Third Party API - Release v2024.51.0

New features and bug fixes

Third Party API - Release v2024.51.0

Your Third Party API experience is improving as we work to squash bugs and release new features. Here's an account of the improvements you'll find in the latest releases.

This release is now available on production at 18 December.

Third Party API

What's Improved

  • Supported amenityCategoryCode details in the unit details endpoint

    The new request parameter amenityCategoryCode is added in the Endpoints GET /maxxton/v1/units/details and GET /maxxton/v1/units/{unitId}/details

  • New field is added in the owners endpoint and umbrella_owner type supported in the ownerPool field

    The field role is added in the sharedOwnerShips section of Endpoints GET /maxxton/v1/owners and GET /maxxton/v1/owners/{ownerId}

  • New fields are added in the owners endpoint

    Following fields are added in the Endpoints GET maxxton/v1/owners and GET maxxton/v1/owners/{ownerId}

    • directDebitEnabled
    • mandateIdentification
    • mandateType
    • mandateSignedIn
  • Travelparty details are added in the reservations details endpoint

    A new returnSection, TRAVELPARTIES is added in the Endpoints GET /maxxton/v1/reservations/details and GET /maxxton/v1/reservations/{reservationId}/details

  • New field is added in the owners endpoint

    The field previousPmsId is added in the endpoints GET maxxton/v1/owners and GET /maxxton/v1/owners/{ownerId}

  • Supported paymentMethods details in the reservations details endpoint

    The new returnSection for paymentMethods added in the Endpoints GET /maxxton/v1/reservations/details and GET /maxxton/v1/reservations/{reservationId}/details

  • New field is added in the owners endpoint

    The field language is added in the Endpoints GET maxxton/v1/owners and GET /maxxton/v1/owners/{ownerId}

  • Supported amenity preference costs in the accommodationtype availability preference endpoint

    The GET /maxxton/v1/accommodationtypes/availability/preferences endpoint is now supporting amenity preferences also.