The script will convert reservations with Validation Status 'Park 8' into Vouchers, by deleting all existing resources and add the new resource 'Outstanding voucher' with amount equal to the paid amount by the guest.
More details will follow soon. Next to this, there is a script available with the following options:
There is a script available where we can set:
- arrivals with definitive status or any other
- arrival date from / till
- Reservation category IN or NOT IN (to exclude for example owner reservations)<to be added by Abhi>
Mandatory conditions in the script are
- exclude bookings containing a specific extra (it can be NULL)
- Status = definitive
- Bill Agent in empty
- Bill Paying customer is empty
Actions taken by script
- Change validation_status = 'Park 9'
- Add extra 'Corona pandemie voucher' with the amount = paid amount in the booking (Need resource_id of the extra)
- Delete all resources in the booking, except the one added in step 2