Flat Rate allows you to set a fixed price for an accommodation regardless of the stay duration. This pricing model is particularly valuable for:
Seasonal accommodations
Year-round reservations
Long-term rentals
Note: This feature was previously known as "consumption-type based prices".
Configuration Steps
Navigate to Rate Manager > Rate Types
Click "Create New Rate Type"
Select "Add Rate Option"
Set Type of Rate Type to "Flat rates"
Configure rounding settings (optional)
Save the rate option
Configuration Implications
Each rate type can only have one Flat Rate option
Multiple rate types with separate Flat Rate options are supported.
Flat Rate options cannot be combined with other rate types
Flat Rates are not available for online booking
Rate derivation is not supported
Configuration Best Practices
Flat Rates behave similarly to other accommodation rates, so creation and updates can leverage existing functionality. To optimise their use:
Create one specific Rate Type (e.g., "Long Stay.")
Link the Rate Type with a specific Distribution Channel (e.g., "Long Stay.")
For the "Long Stay" Rate Type:
Set one Rate Option = Flat Rate.
Flat Rates and Offers
Flat Rates can integrate with offers, with discounts calculated on a per-night basis for the applicable period.
Example Calculation:
Flat Rate: €2,000 for a period of 100 days (€20 per night).
Offer: 10% discount for a 10-day stay.
Discount Calculation: €20 (per night) × 10 nights × 10% = €20 discount.
Total Price: €2,000 − €20 = €1,980.