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For testing purposes, use the contents of AllTags.txt, put them in a Template and wrap them in a Report to verify what the value of each tag is.

Table of Contents


The template module is mentioned to create emailtemplates for all kind of purposes like reservationconfirmations. These templates are generic and contain different tags which will be replaced by specific data for that reservation.

PDF Files 

We're now using the templates too to generate email attachments with pdf or txt files. This requires a more strict template but we've built in some tools to help the user.

To make use of page breaks put the following code in the header of your HTML:

@media print {
.pagebreak { page-break-after: always; }

Then, at places inside your text where you would want to start a new page use the following DIV-tag:

<div class="pagebreak"> </div>

Velocity Tools 

From Newyse 2011R1 we added Velocity Tools to the templates. This is a set of utilities which help you with certain things. Like parsing a date, mathmetical things etc.

You can read about the different tools here:Tools

  • AlternatorTool - For creating Alternator to easily alternate over a set of values.
  • ClassTool - For simplifying reflective lookup of information about Classes and their fields, methods and constructors.
  • ContextTool - For convenient access to Context data and meta-data.
  • ConversionTool - For converting String values to richer object types.
  • DateTool & ComparisonDateTool - For manipulating, formatting, and comparing dates.
  • DisplayTool - For controlling display of references (e.g. truncating values, "pretty printing" lists, and displaying alternates when a reference is null).
  • EscapeTool - For common escaping needs in Velocity templates (e.g. escaping html, xml, javascript etc.)
  • FieldTool - For (easy) access to static fields in a class, such as string constants.
  • LoopTool - A convenience tool to use with #foreach loops. It wraps a list with a custom iterator to provide greater control, allowing loops to end early, skip ahead and more.
  • LinkTool - For creating and manipulating URIs and URLs. The API for this tool is designed to closely resemble that of the VelocityView tool of the same name.
  • ListTool - For working with arrays and lists, treats both transparently the same.
  • MathTool - For performing math functions.
  • NumberTool - For formatting and converting numbers.
  • RenderTool - To evaluate and render arbitrary strings of VTL, including recursive rendering.
  • ResourceTool - For simplified access to ResourceBundles for internationalization or other dynamic content needs.
  • SortTool - Used to sort collections (or arrays, iterators, etc) on any arbitary set of properties exposed by the objects contained within the collection.
  • XmlTool - For reading/navigating XML files. This uses dom4j under the covers and provides complete XPath support.
  • NF525 audit related tags more details refer url /wiki/spaces/TP/pages/299991251
  • Loyalty tags

Customer based templates 

A template can contain plain text and html formatted text, the html format makes it possible to add tables, images, hyperlinks etcetera in the template.

This is a list of tags and loops which are supported for now.


  $current_date , the current date


The unique customer id
Title of customer.
Customer first name
Customer middle name
Customer last name
attention of customer
Account numer of customer
Date of birth of customer
Sex of customer
Vat number of customer
$ (returns true or false)
Is customer have company
Name of customers company
Department of customer
International bank account number of customer.
$customer.owner (returns true or false)
Is this owner
Alternate name of customer
Login of customer
Title of customer.
language of customer
1 Address of customer
2 address of customer
house number of customer
house number suffix
Zipcode of customer
City of the customer
District of the customer
Email id of customer
Country code
Country Name
Mobile number
Private number
Work phone number
Po box number
Po box zip code
Post box city
Fax number

Customer Care - customer-based templates

For Customer Care, it is possible to configure templates for ad-hoc messages through Customer Care. These templates use the same context as the regular customer templates, but don't support all the same tags. 

The most important tag for these kinds of templates is $custom_message, this will be replaced by the text that the users type. 

$custom_messageThe manual message that is typed by the employee in Customer Care
$customer_firstnameThe first name of the customer 
$customer_lastnameThe last name of the customer
$customer_titleCustomer title of the customer
$customer_middlenameMiddle name of the customer 
$customer_emailEmail address of the customer
$login_employee_firstnameFirst name of the current employee (who is sending the email)
$login_employee_middlenameMiddle name of the current employee
$login_employee_lastnameLastname of the current employee
$login_employee_emailEmail address of the current employee

Reservation based templates 

A template can contain plain text and html formatted text, the html format makes it possible to add tables, images, hyperlinks etcetera in the template.

This is a list of tags and loops which are supported for now.


  $current_date , the current date

Specific accommodation: (better use the new resourcelist and use thise only for infotexts)

  #foreach($acco in $accommodationList)  or (fakturen)--> ($acco in $parentAccommodationList) Loop on accommodation list.
Accommodtion description
Name of accommodation
Accommodation object a.k.a. Unit
Accommodation start date
Accommodation end date
Accommodation object code
Accommodation object infotext
Accommodation object infotext priority
Accommodation object infotext code
Is accommodation object have infotext add to voucher (return 0 or 1)
Is accommodation object have infotext add to travel (return 0 or 1)
Is accommodation object have infotext add to print (return 0 or 1)
Accommodation object infotext type
Accommodation checkin time
Accommodation real checkin time

