Register meter readings- Operations application

Register meter readings- Operations application

Through the Maxxton Operations application, there is a possibility to register meter readings for the meters we know in the system. How to do this?

How to register meter readings through the Operations application:

  • Once at the meter reading dashboard, there is a possibility to search for a specific unit.
  • Select the unit for which a meter reading should be registered.
  • Select which meter you want to register a reading for by using the tab buttons on top (gas, water, electricy or cleansing.
  • Hit the "add meter value" button and fill in the current value displayed on the meter.
    • There is a possibility to indicate whether it's a start value (non-likely, this is used very occasionally).
    • There is a possbility to add a description, which will be stored together with the meter reading.
  • Hit the "submit" button and the value is stored within the system.

Explanation video:

Setting up the right configuration:

  • User should have the permissions: Operations application - Meter readings
  • The units that you want register meter readings for belong to a specific accommodation kind. There the meter reading toggle should be enabled below Settings.

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