Standardized Jira tickets
What is it?
Part of setting up the project is to populate the Jira Plan with Epics, which correspond to the defined project products. For an efficient process, it is advisable to make use of the standardized ticket template and tailor this to the project’s needs by removing obsolete records or adding customer-specific records.
How to use it?
In order to maintain and improve this tool for future use, the following process is advised:
Download the latest version of the standardized ticket list from this page
Manually create Epics (project products) in Jira
Link the epics to new tickets in the file, so a logic hierarchy and segregation of project products and tasks arises
Remove or add tickets from the file to tailor the list to the project’s needs
Import in Jira
But last but not least:
Upload an improved generic list in this page, if generic improvements are done or identified in the file, such as:
New configuration topics
Higher level of detail for existing topics
Improved ticket descriptions
Links to Maxxton Academy in ticket description where possible
Standardized Jira tickets