Work orders

In the MXTS Front Office Manager, there are multiple ways to create a workorder. The created workorders will be visible in the workorder flow of the Maxxton Operations application.

Both flows will be discussed below:

Want to create a workorder on a unit reported by a guest? Create via the reservation itself.

  • Open the reservation via Check-in/out.
  • Open the details of the unit within that reservation
  • Head to the workorder tab
  • Create a workorder on the selected unit in the reservation

Want to create a workorder on a facility or on an object that isn't for sale (owner object only)?

  • Open the workorder menu via the menu list on the left
  • Create a workorder on a to be selected unit/facility

Details to be inserted

Via the reservation, screen A will be shown and via the workorder menu item screen B will be shown.

  • Select workorder category, item and area's as configured in the maintenance module.
  • Add short but detailled information about the issue in the reported incident field.
  • Solution and material fields can be left empty during creation of a workorder, except from the case once it's already fixed but requires administration.
  • Give a priority to the mentioned workorder. This will set the expected start date of the workorder.
  • Configure maintenance opening hours (if applicable)
  • Add pictures whenever needed.
  • The pet is present checkbox will automatically be checked once a pet is added in the reservation as travel company. Screen A only.
  • Entry allowed when no one in the accommodation. Whenever it's allowed to enter the accommodation when the guest isn't there during the stay, please check the box for privacy matters. Screen A only.
  • Create the new workorder

Screen A:

Extra options on the next step:

  • Assign the workorder to a specific employee. If not done, workorder will be inserted unassigned so everyone can assign it to themselves. The employee list is filtered on location selection and permission selection in employee profile. Required permission is Operations Manager - Resolver.
  • Status new (in case unassinged) and assigned can be used while creating workorder. If workorder is already fixed, other status can be selected too.
  • Select material(s) to handover to the guest directly

Screen B: