Maxxton Software - Release v2024.25.0

New features and bug fixes

Maxxton Software - Release v2024.25.0

Your Maxxton Software experience is improving as we work to squash bugs and release new features. Here's an account of the improvements you'll find in the latest releases.

This release is now available on production at 19 June.

Back Office Manager

What's Improved

  • Improved list layout for the Roles menu

    We have improved the layout of the Roles list in the Backoffice manager. You can now use the advanced search bar to filter the list on various criteria. You can also now sort the list and open the Roles in the new tab from the list view.

Customer Care

What's Improved

  • Reward rules - create flow - impact analysis

    To ensure that the date range for calculating the impact of loyalty program remains within the defined program dates, implemented validation that restricts the selectable dates in the date picker to within the loyalty program's start and end dates.

  • Reward rule conditions are in ascending order while adding/editing

    The conditions in the reward rules are now displayed in proper ascending order when adding or editing the rules. This enhancement improves usability and ensures a more organized and intuitive interface for users.

  • The loyalty points during the deduplication process are displayed accurately

    Implemented changes that ensures the loyalty points (including sign-up points) are summed correctly during the deduplication process and accurately reflected on the overview screen before the actual merge.

  • Bulk update reward rule update stay period

    Implemented the functionality of selecting single or multiple reward rules at once and updating their stay dates

  • Improvement in Communication Channel

    • Implemented a descriptive popup box to inform users about the delay and advising them to wait for 15 minutes when enabling or disabling a communication channel.
    • To prevent multiple login popups from opening when the user clicks the "Log in on Office 365" button multiple times, has disabled the button immediately after it is clicked.
    • Disabled the "Update Email Address" button until changes are made to the email address
  • Performance Optimization

    The performance improvements to the APIs will significantly enhance the user experience on the Unified Inbox, Conversation Details, and All Messages screens.

  • Email Validation for customer profile on Customer Overview Page

    Implemented email validation across all pages, including the Customer overview page. This involves checking the email format before saving any changes and displaying an error message if the email is invalid.

Content Manager

What's New

  • Add-on import

    We have added a feature to import the add-on using the addon import template in the import functionality.

  • Ability to export locks

    We have added a new feature where we will be able to export the lock details of the units based on user prefered filters.

What's Improved

  • Show public url when document is of type public in document module

    In case any public document is available in the docuemnts, then we are providing the public url to copy the document link for email, text or view on website for the end user.

  • Not visible which resources are already linked in a rate, while editing the rate

    Improved UI of the resources linked to rates to view the linked resources such as accommodation type, add-ons, offers and accommodation kind in such a way that the linked resources are listed the first followed by remaining list of resources.

  • Possibility to show an alert when adding the same config for Add-ons (mandatory or additional bookable)

    We have added a warning message while linking the mandatory add-on when the add-on is already linked with the similar configurations.

Finance Manager

What's Improved

  • As a user, I want to search for unassigned payments within specific amounts

    With the latest update, users can now easily search for unassigned payments using specific amounts or a range.

Front Office Manager

What's New

  • Allotment overview

    For the users that are working with allotment, we have now added the allotment overview in MXTS on the planning chart. It shows you an overview of what is still in allotment per location/accommodation type/distribution channel.

Notification Manager

What's Improved

  • option to remind the customer to provide missing document of type certificate

    A new parameter is added to the task conditions allowing you to send communication related to missing documents.

Operations Manager

What's Improved

  • Calculate task duration based on subject quantity

    In the task configuration module, there’s now a new feature added, that allows you to calculate the task duration based on the subjects quantity from the reservation so that when the task is planned based on the subjects quantity task duration will multiply. This enhancement is particularly useful when the package is booked in the reservation that contains multiple addons and the user is not able to multiply the addon quantity which is particularly used when the task is planned based on addon quantity.

Owner Manager

What's Fixed

  • The Owner “Used days” do not update/synch

    The data for owner "Used days" for certain old records was experiencing issues with proper updating and synchronization, thus leading to inaccuracies in specific cases. This could result in discrepancies in the recorded utilisation of resources or services. However, this issue has since been rectified.

  • User able to select past dates in create journal period

    The issue where users could select past dates in the "start date" option while adding a journal period has been resolved.

Rate Manager

What's New

  • New permission for configuring accommodation rentability

    The new permission allows you to prevent a specific role to configure accommodation rentability. Without this permission a user will not be able to add or edit rentability for any accommodation. Permission name: Rate Manager - Configure Accommodation Rentability

Reservation Manager

What's Improved

  • New export columns related to payment term details

    In Search reservations, new columns are added to the export column set to give you more insight related to payment term details in the reservations.