Copy reservations

The purpose of this article is to explain how the user can copy reservations. The functionality allows the user to copy a selection of reservations to a new arrival/departure date.




  1. Activate the following permission to allow the user to use the copy reservations

Important configuration check

First of all the configuration of the accommodation types and all related resources for the new reservation period should be checked.

This can be done via Content manager by using the validation tool or creating a new single reservation for the period and accommodation type(s) via the reservation manager till the price compare shows you the available price choice.

Note that currently, we do not support copy reservations for reservations having multiple units for multiple periods.


How to copy the reservations to a new arrival/departure date

  1. Open the search reservations menu and select the reservations you want to copy to a new arrival and departure date > there is a limit of 1000 reservations per reservations copy process

  2. Click on the 3 dots to find the option copy selected reservations

  3. Select the new arrival and departure date and observe that all the available reservation details as booked accommodation type + implies, subjects, unit preference and subjects, are ticked by default and will be copied to the new reservation automatically. Go to the next step

  4. This step shows additional reservation details that are also ticked by default with the option to untick if you don’t want certain details to be copied. Go to the next step

  5. This step shows you the additional available resources like add-ons and offers, choose the ones you want to have included in the new reservation. Click on Copy reservations

  6. The process gets started and takes around 7-10 seconds per new reservation, the bar will show you the process. You can close the window during the reservation copy process and continue other work and check the reservations later on, or watch and wait till the process is completed

  7. When the reservation copy process is completed, it will show you how many reservations are succeeded and the possible failed ones with some details of why they are failed

  8. The completed reservation copy process batch details can be find back in the same search reservations menu under the button More options > this one is still in development to improve the failed details

  9. Every completed batch of copied reservations will be available here and can be checked at any time

  10. Finally you can search and find the new copied reservations