Unified Inbox Dashboard & All Messages Screen


Unified Inbox Dashboard is the dashboard from where users can access and perform several operations on all the messages/conversations that are part of the unified inbox. For an user to be able to view and access this dashboard it’s required that the user has the feature flag enabled from “Maxxton Admin“.

All Messages Screen is also the same as Unified Inbox Dashboard but shows more number of conversations/messages and has few extra features as compared to Unified Inbox Dashboard.

Features Of Unified Inbox Dashboard

  1. This dashboard shows only the 50 unanswered messages/conversations.

  2. This dashboard categorizes all the unanswered messages/conversations into three categories namely very urgent, urgent, and upcoming. This categorization is done based on the Message Grouping Based On Urgency and default SLA time set for a particular communication channel based on which the due date is calculated for each message/conversation. Further Information for it and how to configure it has been described in the section “Message Grouping Based On Urgency“.

  3. This dashboard shows messages/conversations to the user only from the inboxes to which they have access (basically the inbox to which they are linked) but, if a user is having the permission “Customer Care - Access All Inboxes“ from Back Office Manager this dashboard will show conversations/messages from all the inboxes. Further insight about the permissions and their respective behavior can be found here .

  4. This dashboard also gives an insight into the number of conversations/messages that is answered and unanswered within each inbox through the chips as shown below. By default, Unified Inbox dashboard has an assignee filter automatically applied.


5. This dashboard has a filter on the top left side which allows the user to select a particular inbox and then the dashboard will show messages/conversations from that inbox only.

6. Unified Inbox Dashboard also allows user to filter out the conversations based on several filters such as sender email address, recipient email address, assignee of the conversation/message, the case with which a conversation/message is linked, received date, expiration date, archived conversations, unarchived conversations, and unassigned filter.


Bulk Operations Done Through Unified Inbox Dashboard

  1. On the Unified Inbox Dashboard user can update multiple conversations/messages at once by clicking on the button “Update Messages“ button.


2. After clicking on the button update messages a dialog box appears from there user can choose what they want to update that is inbox, assignee or want to mark conversations/messages as answered.


3. For changing the inbox and assignee of the conversations user can select the required inbox, and assignee with which they want conversations to get updated, and then after selecting the appropriate inbox, assignee and mark as answered click on the update messages button.

For “Change Inbox“ bulk update the “Select Inbox“ will show a drop down list of only those inboxes which are linked to the logged in employee. Similarly, For “Change Assignee“ bulk update the “Select Assignee“ drop down will show a list of employees which are linked to the inbox of the conversations/messages which are being bulk updated.

Message Grouping Based On Urgency

  1. Each category visible for conversations/messages on Unified Inbox Dashboard has certain threshold value and it is configurable as well. Following are the steps to configure the threshold values.

  2. Click on “Configuration” for the side drawer and then click on “Customer Care“. There a section named “Message Grouping Based On Urgency“ is visible.

  3. In this section we are able to see different category names and their values which can be updated/changed. The threshold value for “Upcoming“ category is 24 hours and static.

  4. The threshold values for other two categories are configurable by increasing or decreasing the threshold value by clicking on the arrow. Once the required threshold value is set user can click on the “Update Configuration“ button.


Features Of All Messages Screen

  1. This shows all unanswered and answered messages/conversations and will be visible to the users only when they have “Customer Care - Access All Messages Module“ permission.

  2. Unlike Unified Inbox Dashboard this screen does not categorize any message/conversation.

  3. All Message Screen also shows messages/conversations to the user only from the inboxes to which they have access (basically the inbox to which they are linked) but, if an user is having the permission “Customer Care - Access All Inboxes“ from Back Office Manager then all messages screen will show conversations/messages from all the inboxes. Further insight about the permissions and their respective behavior can be found here .

  4. All Messages Screen also has a filter on the top left side which allows the user to select a particular inbox and then the screen will show messages/conversations from that inbox only.


5. All Messages Screen also allows filtering conversations/messages based on several filters such as sender email address, recipient email address, assignee of the conversation/message, the case with which a conversation/message is linked, received date, expiration date, archived conversations, unarchived conversations and unassigned filter.

Bulk Operations Done Through All Messages Screen

  1. On the Unified Inbox Dashboard, the user can update multiple conversations/messages at once by clicking on the button “Update Messages“.

  2. After clicking on the button update messages a dialog box appears from there users can choose what they want to update. Users can select the inbox, assignee, mark conversations/messages as answered and mark conversations/messages as unanswered.

  3. For changing the inbox and assignee of the conversations user can select the required inbox, assignee with which they want conversations to get updated, and then after selecting the appropriate inbox, assignee, mark as answered and mark as unanswered click on the update messages button.


For “Change Inbox“ bulk update the “Select Inbox“ will show a drop down list of only those inboxes which are linked to the logged in employee. Similarly, For “Change Assignee“ bulk update the “Select Assignee“ drop down will show a list of employees which are linked to the inbox of the conversations/messages which are being bulk updated.