Le but de cette documentation est de définir les modalités de l'archivage fiscal :
Documentation en français
L'archive fiscale est créée pour les factures et les tickets créés dans la plage de dates sélectionnée avant de créer une archive. Un fichier zip est créé avec plusieurs fichiers Excel qui contiennent les détails des factures et des tickets concernés. En outre, ce fichier explicatif fait partie de l'archive fiscale créée.
L'intégrité du fichier est contrôlée par la signature électronique créée qui est ajoutée séparément dans le fichier. Pour générer la signature électronique, les paramètres d'entrée suivants sont nécessaires :
Taxes comprises, montants décomposés par taux de tva
Montants TTC de la période
Horodatage de l'opération
Code terminal/POS
Type d'opération
Signature précédente O/N
Si présente, signature électronique précédente
Pour chaque archive générée, un fichier zip est créé. Ce fichier est enregistré dans un Google Cloud Storage Bucket et rendu accessible par le logiciel en tant qu'option de téléchargement.
Avant la création du fichier zip, tous les fichiers requis sont constitués. Principalement en exportant les données de la base de données Oracle dans un fichier csv, combiné avec ce pdf, le tout est rassemblé dans une archive zip. Pour ce fichier zip, nous générons un hash de signature et l'enregistrons dans la base de données.
Les fichiers de l'archive sont les suivants :
*Reservation_Tax_Total_Report: Il s'agit du principal fichier des archives fiscales, qui contient presque tous les détails relatifs aux factures, aux tickets et aux totaux de clôture périodiques.
*Reservation_Tax_Report: Ce document contient les spécificités de la TVA au niveau des tickets/factures.
*Eventlog_Report: Ce document contient les données JET pour la gamme sélectionnée, qui sont enregistrées dans la table nf525_eventlog.
*Reservation_Bill_Snapshot_Report: Ce document contient un extrait de la facture, chaque fois qu'une transaction sur la réservation est effectuée. Les données sont enregistrées dans la table reservation_bill_snapshot.
*Payment: Ce document contient les détails des paiements reçus.
*signature_file: Ce document contient la signature électronique de l'archive, ainsi que la signature électronique de l'archive fiscale précédente ( si elle existe).
Pour chaque fichier, une explication plus détaillée des principales colonnes est donnée :
Colonnes | Explication |
RESERVATION_TAX_TOTAL_ID | ID for the tax total record of a reservation |
ENTRYDATE | Timestamp when the entry was made |
ADMIN_ORGANISATION_ID | ID of the administrative organisation |
ADMIN_ORGANISATION_NAME | Name of the administrative organisation |
ADMIN_ORGANISATION_DESCRIPTION | Description of the administrative organisation |
LEGAL_NAME | Legal name of the organisation |
VAT_NUMBER | Value-added tax (VAT) number of the organisation |
CHAMBER_OF_COMMERCE_NUMBER | Chamber of commerce number of the organisation |
RCS_CITY_OF_REGISTRATION | City where the organisation is registered |
SOCIAL_CAPITAL | Amount of social capital of the organisation |
NAF_CODE | Nomenclature of Activities in France (NAF) code |
APE_CODE | Activité principale exercée (APE) code |
SIRET | Système d'identification du répertoire des établissements (SIRET) number |
SIREN | Système d'identification du répertoire des entreprises (SIREN) number |
ADDRESS1 | Address line 1 of the organisation |
HOUSENUMBER | House number of the organisation |
HOUSENUMBER_SUFFIX | House number suffix of the organisation |
ZIPCODE | Zipcode of the organisation |
CITY | City of the organisation |
COUNTRY | Country of the organisation |
PAYERTYPE | Reservationbill for which the tax total record is created. There can be up to 3 payer types (e.g. customer, paying customer and/or agent) for 1 reservation which each have there own tax total record with relevant details. |
GRAND_TOTAL_TYPE | Type of grand total. This can be GTF (invoice record), GTT (ticket record), GTP (daily closing), GTM (monthly closing) or GTA (yearly closing). |
RESERVATION_ID | ID of the reservation |
