.

  1. Check unit availability -

On this page, the user can view the selected accommodation types from the last page, and he can add the unit quantities and allotment period for the respective accommodation types. The unit quantity value should not be negative or null.

This page has the following columns.

Accommodation type - This column shows the selected accommodation types.

Unit quantity - The user can add several unit quantities in the input box.

Start Date - The user can add the start date of an allotment (Arrival from date).

End Date- The user can add the end date of an allotment (Arrival to date).

Status- This column will show 3 outputs as per the condition.

  1. Available -

It means the total number of units available for the given arrival period i.e. (Start Date and End Date) and the number of quantities added.

  1. Not available -

It means the total number of units are not available for the given arrival period i.e. (Start Date and End Date) and the number of quantities added. The user will be notified with the below message.

  1. Partially Available -

It means the total number of units are not available for the given arrival period i.e. (Start Date and End Date) with the number of quantities added, however, there are some units out of the total units are available for the given period or all units are available for a different period. The user will be notified with the below message.

For Partial Period when a user clicks on the partial period user will get an option to select the available period with the available units.

Once the user selects any one of the periods the Add Units button becomes visible, and the user can add only those numbers of units for the specific period.

Until all accommodation-type statuses are Available user will not proceed to the next step and the next step button will be disabled.

The + action icon gives an option to the user to add the identical row of accommodation type to below.

The - action icon gives an option to the user to remove the row.

  1. Configure release rules -

This page shows the configured periods for selected accommodation types with unit quantity and also displays the release rules under the action column. The clock icon is used to show the impacted release rules for the row and for adding more rules too.

On clicking the clock icon, the user gets the impacting release rules for the specific allotment row and an option to add another rule.

If the user Adds another rule, then one row is added for the same configured period. The user should finish the configuration to add the rule successfully. The Add rule button will be visible only when the user adds days before arrival or a fixed date to the newly added rule.

The user can update the newly added rule once he adds a new value or date the update rule button will be visible and the user can update the new values.

  1. Overview -

On the overview page user will get the summary of the allotment configuration and release rule. The final Add allotment button will create the allotment with the configured release rule.

The allotments are displayed on the allotments card.

Unit Level Allotment

  1. Navigate to the Channel Manager.

  1. Access the Distribution Channel.

  1. Select an Allotment DC in the list or Search DC with DC name, DC Code, or DC ID.

  1. Click on the allotment card

  1. Click the "Add Allotment" button at the bottom of the allotment card to create/add the allotment.

To add an allotment there is a button “Add allotment“ provided at the bottom of the allotment card. Users can click on this Add allotment button to open the allotment creation wizard.

  1. Insert a unique allotment name of at least 3 letters to proceed-

Add an allotment name with a minimum of 3 letters otherwise, it will throw an error and also the user will not be allowed to view the next step the Next step button will be disabled until a valid name is inserted.

Add a unique allotment name else it will show an error for the same existing name. Once the user adds the valid name the next step will be visible then only the user can go to the next page.

  1. General Settings -

Users can add names to the allotment and also define the type of the allotment. The User can keep the Unit Level allotment configuration toggle ON to create the Unit Level allotment toggle otherwise by default it will create the Type Level allotment.

  1. Add Accommodation Types

On this page, the user can select multiple accommodation types for multiple locations when the location filter is set as All the user will get all locations and the respective accommodation types as well.

For the location filter - A User can view/select multiple accommodation types from multiple locations when a specific location is not selected. If a user wants to select the accommodation types for a specific location, then the user can select only one location. The users can search locations by name. The user cannot select more than one location at a single time. The User can select multiple accommodation types for the selected location.

Users can search the accommodation types with the name, code, path, or location. Users can check-uncheck the checkbox to select and deselect the accommodation types. The user should select at least one accommodation type to go to the next step.

  1. Add Unit -

In this step, the user must add the Start and End dates to fetch the units. The unit will be shown as per the availability. The available units are shown in terms of

  • Fully available units -

The units are fully available for the added date period (start date and end date). All units associated with the accommodation types are available without locks and reservations.