Doorlock pin code for accommodation

Doorlock pin code for accommodation in case of an early check-in
Checkout time of accommodation
Accommodation real checkout time
Accommodation Kind
Accommodation kind code
Accommodation kind dynamic field
Accommodation representation name
Address of accommodation
Accommodationhouse number
Accommodation house number suffix
Zipcode of accommodation
City of accommodation
Country of accommodation
Accommodation country code
Accommodation phone number
Accommodation state name
Accommodation state code
Alternative Key pickup location house number
Alternative Key pickup location house number suffix 
Alternative Key pickup location zip code
Alternative Key pickup location city
Alternative Key pickup location country
Alternative Key pickup location latitude
Alternative Key pickup location longitude
Gas start date
Gas start value
Gas end date
Gas end value
Electricity start date
Electricity start value
Electricity end date
Electricity end value
Water start date
Water start value
Water end date
Water end value
Accommodation cleansing start date
Accommodation cleansing start value
Accommodation cleansing end date
Accommodation cleansing end value
Accommodation images
Accommodation dynamic field
Accommodation object dynamic field
Accommodation object brand name
Accommodation parent name
Accommodation parent code
Accommodation parent id
Accommodation memos
Accommodation type memos
Object description
Object short description
Accommodation is empty (returm true or false)
Accommodation object id
Reserved resource id of resource
Accommodation short description
Object preference
Object short description
Object description
Is adjacent preference for accommodation (return 0 or 1)
Accommodation miscellaneous preference.
Accommodation dynamic fields: list of <key, value>-pairs where the key is the code which was given to the dynamic field
Accommodation type address first
Accommodation types house number
Accommodation types house number suffix
Accommodation types address second
Accommodation types po box number
Accommodation types po box zipcode
Accommodation types po box city
Accommodation types city
Accommodation types zip code
Accommodation types phone number
Accommodation types latitude
Accommodation types longitude
Accommodation types country name
Accommodation types country code
Accommodation types state name
Accommodation types state code
Accommodation types property manager id
Accommodation property manager id
Accommodation parent images
Accommodation free fieldList from Unit level (use with the forEach loop to print all free field list)
$acco.accommodation_type_free_fieldListAccommodation free fieldList from Type level (use with the forEach loop to print all free field list)
Accommodation number of bedrooms
Accommodation number of bathrooms
Accommodation turnover price

Resource: (better use the list below)

 #foreach($res in $resourceList)  or (fakturen)--> ($res in $parentResourceList) Loop on resource list
$res.infotextResource infotext
    $res.infotext_priorityResource infotext priority 
    $res.infotext_codeResource infotext code 
    $res.infotext_typeResource infotext type 
    $res.infotext_addtovoucherIs infotext add to voucher (return 0 or 1)
    $res.infotext_addtotravelIs infotext add travel (return 0 or 1)
    $res.infotext_addtoprintIs infotext add to print (return 0 or 1)
    $res.resource_nameRresource name
    $res.resource_descriptionResource description 
    $res.resource_is_implyIs resource imply (return true or false)

Reserved resource:

  #foreach($resource in $reservedResourceList) Loop on reservedresource list
$resource.reservedresource_idReserved resource id
    $resource.reservation_idReservation id
    $resource.resource_idResource id
    $resource.parent_idResource parent id
    $resource.implies_idResource implies id
    $resource.typeType of the resource
    $resource.nameName of the resource
    $resource.codeResource code
    $resource.short_descriptionResource short description
    $resource.descriptionResource description
    $resource.start_dateResource start date
    $resource.end_dateResource end date
    $resource.reservation_dateResource reservation date
    $resource.modified_dateresource modified date
    $resource.statusstatus of the resource
    $resource.includedIs resource price included
    $resource.pricePrice of the resource
    $resource.internal_priceResource internal price
    $resource.removableIs resource removable( return 0 or 1)
    $resource.on_billIs price of resource added on bill
    $resource.show_priceShow price of the resource on bill (return 0 or 1)
    $resource.object_idReserved object id
    $resource.quantityresourc quantity
    $resource.completedReserved composition is completed or not. Generally used when some choices have to be made. For eg. choosable compositions. Values: 1(Complete), 0(Incomplete).
    $resource.actual_start_dateActual start date of the resource
    $resource.actual_end_dateActual end date of the resource
    $resource.payer_typeResource payer type
    $resource.vat_rateResource vat rate
    $resource.supplier_originSupplier origing id of the resource
    $resource.extra_iswarrantResource have is extra warrant
    $resource.special_searchcodeCode for searching special resource
    $resource.special_policyResource special policy
    $resource.checkin_timeResource checkin time
    $resource.checkout_timeResource checkout time
    $resource.producttype_resortarticleIs product type have resort article
    $resource.extra_cancel_premiumIs resource have extra cancle premium
    $resource.extra_cancel_compensationIs resource have cancle compensation
    $resource.is_accommodation_compositionIs resource have accommodation composition
    $resource.imagesResource Images
    $resource.dynamic_fieldResource dynamic field
    $resource.dynamic_field_objectResource dynamic field object
    $resource.accommodation_nr_of_bedroomsNumber of bedrooms resource have
    $resource.accommodation_nr_of_bathroomsNumber of bathrooms resource have
A2 is reportgroup_subject code for senior, So here it will give senior capacity for accommodation


  #foreach( $term in $termList ) Loop on term list
$term.term_namePayment term name
    $term.term_duedatePayment term due date
    $term.term_valuePayment term value
    $term.term_duePayment term due amount
    $term.term_paidPayment term paid amount
    $term.term_statusPayment term status
    $term.term_identifierPayment term identifier
    $term.term_paymentmarkPayment mark, which is described as paying_type + reservationnumber, where paying type possible values are 1 (customer), 2(agent)
    $term.term_payertypePayer type of the payment term
    $term.term_due_referencepointWhen the instalment is due, for eg. r (on reservation), a (on arrival), d (on departure)
    $term.term_due_deviationThe deviation from the due reference point, for eg. -2 (2 days before reservation), 3 (3 days after reservation)
    $term.term_business_snapshot_idPayment term business snapshot id
    $term.term_business_snapshot_numberPayment term business snapshot number
$term.term_issuedateTerm issue date

