Third Party API - Release v2024.17.0

New features and bug fixes

Third Party API - Release v2024.17.0

Your Third Party API experience is improving as we work to squash bugs and release new features. Here's an account of the improvements you'll find in the latest releases.

This release is now available on production at 24 April.

Third Party API

What's Improved

  • A New field paymentTermSetId added in the confirm reservation endpoint

    Endpoint POST /maxxton/v1/reservations

  • New fields added in the financials endpoints

    The adminOrganisationId,revenueDistributionId,revenueDistributionJournalId field is added in the following endpoint

    • GET /maxxton/v1/adminorganisations/(adminOrganisationId)/revenuedistributions/(revenueDistributionId)/journals

    The adminOrganisationId,financialTransactionReportId,financialTransactionReportJournalId field is added in the following endpoint

    • GET /maxxton/v1/adminorganisations/(adminOrganisationId)/financialtransactions/(financialTransactionReportId)/journals

    The adminOrganisationId field is added in the following endpoint

    • GET /maxxton/v1/adminorganisations/(adminOrganisationId)/financialtransactions
  • Performance improvement for the distributionchannel endpoint

    The performance improvement has been done for the GET /maxxton/v1/distributionchannels endpoint

  • A New field added in the operations endpoints to support existing data in the new structure

    New field IssueTaskSchedules added in the GET /maxxton/v1/operations/periodicalTasks