Creating an Energy settlement can be done in the module Energy under Finance.
The resort has to be chosen, and also the date "Generate till". This date will define the Arrival date = Departure date of the invoice reservation which will be created. This date doesn't have any impact on which meter readings will be taken into account. So even if the date "Generate till" = 30-09-19 and the meter reading has date = 22-10-19, the meter reading will be taken into account and Arrival date = Departure date = 30-09-19 of the invoice reservation.
The Payment term set chosen will take care of the payment term added in the invoice reservation. Check if this configuration for invoices does already exist.
The system will ask: "Do you want to settle the invoice amount with your deposit?" In this example, we only want to settle the costs as configured, so the answer will be "No".
After clicking on "Open Reservation, the invoice will be opened. Then it will be visible that the invoice has been created as a sub-reservation of the Year round reservation on the same accommodation which is checked-in.
The energy settling can be done again.
Step 1a: Add meter readings in Accommodations
In Accommodations on Unit level on the tab Energy Guest, the first and following meter readings could be added. If this is done, the reservation will automatically show the start value.
=> This part is not available in MXTS yet.
Step 1b: Add meter readings in reservation through Check-out
The Start end End value could be added manually in the reservation through the Check-out module as well.
Once the end value has been added, the Startdate and Enddate are filled automatically, even as the Total usage and the costs of the corresponding extra per usage unit.
=> Currently there is a bug that will be fixed through MXTS-29683 - Issue updating the energy start value READY FOR QA , therefore the costs and start value are not shown in MXTS.
Step 2: Check the bill
Once the meter reading have been completed, the bill should show the correct costs per extra.
In CICO all booked resources are shown, just like on the bill in the reservation itself.