Customer :-

$customer_idCustomer id
  $customer_titleCustomer Title
  $customer_firstnameCustomer firstname
  $customer_middlenameCustomer middlename
  $customer_lastnameCustomer lastname
  $customer_address1Customer address (first)
  $customer_address2Customer address (second)
  $customer_housenumberCustomer house number
  $customer_housenumbersuffixCustomer house number suffix
  $customer_zipcodeCustomer zipcode
  $customer_cityCustomer city
  $customer_emailCustomer email id
  $customer_countrycodeCustomer country code
  $customer_countryCustomer country
  $customer_accountnrCustomer account number
  $customer_ibannrInternational bank account number of customer.
  $customer_mobile_phoneCustomer mobile number
  $customer_private_phoneCustomer private phone number
  $customer_work_phoneCustomer work phone number
  $customer_show_vatShow vat for customer
  $pcustomer_show_vatShow vat for paying customer
  $customer_statecodeCustomer state code
  $customer_attention_ofCustomer attention of
$alternate_contact_person_nameAlternate Contact person name
$customer_po_boxCustomer po_box
$customer_questionnaire_unsubscribeCorresponds to the value of the checkbox "unsubscribe questionnaire emails" at the customer screen

Paying Customer:

  $paying_customer_idPaying customer id
  $paying_customer_titlePaying customer title
  $paying_customer_firstnamePaying customer first name
  $paying_customer_middlenamePaying customer middle name
  $paying_customer_lastnamePaying customer last name
  $paying_customer_address1Paying customer address (first)
  $paying_customer_address2Paying customer address (second)
  $paying_customer_housenumberPaying customer house number
  $paying_customer_housenumbersuffixPaying customer house number suffix
  $paying_customer_zipcodePaying customer zipcode
  $paying_customer_cityPaying customer city
  $paying_customer_emailPaying customer email id
  $paying_customer_statePaying customer state
  $paying_customer_countrycodePaying customer country code
  $paying_customer_countryPaying customer country
  $paying_customer_accountnrPaying customer account number
  $paying_customer_ibannrInternational bank account number of paying customer
  $paying_customer_mobile_phonePaying customer mobile number
  $paying_customer_private_phonePaying customer private phone number
  $paying_customer_work_phonePaying customer work phone number
  $paying_customer_vat_numberPaying customer vat number
$paying_customer_company_namePaying customer company name
$paying_customer_departmentPaying customer department
$paying_customer_po_boxPaying customer po_box
$paying_customer_attention_ofPaying customer attention of


 $employee_firstnameEmployee first name
  $employee_lastnameEmployee last name

Employee middle name


  $supplier_codeSupplier code
  $supplier_nameSupplier name
  $supplier_shortdescriptionSupplier short description
  $supplier_descriptionSupplier description
  $supplier_dynamic_fieldSupplier dynamic field
  $supplier_address1Supplier address(first)
  $supplier_address2Supplier address (second)
  $supplier_housenumberSupplier house number
  $supplier_housenumber_suffixSupplier house number suffix
  $supplier_zipcodeSupplier zipcode
  $supplier_citySupplier city
  $supplier_po_boxSupplier po box number
  $supplier_po_box_zipcodeSupplier po box zip code
  $supplier_po_box_citySupplier po box city
  $supplier_faxSupplier fax number
  $supplier_countrynameSupplier country name
  $supplier_countrycodeSupplier country code
  $supplier_statenameSupplier state name
  $supplier_statecodeSupplier state code


Accommodation owners all email ids.

#foreach($owner in $ownerList) loop for owner tags

Owner first name

Owner middle name
Owner last name
Owner language
Owner send method
Owner country
Owner address 1
Owner house number
Owner house number suffix
Owner zipcode
Owner city
Owner email
Currency id (base on selected country for owner)
Currency symbol
Currency code


  $reservation_idReservation id
  $reservation_arrivaldateReservation arrival date
  $reservation_departuredateReservation depature date
  $reservation_canceldateReservation cancel date
  $reservation_reservationdateReservation date
  $reservation_reservationinitialsReservation initials
  $reservation_languageReservation language
  $reservation_reservationnumberReservation number
  $reservation_reservationstatusReservation status
  $reservation_reservationvalidationstatusReservation validation status
  $reservation_resortcodeReservation resort code
  $reservation_resortnameReservation resort name
  $reservation_resortshortdescriptionReservation resort short description
  $reservation_resortaddress1Reservation resort address
  $reservation_resorthousenumberReservation resort house number
  $reservation_resorthousenumbersuffixReservation resort house number suffix
  $reservation_resortzipcodeReservation resort zipcode
  $reservation_resort_countryReservation resort country
  $reservation_resortcityReservation resort city
  $reservation_resort_emailaddressReservation resort email ids
  $reservation_resort_faxnumberReservation resort fax number
  $reservation_resort_phonenumberReservation resort phone number
  $reservation_resort_accountnrReservation resort account number
  $reservation_resort_latitudeReservation resort latitude
  $reservation_resort_longitudeReservation resort longitude
  $reservation_resort_imagesReservation resort images
  $reservation_resort_statecodeReservation resort state code
  $reservation_resort_parentnameReservation resort parent name
  $reservation_identifierReservation identifier
  $reservation_identifiermod11Reservation identifier mod 11
  $reservation_rccodeReservation category code