RESERVATION_NUMBER | Reservation number |
GRAND_TOTAL | Grand total amount of the reservation |
ABSOLUTE_TOTAL | Absolute total amount counter |
RELATIVE_TOTAL | Relative total amount counter |
SIGNATURE | Signature for the invoice |
PREVIOUS_SIGNATURE | Signature for the previous invoice |
EMPLOYEE_ID | ID of the employee creating the tax total record |
DOCUMENT_ID | ID of the document |
DOCUMENT_TYPE | Type of document (e.g. invoice, receipt) |
INVOICE_TYPE | Type of invoice (e.g. product, service or mix). |
CUMULATIVE_DAY | Cumulative counter per document_type per day |
CUMULATIVE_MONTH | Cumulative counter per document_type per month |
CUMULATIVE_YEAR | Cumulative counter per document_type per year |
OPERATION_TYPE | Type of operation (e.g. sale, refund) |
TOTAL_NO_OF_BILL_LINES | Total number of bill lines on a ticket |
TOTAL_VAT | Total value-added tax (VAT) amount |
INVOICE_DATE | Date when the invoice was created |
SERVICE_EXECUTION_DATE | Date when the service was executed |
CUSTOMER_ID | ID of the customer |
CUSTOMER_NAME | Name of the customer |
CUSTOMER_ADDRESS1 | Address line of the customer |
CUSTOMER_ZIPCODE | Zipcode of the customer |
CUSTOMER_CITY | City of the customer |
CUSTOMER_COUNTRY_NAME | Country of the customer |
PAYING_CUSTOMER_COMPANY_NAME | Company name of the paying customer |
PAYING_CUSTOMER_VAT_NUMBER | Company VAT number of the paying customer |
INVOICE_CREATOR_ID | The ID of the employee who created the invoice. |
NF525_VERSION | The version of the NF525 software used to create the invoice. |
SOFTWARE_NAME | The name of the software used to generate the invoice. |
Colonnes | Explication |
RESERVATION_TAX_ID | ID of the record in Reservation_tax_total |
RESERVATION_TAX_TOTAL_ID | ID for corresponding record in Reservation_tax_total_report |
TAX_PERCENTAGE | Identifier of VAT rate for the record |
TAX_AMOUNT | VAT amount for VAT rate |
RESOURCE_AMOUNT_INCL_TAX | Total bill amount including VAT for the VAT rate |
RESOURCE_AMOUNT_EXCL_TAX | Total bill amount excluding VAT for the VAT rate |
Colonnes | Explication |
EVENTLOG_ID | ID for record in database |
EMPLOYEE | Employee executing the event which leads to registration in eventlog |
EVENT_TYPE, | NF525 eventcodes |
EVENT_TYPE_DESCRIPTION | NF525 naming of event type |
EVENT_TIME | Time of event |
OLD_VALUE_VARCHAR2 | Initial record ID of event in particular table primary key. |
OLD_VALUE_DESCRIPTION | Old value, if applicable |
NEW_VALUE_VARCHAR2 | Record ID of event in particular table primary key. |
NEW_VALUE_DESCRIPTION | New value, if applicable |
SIGNATURE | Electronic signature of event number |
PREVIOUS_SIGNATURE | Electronic signature of previous event number |
EVENT_NUMBER | Sequential event number. |
Colonnes | Explication |
RESERVATION_BILL_SNAPSHOT_ID | unique identifier for each bill line |
RESERVEDRESOURCE_ID | unique identifier for each reserved resource |
RESERVATION_ID | Internal backend reference ID for reservation |
RESOURCE_TYPE | the type of resource reserved, such as extra, product type, or accommodation type |
RESOURCE_NAME | the name of the reserved resource |
CASHFLOWRULE_NAME | Identifyer of bill lines |
START_DATE | the start date of the reserved resource |
END_DATE | the end date of the reserved resource |
VALUE | Base amount of resource |
QUANTITY | Quantity of resource in bill |
MULTIPLIER | the multiplier used to calculate the total value of the reserved resource |
TOTAL | Total amount per resource in bill |
OVERRIDE_VALUE | any overridden value for the reserved resource |
VIRTUAL_OVERRIDE_VALUE | Updated bill amounts including VAT after price override |
VAT_RATE | VAT rate per resource in bill |
EXTRA_ISWARRANT | flag indicating if the reserved resource is a warranty |
PAY_AT_RESORT | flag indicating if the reserved resource is to be paid at the resort |
STAY_ARTICLE | flag indicating if the reserved resource is a stay article |
WITHHOLDINGARTICLE | flag indicating if the reserved resource is a withholding article |
OVERRIDE_EMPLOYEE_ID | ID of the employee who overrode the value of the reserved resource |
