Supplier connection implementation template

Supplier connection implementation template


Purpose of this page is to provide a framework for functional analysis

Prerequisite statements

  • The Maxxton client needs to agree with their supplier on the inventory that will be sold through the Maxxton system and how the commission and other contractual obligatgions are settled.
  • A connection can only be setup when partner pricing structure is matching client pricing structure (for example: nightly rates, lenght of stay rates)
  • Accommodationtype configuration in scope for connection must meet the following criteria:
    • Accommodationtypes should be the lowest level in the accommodationtype tree structure
    • Accommodationtype should not have units created under that (i.e. accommodationtypes are required to use the unit quantity setting)
    • Accommodationtype should have all required configuration besides prices, like rentability, capacity to make it bookable.
  • Optionally, for addons prices can be fetched. Quantity is not applicable as stockkeeping is not supported via connection
  • For specials, nothing can be fetched. For accommodationtypes the lowest available price is fetched this can include discounts. Special configuration is not relevant in MXT system, when a connection is in place.


  1. Conclude scope for interface (client)
  2. Check if the integration is already available in the Maxxton system or should be developed from scratch (maxxton)
  3. Analyse end2end (business-)impact from prerequisite configuration point of view (use functional analysis template below) (client)
  4. Get prerequisite configuration in place (accommodationtypes, addons) supporting the connection and update related data (reservations, owners, others?) (client)
  5. Setup done by Maxxton: (maxxton)
    1. Add supplier
    2. Add required supplier settings
    3. Create job to sync prices and availability 
  6. Required information from client (client)
    1. Mapping of resorts: ID of resort(s) in scope for connection in source CRS
    2. Mapping of accommodationtypes: ID of accommodationtypes in scope for connection in source CRS
    3. Authenticate with supplier system: Source CRS API_key (required to configure at MXT end so we can access the source data)
  7. Update prerequisite configuration from step 4 in MXT system with source CRS ID’s from step 6  to establish resource mapping between the two systems. (client or maxxton)

Functional analysis

Detailed analysis of current state of (configuration) ingredients and their respective changing behavior based on a changing business environment. 

Business context

High level description of business background, mainly focussing on who, why and relation of companies and applications involved. Entities to describe are both the bookable location(s) and financial counterpart (partner(s) behind bookable location).


Scenario/requirement analysis

Analysis of envisioned business flow when connection is in place. Furthermore, analysis of business dynamics and processes potentially resulting in changing configuration. This paragraph should describe potentially changing configuration at that time in relation to expected connection behavior.


Impact analysis

In this section the impact analysis (and preferably concluded outcome)  should be documented where following functional areas are considered, if the connection would be setup as envisioned:

  • Impact accommodationtype configuration 
  • Impact addon configuration
  • Impact rate manager configuration (offers, rate types, rate options)
  • Impact owner manager configuration
  • Impact partner portal
  • Impact partner portal contacts
  • Owner settlement for commission contracts



Detailed description of targeted scope for interfacing (both ways), related to existing MXT system configuration. This paragraph should clearly include or exclude resources (accommodationtypes, addons), rentability and prices (taking rate types, rate options and multi currency into account). It should be clear how new, changing and cancelled reservations are processed.








What kind of offers are in place at supplier and how are they expected at the end in pricing?




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