Reservation distribution channel name

$reservation_dccodeReservation distribution channel code
  $reservation_dcshortdescriptionReservation distribution channel short description
  $reservation_dcaddress1Reservation distribution channel address
  $reservation_dchousenumberReservation distribution channel house number
  $reservation_dchousenumbersuffixReservation distribution channel house number suffix
  $reservation_dczipcodeReservation distribution channel zip code
  $reservation_dccityReservation distribution channel city
  $reservation_dcshortnameReservation distribution channel short name
  $reservation_dclongnameReservation distribution channel long name
  $reservation_dcmobile_phoneReservation distribution channel mobile number
  $reservation_dcprivate_phoneReservation distribution channel private phone number
  $reservation_dcwork_phoneReservation distribution channel work phone number
  $reservation_dcemailReservation distribution channel email id
  $reservation_dcfiscal_typeReservation distribution channel fiscal type
  $reservation_dcfiscal_vatReservation distribution channel fiscal vat
  $reservation_numberofpersons Number of person added in reservation
  $reservation_numberofpetsNumber of pets added in reservation
  $reservation_acconame Reservation accommodation name
  $reservation_accocheckintime Reservation accommodation checkin time ( 15:00 is used to empty(default) value)
  $reservation_accocheckouttime Reservation accommodation checkout time ( 10:00 is used to empty(default) value )
  $reservation_nr_of_nightsNumber of nights for reservation is done
  $reservation_voucherVoucher of the reservation
  $reservation_resort_dynamicfieldReservation resort dynamic field
  $reservation_daysleftforarrivalDays left for arrival
  $reservation_expectedarrivaltimeExpected arrival time for reservation
  $reservation_expecteddeparturetimeExpected departure time for reservation
  $reservation_tnc_signedIs reservations terms and conditions signed.(return 1 or 0)
  $reservation_tnc_signed_dateReservations terms and conditions signed date
  $reservation_tnc_signee_customer_nameReservations terms and conditions signed by
  $reservation_dc_invoice_address1Reservation distribution channel invoice address
  $reservation_dc_invoice_housenumberReservation distribution channel invoice house number
  $reservation_dc_invoice_housenumbersuffixReservation distribution channel invoice house number suffix
  $reservation_dc_invoice_zipcodeReservation distribution channel invoice zipcode
  $reservation_dc_invoice_cityReservation distribution channel invoice city
  $reservation_dc_invoice_shortnameReservation distribution channel invoice short name
  $reservation_dc_invoice_longnameReservation distribution channel invoice long name
  $reservation_dc_invoice_work_phoneReservation distribution channel invoice work phone number
  $reservation_dc_invoice_emailReservation distribution channel invoice email id
  $reservation_dc_invoice_statecodeReservation distribution channel invoice state code
  $reservation_dc_statecodeReservation distribution channel state code
  $reservation_dc_has_invoiceaddressReservation distribution channel has invoice address (return true or false)
  $reservation_dc_has_mailaddressReservation distribution channel has email id (return true or false)
  $reservation_dc_brand_nameReservation distribution channel brand name
  $reservation_dc_currency_idReservation distribution channel currency id
  $reservation_dc_currency_symbolReservation distribution channel currency symbol
  $reservation_dc_currency_codeReservation distribution channel currency code
  $reservation_dc_localeThe locale of distribution channel
$reservation_reservationtimeThe time of reservation
  $reservation_expiredateExpire date of the reservation
  $payment_currency_symbolPayment currency symbol
  $reservation_identifiermod97Reservation identifier mod 97
  $reservation_resortaddress2Address of the resort (second)
$reservation_brochuresReturn list of reservation brochures with name and code.
$reservation_dc_po_boxReservation dc po_box
$reservation_optional_confirmation_dateOptional reservation can be confirm till this date.
$reservation_supplier_vouchersupplier voucher number
$reservation_is_allinprice_enabledallinprice enabled
$reservation_dc_countrynameDC country name
$reservation_category_namereservation category name
$reservation_invoice_datereservation invoice date
$reservation_invoice_sign_failed reservation invoice sign failed
$reservation_payment_slip_fikreservation payment slip fik
$reservation_resort_is_fixed_vat_description reservation resort is fixed vat description 
$reservation_resort_fixed_vat_descriptionreservation resort fixed vat description

Custom Fields (a.k.a. Free Fileds):

  #foreach( $field in $reservation_free_field_list ) Loop through all Custom Fields in the reservation
Name of the custom field
The value assigned

   #foreach( $bill in $billList ) Loop of bill list

Type of the bill
Name of the resource
Cashflowrule name
Start date of the bill
End date of the bill
Bill value ( With format )
Bill value ( Without format )
Quantity of the resource.
Quantity multiplier
Total bill amount ( With format )
Total bill amount ( Without format )

Billline type

quantity of resource
Resource type like products or extra's
Resource Id of the bill line.
Payertype like c(ustomer), p(aying customer) or a(gent)
Bill total excluding vat
$bill.bill_vat_rateBill vat rate
$bill.work_order_idwork order id

BillLines excluding VAT:

#foreach( $bill_excl_vat in $billList_excl_vat ) Loop on bill list ( bill excluding vat).
Type of the bill
Name of the resource
Cashflowrule name
Start date of the bill
End date of the bill
Bill value excluding vat ( With format )
Bill value excluding vat ( Without format )
Quantity of the resource.
Total bill amount excluding vat ( With format )
Total bill amount excluding vat ( Without format )
Billline type
quantity of resource
quantity multiplier
Resource type like products or extra's
Resource Id of the bill line.
Payertype like c(ustomer), p(aying customer) or a(gent)
Bill total excluding vat ( With format )
Bill total excluding vat (Without format )

Grouped billlines: This is the same list as above but with slightly less fields. When the resource is the same one, we group the lines to one line and sum the values. Can be useful in group reservations.