OVERRIDE_EMPLOYEE_NAME | name of the employee who overrode the value of the reserved resource |
OVERRIDE_REASON | reason for the override of the value of the reserved resource |
BILL_LINE_TYPE | the type of bill line, such as product, service, discount or total |
TOTAL_EXCL_VAT | Bill amounts excluding VAT |
ADMIN_ORGANISATION_ID | the ID of the administrative organisation responsible for the transaction |
PAYER_TYPE | the type of payer, such as company or individual |
CODE | the code for the reserved resource |
ENTRY_DATE | the date the transaction was entered |
VALUE_EXCL_VAT | the value of the reserved resource excluding VAT |
TOTAL_VAT | the total VAT for the reserved resource |
SEQUENCE_NUMBER | the sequence number for the bill line |
Payment report
Colonnes | Explication |
MUTATION_ID | Internal backend ID for transaction |
RESERVATION_ID | Internal backend reference ID for reservation |
RESERVATION_NUMBER | Reservation number |
PAYER_TYPE | Payment made by Customer, Paying Customer or Agent |
AMOUNT | Amount of the mutation |
MUTATION_DATE | Date of the mutation |
AMOUNT_IN_PAYER_CURRENCY | Amount of the mutation in payer currency |
STATEMENT_NUMBER | Bank statement number |
ORIGIN_MUTATION_ID | Internal ID for original mutation if transaction is processed as unassignable payment |
BANKSTATEMENT_ID | Internal ID for bank statement |
PAYMENTREFERENCE_NUMBER | Payment reference number |
PAYMENT_NUMBER | Payment number |
CHEQUE_NUMBER | Cheque number |
MONEYORDER_NUMBER | Money order number |
EMPLOYEE_ID | ID of entity registering the transaction |
EMPLOYEE_NAME | Name of entity registering the transaction |
ACCOUNT_ID | Internal ID for account |
ACCOUNT_NAME | Name of payment method |
ADMIN_ORGANISATION_ID | Internal ID for admin organisation |
ADMIN_ORGANISATION_NAME | Name of the legal entity the archive is created for |
Colonnes | Explication |
SIGNATURE | Signature électronique créée pour l'archive fiscale créée sur la base des paramètres d'entrée tels que décrits précédemment dans ce document. |
PREVIOUS_SIGNATURE | Signature électronique créée précédemment. |
English Documentation
The fiscal archive is created for invoices and tickets created within the date range selected before creating an archive. A zipfile is created with multiple Excel files which hold the details of relevant invoices and tickets. Furthermore, this explanatory file is part of the created fiscal archive.
The integrity of the file is controlled via the created electronic signature which is added separately in the file. To generate the electronic signature, there are the following input parameters:
Tax incl. amounts broken down per vat rate
Tax incl. amounts of the period
Operation timestamp
Terminal/POS code
Operation type
Previous signature Y/N
If present, previous electronic signature
For each generated archive a zip file is created. That file is stored in a Google Cloud Storage Bucket and made accessible through the software as a download option.
Before the zipfile is created, all required files are being build up. Mostly by exporting data from the Oracle database into a csv file, combined with this pdf, it’s packaged together in a zip archive. For this zip file we generate a signature hash and store this in the database.
The files in the archive are:
*Reservation_Tax_Total_Report: This is the main file in the fiscal archive with almost all details related to invoices, tickets and periodical closing totals.
*Reservation_Tax_Report: This document holds VAT specifics on ticket/invoice level.
*Eventlog_Report: This document holds JET data for selected daterange, which is stored in nf525_eventlog table.
*Reservation_Bill_Snapshot_Report: This document contains a snapshot of the bill, everytime a transaction on the reservation performed. Data is stored in reservation_bill_snapshot table.
*Payment: This file holds received payment details.
*signature_file: This document contains the electronic signature of the archive, as well as electronic signature of previous fiscal archive (if applicable).