This page has the following columns.

Units - This column shows the names of the specific units.

Accommodation type - This column shows the accommodation types associated with the units.

Location - This column shows the locations associated with the units.

Code- This column shows the code of the unit.

Contract type- This column shows the contract type.

  • Partially available units -

The units are not available for the whole given period. However, the units are available in between the given period. All units associated with the accommodation types might be locked or reserved for some period and available for some period.

This page has the following columns.

Units - This column shows the names of the specific units.

Accommodation type - This column shows the accommodation types associated with the units.

Location - This column shows the locations associated with the units.

Code- This column shows the code of the unit.

Contract type- This column shows the contract type.

Available Nights- This column shows number of nights with available period for the shown unit.


  1. Configure release rules -

This page shows the configured Units for selected accommodation types with unit period and also displays the release rules under the action column. The clock icon is used to show the impacted release rules for the row and for adding more rules too.


On clicking the clock icon, the user gets the impacting release rules for the specific allotment row and an option to add another rule.

If the user Adds another rule, then one row is added for the same configured period. The user should finish the configuration to add the rule successfully. The Add rule button will be visible only when the user adds days before arrival or a fixed date to the newly added rule.

The user can update the newly added rule once he adds a new value or date the update rule button will be visible and the user can update the new values.

  1. Overview -

On the overview page user will get the summary of the allotment configuration and release rule. The final Add allotment button will create the allotment with the configured release rule.

The allotments are displayed on the allotments card.

Update Allotment

  • Update Type Level Allotment -

User can add or remove the allotment period for the selected type level allotment.

User can update by adding or removing quantities for the same or different period.

  • Update Unit Level Allotment

User can add the units to the selected unit level allotment. User can add the units for same or different period in the selected allotment along with the release rules.

Switch Allotment -

User can switch the existing unit allotment to a different unit.

Archive Allotment

User can archive both types of the allotment with the archive allotment option.

User can check the archived allotments with the Show archived filter.

Release Rules

User can view configured release rules within a date range. Also, user can add new release rules with the given Add release rule option.

Edit Release Rule

Delete Release Rule

User can delete the release rule by Delete rule option.

Bulk Release -

User can release bulk allotments with the bulk release option

User can select the locations, accommodation types to release the allotments in bulk. Also, the user can add the date range and the release fix date for bulk release.

User is getting information about the impacted allotments to proceed before the bulk release.

All impacted allotments will be released once the user clicks to the bulk release.

Dependencies & impacts


To create an allotment DC


Allotments will be created for the selected accommodation type level and it will be reflected in the planning chart.


  • Users can navigate to any allotment distribution channel, proceed to the allotment section, and click on the "Add Allotment” button.

  • In the first step of the modal user can enter the allotment name and one toggle button for users to opt between type-level and unit-level allotment creation.

  • The user can only move to the next step if the unique and valid name of the allotment is entered.

  • In the second step of the modal user can select the accommodation type. It also Enables users to filter accommodation types by name, code, path, or location during the selection

  • Permit the creation flow to proceed only if at least one accommodation type is selected.

  • In the third step of the modal user can add units.

  • Users can select a start date and end date from the date pickers. Based on dates and selected accommodation types users can see the list of fully available and partially available units in separate tabs.

  • The Fully and Partially Available Units tab displays unit details such as name, associated accommodation type, location, code, and contract.

  • In the Partially available units, the user can see the available nights column (the user can click on the chip and see the list of available partial periods, and also user can select those periods ).

  • users can select both fully and partially available units within the specified date range.

  • In the next step, the user can see the release rule configuration with the selected date range, location, accommodation type, and selected units (with periods ).

  • Ensure a clickable clock icon in the Action column indicates existing release rules, turning green if present.

  • Display all release rules impacting the allotment upon clicking the clock icon.

  • Enable users to configure additional release rules for the selected date range, location, and accommodation type.

  • Entered details are visible on the overview step.

  • The allotment will be created and it will be visible in the allotment card.

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