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Prebooking basic configuration and checks

To be able to make a pre-booking, some configuration has to be checked/added:

1. Pre-bookings can only be made for periods after the last Release. This can be viewed/configured in the Content Manager (Accommodation Type menu→ Availability card→ Releases)


In this case the last release has it’s Available until date for Everyone as 1/1/20. Which means that Pre-bookings could be enabled from 1/1/20.

2. If the houses to be linked have multiple representations, and only one of them has to be linked (for instance, only one for internal bookings like Reception), add an internal name for such representations to distinguish the representations, since the names of all representations.  To do this, you need to navigate to Content Manager→ Accommodation type menu→ Representations card, select the required representation (which opens the popup as shown below), and add the Internal Name.

Prebooking rentability

1. A rentability set needs to be created to define the rentability rules to be followed during prebooking. To create a rentability set, navigate to Rate Manager→  Rentability set menu.  

Please note, accommodation types are never linked to the rentability sets, only representations are linked. Depending on which channels need to be able to make the prebooking, the required representations can be linked to the rentability sets.

A few fields are required in the creation step, which can be seen below. The purpose of each of them is explained below:

  • Name: Add a name for the rentability set, to identify the different sets.
  • Code: Add a unique code per location for the rentability set
  • Location: Rentability Set can be created at the topmost location/individual resort level, depending on which houses you want to use this set for. For instance, if the set is created at the topmost resort, it can be used for all accommodations under this resort and all accommodations under its child resorts as well. 
  • Usage date from-to: Select the period for which you want to create rentability rules in the set/ period for which prebooking is to be allowed. If a date in the far future is required, that can be done as well, but usually it can go up to about 1-2 years in the future, For instance, for 2020 prebookings, a period of 01-Jan-2020 to 31-Dec-2021 could be added.

On creating the set, the set details page opens up. The checkbox highlighted in the below screenshot, marked 'Prebooking', needs to be enabled to be able to use this rentability set for prebooking purposes.


2. Now, the rentability rules can be added for the set as shown in the below screen:

3. This rentability set now needs to be linked to all required representations. The link dates are to show for which period you want to use this set for the particular representation(s). 
To link a representation(s), use the highlighted button to open the following popup:

Step 1: Add the dates for which the link needs to be created. The default dates show up as per the rentability set usage dates (defined during set creation), but they can be changed if required. However, the stay dates need to lie within the rentability set usage period. Likewise, the book dates have default dates from today to the end of the usage period, they can be altered as well but only for future dates (past dates cannot be selected).

If required, use the 'Location' filter to narrow down the list of accommodation types that would show up in the next step. After this, click on 'Next step'.

Step 2: Select the required accommodations whose representations need to be linked to this rentability set, and then click on 'Next Step'.

Step 3: In this step, select the required representations. If an internal name is added for any representation, it shows up in bracket, as can be seen below. It can be used as an identifier here, in case each accommodation has multiple representations. Click on 'Next step'.

Step 4: The final step is to approve the selection made. If everything is satisfactory, click on 'Start Update', else it is possible to go back to previous steps by clicking on 'Previous Steps' and making required changes.

Error message info

Often, on starting the update, an error shows up, something like this:

This simply means that the given representations already have this/some other rentability set linked to it for partial/entire period (The dates that were selected in step 1). As required, changes can be made or these representations can be removed from selection, and then the update can be proceeded with.

On linking representations, the card shows the data as follows:

Prebooking prices

1.  To add the prebooking prices, you need to create a prebooking rate option. The Default Rate type needs to have a Rate option for Pre-booking, which can be created by navigating to the default rate type in the Rate Type menu in the Rate Manager, and creating a rate option as follows:


After successfully creating the rate option, it can be seen as follows:

2. Add prices for all required accommodations, for the required period. This can be done in batch update as well, or in the Rates screen.

For batch update, navigate to the following menu (Batch Updates), and click on 'New Batch Update'

Add required filters in the first step, and select the required accommodations in the second step.

Lastly, add the prices for the prebooking rate option, and run the batch update to save the prices.

Prebooking reservation

Continue to make a reservation in Reservation Manager, where the accommodations show up marked as ‘Prebooking’- continue with the reservation, and it gets saved as Prebooking reservation.


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