Purpose of this documentation is to specify for the fiscal archive:
i) how to read the archive
ii) the architecture of the archive
iii) the contents of the archive
The fiscal archive is created for invoices and tickets created within the daterange selected before creating an archive. A zipfile is created with multiple Excel files which hold the details of relevant invoices and tickets. Furthermore this explanatory file is part of the created fiscal archive.
The integrity of the file is controlled via the created electronic signature which is added separately in the file. To generate the electronic signature, there are the following input parameters:
-Tax incl. amounts brokendown per vat rate
-Tax incl. amounts of the period
-Operation timestamp
-Terminal/POS code
-Operation type
-Previous signature Y/N
-If present, previous electronic signature
The files in the archive are:
*Reservation_Tax_Total_Report: This is the main file in the fiscal archive with almost all details related to invoices, tickets and periodical closing totals.
*Reservation_Tax_Report: This document holds VAT specifics on ticket/invoice level.
*Eventlog_Report: This document holds JET data for selected daterange, which is stored in nf525_eventlog table.
*Reservation_Bill_Snapshot_Report: This document contains a snapshot of the bill, everytime a transaction on the reservation performed. Data is stored in reservation_bill_snapshot table.
*Payment: This file holds received payment details.
*signature_file: This document contains the electronic signature of the archive, as well as electronic signature of previous fiscal archive (if applicable).
Per file, a more detailed explanation of the main columns is given:
This file holds all grand totals (GTT, GTF, GTP, GTM, GTA) for the archive created, which is stored in nf525_reservation_tax_total and the applicable tax values and amounts from reservation_tax_total table.
Furthermore, the following ticket and invoice details are included: operation type, electronic signatures, customer details, issueing entity details, operation type, NF version, Software name.
Main columns are:
RESERVATION_TAX_TOTAL_ID: ID for corresponding record in Reservation_tax_total_report
TAX_PERCENTAGE: Identifier of VAT rate for the record
TAX_AMOUNT: VAT amount for VAT rate
RESOURCE_AMOUNT_INCL_TAX: Total bill amount including VAT for the VAT rate
RESOURCE_AMOUNT_EXCL_TAX: Total bill amount excluding VAT for the VAT rate
Main columns are:
EVENTLOG_ID: ID for record in database
EMPLOYEE: Employee executing the event which leads to registration in eventlog
EVENT_TYPE: NF525 eventcodes
EVENT_TYPE_DESCRIPTION: NF525 naming of event type
EVENT_TIME: Time of event
OLD_VALUE_VARCHAR2: Initial record ID of event in particular table primary key.
OLD_VALUE_DESCRIPTION: Old value, if applicable
NEW_VALUE_VARCHAR2: Record ID of event in particular table primary key.
NEW_VALUE_DESCRIPTION: New value, if applicable
SIGNATURE: Electronic signature of event number
PREVIOUS_SIGNATURE: Electronic signature of previous event number
EVENT_NUMBER: Sequential event number.
Main columns are:
RESERVATION_ID: Internal backend reference ID for reservation
CASHFLOWRULE_NAME: Identifyer of bill lines
VALUE: Base amount of resource
QUANTITY: Quantity of resource in bill
TOTAL: Total amount per resource in bill
VIRTUAL_OVERRIDE_VALUE: Updated bill amounts including VAT after price override
VAT_RATE: VAT rate per resource in bill
TOTAL_EXCL_VAT: Bill amounts excluding VAT
*Payment details report
MUTATION_ID: Internal backend ID for transaction
RESERVATION_ID: Internal backend reference ID for reservation
RESERVATION_NUMBER: Reservation number
PAYER_TYPE: Payment made by Customer, Paying Customer or Agent
DEBIT: Amount for incoming transaction
CREDIT: Amount for outgoing transaction
MUTATION_DATE: Date of registering transaction in system
DEBIT_PAYER_CURRENCY AMOUNT: Amount for incoming transaction in reservation currency
CREDIT_PAYER_CURRENCY AMOUNT: Amount for outgoing transaction in reservation currency
EMPLOYEE_ID: ID of entity registering the transaction
EMPLOYEE_NAME: Name of entity registering the transaction
ACCOUNT_NAME: Name of payment method
ADMINORGANISATION_NAME: Name of the legal entity the archive is created for
SIGNATURE: Created electronic signature for the created fiscal archive based on the input parameters as described earlier in this document.
PREVIOUS_SIGNATURE: Previously created electronic signature.