In the Email template we can show the bill of the new reservation, or just the voucher amount. Advice is to keep this email as simple as possible, to ensure you will not directly be flooded with questions by clients.
In the script all reservations will get the validation status 'Park 9' so we can identify the changed reservations in an easy way, send the email template and change the status to 'Send'.
Important: Before starting the process of sending emails, ensure there are no bookings with status Park 8 or Park 9. This can be changed in 1 click in Search Reservations.
Process of sending email:
We advice to perform this process in 3 steps:
Step 1: Send an email with General information to the guest - booking will be converted to a voucher soon and more details will follow within X days
Create a selection in Search Reservations (Newyse, not MXTS) as per your needs and send the information email. As soon send, ensure you change the validation status to 'Park 8'
Step 2: Ask Maxxton DBA team to run the script for all reservations with validation status 'Park 8'
By this script we will delete all current resources (including the accommodation) and insert the new extra 'voucher outstanding' with the amount of the paid amount by the guest (see also page script). The converted reservations will get the Validation Status 'Park 9', so it's clear these reservations are ready to be confirmed to the clients.
Step 3: Send voucher email template with the exact amount and conditions to the guests and change the Validation Status into 'Send'