#foreach( $bill in $groupedBillList ) Loop of group bill list for grouped bill lines.
$bill.bill_typeType of the bill
    $bill.bill_startdateStrat date of bill
    $bill.bill_enddateEnd date of the bill
    $bill.bill_valueValue of the bill (with format)
$bill.bill_value_without_formatValue of the bill (without format)
    $bill.bill_quantityQuantity of the resource
    $bill.bill_totalTotal of the bill (with format)
    $bill.bill_total_without_formatTotal of the bill (without format)
    $bill.bill_linetypeType of the bill line
    $bill.bill_multiplierMultiplier of the resource
    $bill.bill_resource_type     Resource type like products or extra's
    $bill.bill_payer_type      Payertype like c(ustomer), p(aying customer) or a(gent)

Grouped billlines excluding VAT:

#foreach( $bill_excl_vat in $groupedBillList_excl_vat ) Loop of groupedBillList (bill excluding vat)
$bill_excl_vat.bill_typeType of the bill
    $bill_excl_vat.bill_startdateStrat date of bill
    $bill_excl_vat.bill_enddateEnd date of the bill
    $bill_excl_vat.bill_valueValue of the bill (with format)
    $bill_excl_vat.bill_value_without_formatValue of the bill (without format)
    $bill_excl_vat.bill_quantityQuantity of the resource
    $bill_excl_vat.bill_totalTotal of the bill (with format)
    $bill_excl_vat.bill_total_without_formatTotal of the bill (without format)
    $bill_excl_vat.bill_linetypeType of hte bill line
    $bill_excl_vat.bill_multiplierMultiplier of the resource
    $bill_excl_vat.bill_resource_type      Resource type like products or extra's
    $bill_excl_vat.bill_payer_typePayertype like c(ustomer), p(aying customer) or a(gent)
    $bill_excl_vat.bill_total_excl_vatBill total excluding vat ( With format )
    $bill_excl_vat.bill_total_excl_vat_without_formatBill total excluding vat (Without format )

FYI : wawb stand for Withholings And Warrants Bill

#foreach( $bill_excl_vat in $withholings_and_warrants_bill) Loop of Withholings And Warrants Bill use in cognos to template convert 

$wawb_reservation_idBill reservation id
$wawb_reservationbillline_idReservation bill line id 
$wawb_bill_line_typeReservation bill line type
$wawb_start_dateStart date for bill line
$wawb_end_dateEnd date for bill line
$wawb_bill_line_nameBill line name
$wawb_valueValue of bill line
$wawb_quantityQuantity for bill line
$wawb_multiplierMultiplier for bill line
$wawb_totalTotal of bill line



  #foreach( $rem in $reminderList ) Loop of reminder list
$rem.statusReminder status
    $rem.dueReminder due amount
    $rem.issue_dateReminder issue date
    $rem.due_dateReminder due date
    $rem.printed_datePrinted date of Reminder
    $rem.payer_typePayer type for reminder is printed
    $rem.due_amountReminder due amount


  #foreach( $memo in $memoList ) Loop for memo list
  $memo.creation_dateMemo creation date
   $memo.contentMemo content
$memo.category_idCategory id of memo
$memo.category_nameMemo category name



    #foreach( $memo in $reservation_memolist ) Loop for  reservation_memo List

$memo.memo_contentMemo content
$memo.memo_employee_firstnameFirstname of employee
$memo.memo_employee_middlenameMiddlename of employee
$memo.memo_employee_lastnameLastname of employee
$memo.memo_creation_dateMemo creation date
$memo.memo_category_nameMemo category name
$memo.memo_category_idMemo category id
$memo.memo_issensitiveIs sensitive (0 or 1)

On invoice (0 or 1)

$memo.memo_oncheckinOn check in (0 or 1)
$memo.predefined_memo_codePredefined memo code
$memo.predefined_memo_namePredefined memo name


  #foreach( $subject in $subjectList ) Loop for subject list
 $subject.typeType of the subject
    $subject.nameName of the subject
    $subject.quantityquantity of the subject

Travel subjects:

  #foreach( $subject in $travelList ) Loop for travel list
    $subject.reservationsubject_idReservation subject id
    $subject.reservation_idReservation id
    $subject.typeType of the subject
    $subject.remarkRemark of the subject
    $subject.lastnameLastname of the subject
    $subject.middleMiddlename of the subject
    $subject.firstnameFirstname of the subject
    $subject.birthdatebirthdate of the subject
    $subject.sexSex of the subject
    $subject.arrival_dateArrival date of the subject
    $subject.departure_dateDeparture date of the subject
    $subject.is_guestIs subject is guest (return true or false)
    $subject.is_companionis subject is companion (return true or false)
    $subject.phonePhone number of the subject
    $subject.emailEmail id of the subject

