Insights page

The Insights page will give you an overview of all information for a collection together with a specific stay date range.

At the top select collection, Stay date from- up to including and choose if you want to compare with a different period.

In the right bottom Create monitor and Optimise rates is shown.

Create monitor →

Optimise rates →


Days boxes

  • Unit days:
    All possible days for the selected Collection, between the selected Stay Dates.

  • Locked days:
    Days that are locked for the selected Collection, between the selected Stay Dates. When clicking on the box more information about the locked days is displayed.

  • Available days:
    Unit days - Locked days

  • Occupied days:
    Booked days for the selected Collection, between the selected Stay Dates.

  • Rentable days:
    Available days - Occupied days

  • Notifications:
    Amount of notification for the selected Stay Dates. When clicking on the box notification details are shown.

Pricing strategy


  • On the books: Results that are currently realised.

  • Predicted results: Forecast demand with current rates.

  • Optimised: Shows results when configuring the scenario to optimise.

Rate change: This is the mean rate change for this collection and period. This can be 0% while there were rate changes, for example if there was a rate change of -10% and a rate change of +10% then the mean is 0%.

Available days: The days that are available for this collection and period.

Occupied days: The days that are occupied for this collection and period.

Rentable days: Available days minus occupied days.

Occupancy: Occupied days divided by available days and occupancy percentage change.

ADR: Average daily rate and ADR percentage change.

RevPAR: Revenue generated per available unit, whether or not they are occupied. And RevPAR percentage change.

Revenue: ADR multiplied by occupied days, revenue percentage change and budget.


Rate changes

Rate changes and batch updates.



Choose to show:

  • Occupancy

  • Average Daily Rate (ADR)

  • Revenue Per Available Room (ReVPAR)

  • Revenue

over lead time in days.

Also in the plot:

  • No rate change: what is the prediction when no rate changes are made.

  • Optimised: what is the prediction when rate changer are made.

  • With the buttons Total and Add you can choose to add an accommodation type. The option Total is always selected.

The lead times can be adjusted by dragging the blue parts on the lower bar.


Screenshot 2024-04-08 at 16.13.24.png



  • KPIs per accommodation type

  • KPIs per stay dates

LOS is length of stay


Show the Pickup and Cancellations per stay date for:

  • Occupancy

  • ADR (average daily rate)

  • RevPAR (revenue per available room)

  • Revenue

When events are added in Content Manager, vacations are shown for the selected stay dates below the graph

Pickup unit days: Shows the percentage Rentable, Pickup, Occupies, Cancelled for the selected collection.

Pickup per accommodation type: Shows the Occupancy, ADR, ReVPAR, Revenue per accommodation type.

Under Curr. are the current results before (or after) rate change and under Comp. are the results from 14 days before.

Pickup per distribution channel: Shows Occupied, Share, ADR, Revenue per channel.


Shows per Distribution channel the Occupied days, Share, Average Daily Rate (ADR), LOS (length of stay), Average Lead time, Revenue.

And a barplot that showing turnover per Distribution channel.


Shows per country and per customer type the amount in percentage or absolute.


Shows the Name, Code, Location Status, Stay date, Book date, Reserved days, Reservations and Total discount per offer.


  • Cancellations per accommodation type

  • Cancellations per reservation