Add-on package

When a group of add-ons is offered together as a complete package then we call them 'Add-on package'. Using add-on package, you can combine two or more add-ons together and offer them as one package where guests will be able to book one package to avail all add-ons which are a part of the package.

Examples of packages can be


   Bowling & Dinner package                                                       



Bowling & Dinner package comprising of a game of "Bowling" for 4 people, "Dinner" for 4 people and additional "Drinks" at only 10,- per person. So the add-on package is "Bowling & Dinner package" and the package items can be "Bowling", "Dinner" and "Drinks"

Let's see how to set up such an add-on package.

Steps to create an add-on package

1. Creating add-on package

  • Go to 'Content Manager' and click on "Add-ons" in left menu
  • To create add-on package, click on "Create add-on   
  • In the 'Create add-on' pop-up, choose the location for which you would like to create this add-on package. 
  • Choose the 'Type of add-on' as 'Add-on package' to create an add-on package
  • Choose the parent under which you want to create this package. 
  • Add the name and code of the add-on package. You can also add description and short description which will be seen when guests book this package online.


  • Click on 'Finish' to create your add-on package.

2. Linking add-ons as package items

  • To link add-ons as package items, go to 'Linked package items' section in your newly created add-on package. 
  • Click on "Link package items" where a new pop up will enable you to choose one or multiple add-ons and link them as items of this package. 
  • You can filter the add-ons based on location and then search them based on name or code of add-on. 


  • After selecting add-ons in step 1, you can specify conditions for the add-ons as follows
    • "Item applicable for specific subject" - If the add-on is only applicable for adults or kids then you can choose this option and choose the subjects. 
    • "Will the items be charged to guests?" - If any of the add-on is charged to guests. Enabling this setting will display the rate of add-on on guest bill. 
    • If you would like to enable the booking of the package item add-ons on specific days of stay like arrival or departure, then you can enable the setting "Do you want to customize booking of this item for specific days?"
  • Click on 'Finish' to link the add-ons as package items



3. Adding specific rates for package items (add-ons)

  • You can define individual rates to the package items linked to the add-on package. 
  • Let's assume, we have the package "Bowling & Dinner package" which consists of package items: "Bowling", "Dinner", "Drinks". When the guests book  the "Bowling & Dinner package" then they have to pay certain charges for the complete package. 
  • However, the linked package items can have a rate as well which can be marked as "included" (by "Will the items be charged to guests" marking as No).
  • In this example, let's assume, "Bowling" and "Dinner" are included as a part of the package. However, you still have the option to define internal rates for these package items for financial distribution on a ledger (only for internal financial purposes)
  • This rate for the items marked as "Included", will not be reflected on the bill to guests for items "Bowling" and "Dinner"
  • However, if you would like to charge "Drinks" to the guests, then you can also set up this rate for the package items and mark the setting "Will the items be charged to guests" as Yes. Then you can add the rate of, for example, 10,- per person for the package item "Drinks"  which you linked and this will be charged to the guests on the bill.
  • If you wish to link rates to the add-ons which are added as package items then click on the pencil icon to edit the linked package items. 


  • Enable the setting "Specific rate for the linked package items (add-on)". Click on "Create rate" to add rates for package items
  • Click on "Create" to create the rate


  • Create fixed rate or subject based rates for the package items


4. Adding add-on package rate

  • You can create a rate for the complete add-on package (for the group of add-ons). Example, the Bowling & Dinner package as stated above can have one rate linked to the complete package "Bowling & Dinner package" , let's say 50,-. This rate can be configured at the add-on package main Rates section. 
  • Simply navigate to 'Rates' section of add-on package
  • Click on 'Create rate' to create fixed rate or rate per subject.


 5. Linking accommodation types to your package

  • To make the package bookable for accommodation types, go to "Linked accommodation types" section on the page


  • Click on tab "Additional bookable add-ons" and then on "Link accommodation types" to link accommodation types for which this add-on package is bookable for. 
  • Filter the accommodation types based on locations. You can search them based on the name or code, select your accommodation types and click on "Link accommodation types"


  • In case there is some configuration missing, you will see a red notification as follows


  • When none of the options shown in image below are marked as red, your add-on package is ready to go!


Viewing add-on package

  • To view add-ons which are created with add-on type as 'Add-on package', you can simply filter the list based on the add-on type as 'Add-on package' (see image below). 



For financial settlement, you can also link ledger to the add-on package and also to the individual package items (irrespective of whether they are included or paid by guests).