(return true or false)


#foreach( $vehicle in $travelVehiclesList) Loop for travel list
  $vehicle.vehicle_registration_markRegistration Mark

Received Payments:

  #foreach( $receivedPayment in $receivedPaymentList) Loop for received payment list
  $receivedPayment.mutationDateDate of payment received
    $receivedPayment.mutationIdmutation id of received payment
    $receivedPayment.banknameThe bank name from which payment is done
    $receivedPayment.statementDateDate of the payment Statement
    $receivedPayment.statementNumberPayment statement number
    $receivedPayment.contraAccountHolderContra acoount holder name
    $receivedPayment.amountAmount of the payment
    $receivedPayment.payerTypePayer type of received payment
    $receivedPayment.paymentNumberPayment number
    $receivedPayment.referenceNumberPayment reference number
    $receivedPayment.creditCardTypeType of credit card from which payment has been done
    $receivedPayment.paymentMethodTypeMethod of the payment
    $receivedPayment.creditCardNumberCredit card Number from which payment has been done
    $receivedPayment.paymentType   Type of payment
    $receivedPayment.cardholderName    Card holder name


  #foreach( $questionnaire in $questionnaireList) Loop for questionnaire List
$questionnaire.reservation_questionnaire_idReservation questionnaire id
    $questionnaire.send_datequestionnaaire start date
    $questionnaire.last_reminder_datequestionnaire last reminder date

Business snapshot:

$business_snapshot_idBusiness snapshot id
  $business_snapshot_numberBusiness snapshot number
  $snapshot_reservation_idBusiness snapshot reservation id
  $snapshot_creation_dateBusiness snapshot creation date
  $snapshot_valueBusiness snapshot value
  $snapshot_paidBusiness snapshot paid value
  $snapshot_openValue of business snapshot at the time of open
  $snapshot_payerTypePayer type of the snapshot
  $snapshot_value_vat_excludedIs value vat excluded for snapshot(return 0 or 1)
  $snapshot_paymenttermPayment term of snapshot


Payment term due date
$snapshot_value_without_formatBusiness snapshot value without format
$snapshot_paid_without_formatBusiness snapshot paid value without format
$snapshot_open_without_formatValue of business snapshot at the time of open without format


Business snapshot Issue date

#foreach($snapshotDetail in $snapshotDetailList)
$snapshotDetail.business_snapshot_details_idSnapshot details id
  $snapshotDetail.snapshot_amount_vat_includedSnapshot amount with vat included
$snapshotDetail.snapshot_amount_vat_excludedSnapshot amount without vat

  $snapshotDetail. snapshot_resource_name

Snapshot resource name
  $snapshotDetail.snapshot_vatsnap shot vat.
  $snapshotDetail.snapshot_vat_percSnapshot vat percentage
  $snapshotDetail.snapshot_reservedresource_idSnapshot reserved resource id
$snapshotDetail.snapshot_amount_vat_included_without_formatSnapshot amount with vat included without format
$snapshotDetail.snapshot_amount_vat_excluded_without_formatSnapshot amount without vat without format
$snapshotDetail.snapshot_vat_perc_without_formatSnapshot vat percentage without format
$snapshotDetail.snapshot_start_dateThe start date of this snapshot line
$snapshotDetail.snapshot_end_dateThe end date of this snapshot line. For the last snapshot this will usually be reservation end date
$snapshotDetail.no_of_daysnumber of days (which is actually the number of nights)
$snapshotDetail.price_per_nightPrice per night
$snapshotDetail.price_per_night_without_formatPrice per night without format.
 #foreach($vatRate in $snapshotdistinctvatratelist)
Vat rate of the snapshot
Sum of the vat
 $vatRate.snapshot_vat_rate_without_formatVat rate of the snapshot without format
$vatRate.snapshot_vat_sum_without_formatSum of the vat without format

Issue Invoices:

  #foreach($issueIncident in $issueIncidentList) Loop for issue incident
$issueIncident.issue_incident_idIssue incident id
 $issueIncident.work_time_added_dateIssue incident added date
 $issueIncident.descriptionissue incident description
 $issueIncident.labor_priceissue incident labour price
 $issueIncident.work_timeissue incident work time


$work_order_idWork order id
  $wo_firstnameWork order firstname
  $wo_lastnameWork order lastname
  $wo_unitnameWork order unit name
  $wo_address1Work order address
  $wo_zipcodeWork order zipcode
  $wo_cityWork order city
  $wo_stateWork order state
  $wo_countryWork order country

Work order category

  $wo_itemWork order items
  $wo_short_descriptionWork order short description
  $wo_descriptionWork order description
  $wo_areaWork order area
  $wo_phone_numberWork order phone number

Work order resort name


  #foreach($trip in $tips_trips) Loop for triptrips
 $trip.headTextHead text of tripstrips
    $trip.textText of triptrips
    $trip.visibleFromTriptrips visible from date
    $trip.visibleTotriptrips visible to date
    $trip.imageUrlImage URL's


 $ao_currency_idCurrency Id
  $ao_currency_symbolCurrency symbol
  $ao_currency_codeCurrency code
  $customer_currency_idCustomer currency id
  $customer_currency_symbolCustomer currency symbol
  $customer_currency_code Customer currency code
  $customer_localelocale of customer

