Third Party API - Release v2024.45.0

Third Party API - Release v2024.45.0

New features and bug fixes

Third Party API - Release v2024.45.0

Your Third Party API experience is improving as we work to squash bugs and release new features. Here's an account of the improvements you'll find in the latest releases.

This release is now available on production at 12 November.

Third Party API

What's New

  • A New GET endpoint is added to retrieve customer status categories

    Endpoint GET /maxxton/v1/customerstatus/categories

What's Improved

  • The reservation proposal call supports multiple additions in case of multiple accommodation types

    Duplicate additions are allowed for both accommodation types if they share common elements, but they must have different resource IDs.

  • New field is added in the unit workorders endpoint

    The field referenceNumber added in the Endpoint GET /maxxton/v1/units/workorders

  • New field is added in the owners endpoint

    The field birthCountryId added in the Endpoint GET /maxxton/v1/owners and GET /maxxton/v1/owners/{ownerid}

  • New field is added in the reservations payments endpoint

    The field paymentMethod added in the Endpoint GET /maxxton/v1/reservations/payments and GET /maxxton/v1/reservations/{reservationId}/payments

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