Per file, a detailed explanation of the columns is given:
Columns | Explanation |
RESERVATION_TAX_TOTAL_ID | ID for the tax total record of a reservation |
ENTRYDATE | Timestamp when the entry was made |
ADMIN_ORGANISATION_ID | ID of the administrative organisation |
ADMIN_ORGANISATION_NAME | Name of the administrative organisation |
ADMIN_ORGANISATION_DESCRIPTION | Description of the administrative organisation |
LEGAL_NAME | Legal name of the organisation |
VAT_NUMBER | Value-added tax (VAT) number of the organisation |
CHAMBER_OF_COMMERCE_NUMBER | Chamber of commerce number of the organisation |
RCS_CITY_OF_REGISTRATION | City where the organisation is registered |
SOCIAL_CAPITAL | Amount of social capital of the organisation |
NAF_CODE | Nomenclature of Activities in France (NAF) code |
APE_CODE | Activité principale exercée (APE) code |
SIRET | Système d'identification du répertoire des établissements (SIRET) number |
SIREN | Système d'identification du répertoire des entreprises (SIREN) number |
ADDRESS1 | Address line 1 of the organisation |
HOUSENUMBER | House number of the organisation |
HOUSENUMBER_SUFFIX | House number suffix of the organisation |
ZIPCODE | Zipcode of the organisation |
CITY | City of the organisation |
COUNTRY | Country of the organisation |
PAYERTYPE | Reservationbill for which the tax total record is created. There can be up to 3 payer types (e.g. customer, paying customer and/or agent) for 1 reservation which each have there own tax total record with relevant details. |
GRAND_TOTAL_TYPE | Type of grand total. This can be GTF (invoice record), GTT (ticket record), GTP (daily closing), GTM (monthly closing) or GTA (yearly closing). |
RESERVATION_ID | ID of the reservation |
RESERVATION_NUMBER | Reservation number |
GRAND_TOTAL | Grand total amount of the reservation |
ABSOLUTE_TOTAL | Absolute total amount counter |
RELATIVE_TOTAL | Relative total amount counter |
SIGNATURE | Signature for the invoice |
PREVIOUS_SIGNATURE | Signature for the previous invoice |
EMPLOYEE_ID | ID of the employee creating the tax total record |
DOCUMENT_ID | ID of the document |
DOCUMENT_TYPE | Type of document (e.g. invoice, receipt) |
INVOICE_TYPE | Type of invoice (e.g. product, service or mix). |
CUMULATIVE_DAY | Cumulative counter per document_type per day |
CUMULATIVE_MONTH | Cumulative counter per document_type per month |
CUMULATIVE_YEAR | Cumulative counter per document_type per year |
OPERATION_TYPE | Type of operation (e.g. sale, refund) |
TOTAL_NO_OF_BILL_LINES | Total number of bill lines on a ticket |
TOTAL_VAT | Total value-added tax (VAT) amount |
INVOICE_DATE | Date when the invoice was created |
SERVICE_EXECUTION_DATE | Date when the service was executed |
CUSTOMER_ID | ID of the customer |
CUSTOMER_NAME | Name of the customer |
CUSTOMER_ADDRESS1 | Address line of the customer |
CUSTOMER_ZIPCODE | Zipcode of the customer |
CUSTOMER_CITY | City of the customer |
CUSTOMER_COUNTRY_NAME | Country of the customer |
PAYING_CUSTOMER_COMPANY_NAME | Company name of the paying customer |
PAYING_CUSTOMER_VAT_NUMBER | Company VAT number of the paying customer |
INVOICE_CREATOR_ID | The ID of the employee who created the invoice. |
NF525_VERSION | The version of the NF525 software used to create the invoice. |
SOFTWARE_NAME | The name of the software used to generate the invoice. |
Columns | Explanation |
RESERVATION_TAX_ID | ID of the record in Reservation_tax_total |
RESERVATION_TAX_TOTAL_ID | ID for corresponding record in Reservation_tax_total_report |
TAX_PERCENTAGE | Identifier of VAT rate for the record |
TAX_AMOUNT | VAT amount for VAT rate |
RESOURCE_AMOUNT_INCL_TAX | Total bill amount including VAT for the VAT rate |
RESOURCE_AMOUNT_EXCL_TAX | Total bill amount excluding VAT for the VAT rate |
Columns | Explanation |
EVENTLOG_ID | ID for record in database |
EMPLOYEE | Employee executing the event which leads to registration in eventlog |
EVENT_TYPE, | NF525 eventcodes |