Login Employee

 $login_employee_firstnameLogin employee first name
 $login_employee_lastnameLogin employee last name
 #foreach($energy in $energyList) 


gas start date
$energy.accommodation_gas_start_valuegas start value
$energy.accommodation_gas_end_dategas end date
$energy.accommodation_gas_end_valuegas end value
$energy.accommodation_electricity_start_dateelectricity start date
$energy.accommodation_electricity_start_valueelectricity start value
$energy.accommodation_electricity_end_dateelectricity end date
$energy.accommodation_electricity_end_valueelectricity end value
$energy.accommodation_water_start_datewater start date
$energy.accommodation_water_start_valuewater start value
$energy.accommodation_water_end_datewater end date
$energy.accommodation_water_end_valuewater end value
$energy.accommodation_cleansing_start_datecleansing start date
$energy.accommodation_cleansing_start_valuecleansing start value
$energy.accommodation_cleansing_end_datecleansing end date
$energy.accommodation_cleansing_end_valuecleansing end value

Debit card transaction tags

#foreach( $debitCardTransaction in $debitCardTransactionList )

$debitCardTransaction.debit_card_transaction_idUnique transaction id
$debitCardTransaction.debit_card_group_idUnique group id
$debitCardTransaction.outletOutlet where purchase is done
$debitCardTransaction.group_numberGroup number
$debitCardTransaction.product_typeType of the product
$debitCardTransaction.product_descriptionDescription of the product
$debitCardTransaction.priceThe price of the item
$debitCardTransaction.consumedQuantity consumed
$debitCardTransaction.availableQuantity available
$debitCardTransaction.transaction_datePurchase date

Debit card availability tags

foreach ($debitCardItem in $debitCardAvailabilityTagList)

$debitCardItem.debit_card_productDebit card product
$debitCardItem.debit_card_initial_valueInitial value
$debitCardItem.debit_card_available_limitAvailable limit
$debitCardItem.debit_card_consumed_valueConsumed value

Reservation event list tags

#foreach( $reservationEvent in $reservationEventList )

$reservationEvent.event_descriptionEvent description
$reservationEvent.event_timeTime when event is logged
$reservationEvent.event_employeeEmployee who made changes to reservation
$reservationEvent.event_old_value_descriptionThe old value description which is modified
$reservationEvent.event_new_value_descriptionThe new value description which is added

Loyalty Transaction: 

$loyalty_transaction_active_pointsLoyalty transaction active points
$loyalty_transaction_pending_pointsLoyalty transaction pending points
$loyalty_transaction_spent_pointsLoyalty transaction spent points
$loyalty_transaction_expired_pointsLoyalty transaction expired points

#foreach($loyalty in $loyaltyTransactionList)
$loyalty.loyalty_transaction_typeEvent description
$loyalty.loyalty_transaction_dateTime when event is logged
$loyalty.loyalty_activation_dateEmployee who made changes to reservation
$loyalty.loyalty_expiration_dateThe old value description which is modified
$loyalty.loyalty_original_pointsThe new value description which is added

Tag for formatting dates in template

$dateFormatter.format("name of tag" , "required date format")    e.g.  $dateFormatter.format("reservation_arrivaldate" , "dd-MM-yyyy")
$dateFormatter.increment(date, days, month, year)    e.g. increase date by 1 day using $dateFormatter.increment($reservation_reservationdate , 1,0,0)

Below is a list of date variables to use with dateFormatter:

EEE - Short day name (Fri)  

EEEE - Full day name (Friday)  

HH:mm - 24 hour clock (13:00)  

hh:mm - 24 hour clock (1:00)  

a - Shows am/pm (am)  

mm - Minutes with leading zero (60)

dd - Day in month with leading zero (09)  

DD - Day in year (64)  

M- Month (7)  

MM- Month with leading zero (07)  

MMM - Short month name (Jul)  

MMMM - Full month name (July)  

yyyy - Full year (1985)  

yy - Shortend year (85)  


Basic components:

G - era designator (AD)  

y - year (1996)  

M - month in year (July & 07)  

w - week in year (27)  

W - week in month (2)  

d - day in month (10)  

D - day in year (189)  

F - day of week in month 2 (2nd Wed in July)  

E - day in week (Tuesday)  

h - hour in am/pm (1~12) (12)  

H - hour in day (0~23) (0)  

k - hour in day (1~24) (24)  

K - hour in am/pm (0~11) (0)  

m - minute in hour (30)  

s - second in minute (55)  

S - millisecond (978)  

z - time zone (Pacific Standard Time)  

' - escape for text  

'' - single quote (')

For more info on formatting these strings see the Java docs

messageTool tag ("messageTool" is a general tag for getting message data in template)


#foreach($acco in $accommodationList)
     #foreach($property in $messageTool.getAccommodationProperties($acco))

  $property.propertyManagerIdId of property manager
         $property.propertyDefIdProperty definition id
         $property.code Code of property
         $property.nameName of property
         $property.descriptionDescription of property
         $property.groupCodeGroup code of property
         $property.groupNameGroup name of property
         $property.isCommonproperty is common (return true or false)
         $property.hasPreferenceCostsProperty has preference cost
         $property.typeType of the property
         $property.valueValue of property
         $property.startDateStart date of the property
         $property.endDateend date of the property
         $property.originOrigin of the property
         $property.extraIdThe extra linked to this property for preference costs
         $property.forObjectInspectionComposition inspection
         $property.dynamicmanagerIdproperty Dynamic manager id
         $property.visibleIs property visible (return true or false)
         $property.numberValueFor properties with a value, like number of square feet of garden
         $property.standardCodeStandard code of the property
         $property.standardCodeNameStandard code name.
         $property.selected Is property selected (return true or false)


