Rentability Set Import Functionality

Rentability Set Import Functionality

Rentability Set where we define Rentability for a particular period with respect to Location. In this option you don’t need to configure rentability rules again and again for all Locations/Accommodation Types, you just define one Rentability set, and in that set numbers of Rentability Rules and you can link with same to all Accommodation Types Representation.

Path:- Rate Manager → Rentability Set → Create a New Rentability set

If you want to create a Rentabilty Set then you have to select Location and you have to select Template for importing the Rentability set through Import functionality. On the Right side, you can see the Download icon and Import Icon for Rentability Set also you can check the Batch/import summary through the icon available there on the screen.

There are Four Types of Rentability set Import Options given in the Rentability Set.

Download content type

A. Rentability Rules.

B. Rentability Set Creations.

C. Linking of Representations and Rentability set.

D. Linking of Rentability Rules with Representations.

A. Rentability Rules

Here we can add the Rentability Rules through import functionality in Rentability Set.

If you want to add some rentability Rules to your many Resorts/Locations in their Rentability set then don’t add them manually just use this functionality where you can add a number of Rules through import functionality.

Details:- First you download the Template for Rentability Rules and the below Details.

Location Code:- In which Resort/Location do you want to add the rentability rules

Rentability Set Code:- In which Rentability set do you want to add rentability rules you have to add that rentability set code
Start Date and End Date:- for which start date and end date do you want to add to your rentability set add here all start and end dates.

Minimum Stay and Maximum Stay:- Whatever start and end date you added you have to add min stay and max stay i.e. minimum stay [example- 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 etc days] Maximum stay [example- 3,4,7,14,21 etc days] means how much of days of our customer stay in that Accommodation Type.

Minimum Deviation and Maximum Deviation:- here you can add min and max deviations for the rentability rules means the customer makes the booking before arrival days on that Resort/location.

Book Date From and Book Date To:- For our added rentability rules we can add here Book Date From and To means customer from when To made the booking for that particular period.

Arrival and Departure Days:- Our rentability Rules are valid for which days [for example- Mon, Tue, Wed etc days] so simply you have to add “Y” or “N” where you want to add that day mentioned “Y” otherwise Mentioned “N” in that import file.

After adding all details you have to click on the option Import and select your created Import file of the Rentability Rules option and click on Upload

After this Status is Completed and you can check the Batch/import Summary by clicking on the option on the Batch update rentability set option

Also Clicking on that particular completed file you can check all details which are you mentioned at the time of file creation are added properly or not.

If anything is wrong with the data you added in the file then it is given the failed status and why it failed that reason is also provided to you so you can refer to that message and correct your file and again import with the correct data.


B. Rentability Set Creations.

Here we can add the Rentability Set Creations through import functionality in Rentability Set.

If you want to add some rentability set to your many Resorts/Locations in their Rentability set then don’t add them manually just use this functionality where you can add a number of Rules through import functionality.


Details:- First you download the Template for Rentability Set Creations and the below Details.

Set Code:- In which Resort/Location do you want to add that Rentability sets

Start Date and End Date:- for which start date and end date do you want to add in your rentability set,

This means your Rentability set start date and end date.

Location Code:- In which Resort/Location do you want to add that rentability Sets

PreBooking:- This Rentability set is Prebooking or not Prebooking, you have to add simply Y or N

After adding all details you have to click on the option Import and select your created Import file of the Rentability Sets option and click on Upload


Also Clicking on that particular completed file you can check all details which are you mentioned at the time of file creation are added properly or not.

If anything is wrong with the data you added in the file then it is given the failed status and why it failed that reason is also provided to you so you can refer to that message and correct your file and again import with the correct data.

C. Linking of Representations and Rentability set

Here we can add the Linking of Representations and Rentability set through import functionality in the Rentability Set.

If you want to Link Representations to your many Resorts/Locations in their Rentability set then don’t add them manually just use this functionality where you can add a number of Representations through import functionality.

Details:- First you download the Template for Linking of Representations and Rentability set and below Details.

Rentability Set Location Code:- In which Resort/Location do you want to add those Representations

Rentability Set Code:- In which Rentability set you to want to add Representations you have to add that rentability set codez

Accommodation Type Location Code:- In which Resort/Location do you want to add those Representations

Accommodation Type Code:- In which Accommodation Types [bookable types] Resort/Locations do you want to add those Representations

Representation Internal Name:- Add the Internal name of those Representations where you want to link the rentability set through the import file.

Stay Date From Stay Date To:- for which stay date and stay date do you want to add in your rentability set add here all stay from and stay to dates where clients/customer wants booking.

Start Date and End Date:- for which start date and end date do you want to add to your rentability set add here all start and end dates

After adding all details you have to click on the option Import and select your created Import file of the Linking of Representations and Rentability set option and click on Upload



Also Clicking on that particular completed file you can check all details which are you mentioned at the time of file creation are added properly or not.

If anything is wrong with the data you added in the file then it is given the failed status and why it failed that reason is also provided to you so you can refer to that message and correct your file and again import with the correct data.


D. Linking of Rentability Rules with Representations

Here we can add the Linking of Rentability Rules with Representations through import functionality in the Rentability Set.

If you want to Link Rentability Rules to your many Resorts/Locations in their Representations then don’t add them manually just use this functionality where you can add a number of Rentability Rules in Representations through import functionality.

Details:- First you download the Template for Linking of Rentability Rules with Representations and the below Details.

Location Code:- In which Resort/Location do you want to add those Rentability Rules

Resource Code:- In which Accommodation Type do you want to add Rentability Rules you have to add that Representations codes

Representation Internal Name:- Add the Internal name of those Representations where you want to link the rentability rules through the import file.

Start Date and End Date:- for which start date and end date do you want to add to your rentability rules add here all start and end dates


A minimum stay and Maximum stay:- Here you should add minimum stay days [for example 1, 3, 4,7, etc] and Maximum stay days [For example 7,14,21, etc] in your rentability rules which you want to add

Minimum Deviation and Maximum Deviation:- Here you should add minimum Deviationdays [for example 1, 2, 3,4, etc] and Maximum Deviationdays [For example 7,8,9, etc] in your rentability rules which you want to add [it means you have many deviations you want to add in you rules]

Gap:- How many days of gaps do you want in your Booking period and stay dates [For example 1,2,3,4,5, etc]

Book Date From andBook Date To:- For which Book Date From and Book Date do you want to add to your rentability rule add here all start and end dates

Arrival and Departure Days:- For which days do you want to add in your Rentability rule [For example Mon, Tue, Wed, etc]

After adding all details you have to click on the option Import and select your created Import file of the Linking of Rentability Rules with Representations option and click on Upload

Also Clicking on that particular completed file you can check all details which are you mentioned at the time of file creation are added properly or not.


If anything is wrong with the data you added in the file then it is given the failed status and why it failed that reason is also provided to you so you can refer to that message and correct your file and again import with the correct data.

Using this Import Functionalities you can add/link/Configured rentability set and rentability rules To representation and set for many Resorts at a time.

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