EVENT_TYPE_DESCRIPTION | NF525 naming of event type |
EVENT_TIME | Time of event |
OLD_VALUE_VARCHAR2 | Initial record ID of event in particular table primary key. |
OLD_VALUE_DESCRIPTION | Old value, if applicable |
NEW_VALUE_VARCHAR2 | Record ID of event in particular table primary key. |
NEW_VALUE_DESCRIPTION | New value, if applicable |
SIGNATURE | Electronic signature of event number |
PREVIOUS_SIGNATURE | Electronic signature of previous event number |
EVENT_NUMBER | Sequential event number. |
Columns | Explanation |
RESERVATION_BILL_SNAPSHOT_ID | unique identifier for each bill line |
RESERVEDRESOURCE_ID | unique identifier for each reserved resource |
RESERVATION_ID | Internal backend reference ID for reservation |
RESOURCE_TYPE | the type of resource reserved, such as extra, product type, or accommodation type |
RESOURCE_NAME | the name of the reserved resource |
CASHFLOWRULE_NAME | Identifyer of bill lines |
START_DATE | the start date of the reserved resource |
END_DATE | the end date of the reserved resource |
VALUE | Base amount of resource |
QUANTITY | Quantity of resource in bill |
MULTIPLIER | the multiplier used to calculate the total value of the reserved resource |
TOTAL | Total amount per resource in bill |
OVERRIDE_VALUE | any overridden value for the reserved resource |
VIRTUAL_OVERRIDE_VALUE | Updated bill amounts including VAT after price override |
VAT_RATE | VAT rate per resource in bill |
EXTRA_ISWARRANT | flag indicating if the reserved resource is a warranty |
PAY_AT_RESORT | flag indicating if the reserved resource is to be paid at the resort |
STAY_ARTICLE | flag indicating if the reserved resource is a stay article |
WITHHOLDINGARTICLE | flag indicating if the reserved resource is a withholding article |
OVERRIDE_EMPLOYEE_ID | ID of the employee who overrode the value of the reserved resource |
OVERRIDE_EMPLOYEE_NAME | name of the employee who overrode the value of the reserved resource |
OVERRIDE_REASON | reason for the override of the value of the reserved resource |
BILL_LINE_TYPE | the type of bill line, such as product, service, discount or total |
TOTAL_EXCL_VAT | Bill amounts excluding VAT |
ADMIN_ORGANISATION_ID | the ID of the administrative organisation responsible for the transaction |
PAYER_TYPE | the type of payer, such as company or individual |
CODE | the code for the reserved resource |
ENTRY_DATE | the date the transaction was entered |
VALUE_EXCL_VAT | the value of the reserved resource excluding VAT |
TOTAL_VAT | the total VAT for the reserved resource |
SEQUENCE_NUMBER | the sequence number for the bill line |
Payment report
Columns | Explanation |
MUTATION_ID | Internal backend ID for transaction |
RESERVATION_ID | Internal backend reference ID for reservation |
RESERVATION_NUMBER | Reservation number |
PAYER_TYPE | Payment made by Customer, Paying Customer or Agent |
AMOUNT | Amount of the mutation |
MUTATION_DATE | Date of the mutation |
AMOUNT_IN_PAYER_CURRENCY | Amount of the mutation in payer currency |
STATEMENT_NUMBER | Bank statement number |
ORIGIN_MUTATION_ID | Internal ID for original mutation if transaction is processed as unassignable payment |
BANKSTATEMENT_ID | Internal ID for bank statement |
PAYMENTREFERENCE_NUMBER | Payment reference number |
PAYMENT_NUMBER | Payment number |
CHEQUE_NUMBER | Cheque number |
MONEYORDER_NUMBER | Money order number |
EMPLOYEE_ID | ID of entity registering the transaction |
EMPLOYEE_NAME | Name of entity registering the transaction |
ACCOUNT_ID | Internal ID for account |
ACCOUNT_NAME | Name of payment method |
ADMIN_ORGANISATION_ID | Internal ID for admin organisation |
ADMIN_ORGANISATION_NAME | Name of the legal entity the archive is created for |
Columns | Explanation |
SIGNATURE | Created electronic signature for the created fiscal archive based on the input parameters as described earlier in this document |
PREVIOUS_SIGNATURE | Previously created electronic signature |