Info text tag list

#foreach( $infotext in $infotextList )

$infotext.infotext_category_idReturns info text category id
$infotext.infotext_descriptionDescription of a info text

Energy section tag list

#foreach( $energySection in $energySectionList )

$energySection.nameName of a energy section
$energySection.end_valueConsumption till date
$energySection.valuePrice from cashflowrule based on its value type
$energySection.reservation_category_idreservation category from CASHFLOWRULE_RCATEGORY 

Loyalty tag list

Transaction Loyalty tags 

$loyalty_transaction_typeTransaction type
$loyalty_transaction_original_pointsOriginal points
$loyalty_transaction_remaining_pointsRemaining points
$loyalty_transaction_dateTransaction date
$loyalty_transaction_activation_dateActivation date
$loyalty_transaction_expiration_dateExpiration date

Independent tags for both Loyalty context and reservation context:

Tag Description 
$loyalty_active_pointsActive points balance
$loyalty_pending_pointsPending points balance
$loyalty_spent_pointsSpent points balance.
$loyalty_expired_pointsExpired points balance

#foreach($loyalty in $loyaltyTransactionList) 

$loayalty.resource_name Resource Name
$loyalty.type Transaction type
$loyalty.original_points Original points
$loyalty.remaining_points Remaining points
$loyalty.transaction_date Transaction date
$loyalty.activation_dateActivation date
$loyalty.expiration_date Expiration date
$loyalty.remark Remark 


Inner List

#foreach($loayalty in $loyaltyTransactionList)
#foreach($trans in $loayalty.loyaltyTransactionReferenceList)




For emails, based on notifications created by the notification-service, the following tags are available: 

$notificationIdIdentifier of the notification. Almost always unique per email. (It could be that one email is send to multiple contact persons, in that case, they share the same notificationId)
$notificationTaskIdIdentifier of the task
$notificationTaskNameName of the task in user language. It is possible to translate the name of the task, but in practice that is not used. 
$notificationActionIdIdentifier of the action. A task can have multiple actions, e.g. one to send email to customer, and another action to send email to the resort. 
$notificationActionNameName of the action. It is not possible to translate the name of the action. 
$notificationExecutionIdIdentifier of the execution. Each run of an periodical task has a unique execution. 
$notificationConditionIdIdentifier of the linked condition. A task can have multiple conditions, and a condition determines when the actions should be performed.
$mutationIdOptional. The identifier of the mutation linked to the notification
$reservedResourceIdOptional. The identifier of the reserved resource linked to the notification.

numberFormatter tag ($numberFormatter.format())

This tag is for formatting the bill amount according to current customer language.

Note: Please use this tag with other *_without_format tag only.
e.g. $numberFormatter.format($bill.bill_total_without_format)

loginUrlGenerator tag ($loginUrlGenerator.generate($email, $landingPage))

This tag is for creating a hash to get access on login/password change page in MyEnvironment


or with a landingpage (redirected to after success login)

$loginUrlGenerator.generate($email, $landingPage)

GroupBill function for grouping Billlines $messageTool.groupBill($billList,"resourceId","startDate","endDate")

function groupBill is used for grouping the bill lines on the basis of parameters which is passed to that function.
parameters which we can pass are "resourceId", "startDate", "endDate".
Example: $messageTool.groupBill($billList,"resourceId","startDate","endDate");
in this we have added resourceId , startDate and endDate as a grouping parameters the function will group the contents of bill lines according to this fields.
Note: (quantity, multiplier will not be used in the case of group bill).


  • When using pdfs, add "@page { margin: 0; }" to the CSS. This will generate a pdf with smaller margins.
  • The templates will be parsed using the Velocity template engine which is part of the Jakarta project from Apache. There are several keywords to use in the template which gives a lot of freedom to the template author. They are all explained in the user guide. The website can be found here:Velocity

Reservation distribution channel

Payment Link function $messageTool.generatePaymentLink(successUrl,cancelUrl,failUrl,paymentTerm,paymentMethods[])


successUrl/cancelUrl/failUrl - Client provided urls per payment status (success, cancelled, failed).

paymentTerm - this should be from first/all/due/Deposit one of this.

  • First : Link will generate for the amount from first payment term from particular reservation. it will not check whether it's close or open
  • All : Link will generate for the amount from all payment terms from particular reservation. it will not check whether it's close or open.
  • Due : Link will generate for total due amount from all payment terms from particular reservation.
  • Deposit : Link will generate for the amount of deposit payment term (it's checking the name of the payment term for this case ).

paymentMethods - payment method which need to be displayed on ingenico page.

Generate Barcode feature please Click here...

Olde Method Name : $messageUtil.generateBarcodeLink("BarcodeNumer") This is still working but only return barcode type CODE_39
New Method Name : $messageUtil.generateBarcodeLink("BarcodeNumber", "BarcodeType")
Where :
@Text : BarcodeNumber 
@BarcodeType : Below is BarcodeType value we support in our tool 


Note: We not support PDF_417 Type seems it create some error I already created issue in Zxing to resolved it so once it resolved we can provide PDF_417 Type as well

Note: Barcode type is case insensitive and if you pass any value apart from above list it select default CODE_39 type 

  • No labels