Jean-Pierre Mampaey
Ruben de Looff
Esther Nijhoff
Due to the Coronavirus pandemic many bookings will need to be cancelled as resorts are forced to close for a period of time.
This page is to offer the option to convert the reservation into a 'voucher' for the guest. To be clear, for the guest it will be a 'voucher' in MXTS it will be a resource of type extra.
User flow:
Below an example of a booking, before and after:
In the booking, an extra will be added with the amount which has already been paid, the other content will be removed out of the booking. In this way, the balance of the booking will be 0:
The guest will receive a unique voucher code. With the voucher code, the guest can make a new booking.
Through the voucher code, an add on will be added to the booking which deducts the same amount as saved in the previous booking.
In case the value of the voucher is higher than the new booking, an adjustment-add on will be added to correct the amount and make sure that there will not be a refund.
In case the value of the voucher is less than the new booking, the guest needs to pay the rest amount.
Option 2 we are exploring is give the booker the option to use the voucher after the booking is made:
Steps to be taken: (details in the sub pages)
- Configuration needs
- Create Email template to inform guest on how the procedure will work
- Run script by Maxxton DBA team
- Email clients
- <to be described> convert voucher into a new booking with lower and higher amount