Notifications page


Search bar

Filter the page by clicking on the search balk, here you can choose between:

You also can filter on these items by clicking on them in the cards: Notifications per priority, Notifications per type and Notifications per collection. Then it automatically is added in the search bar.


Notifications per day

This displays the count of notifications per stay date. Select a period of stay date by typing de date or by clicking on the calendar icon. Or select a stay date by clicking on a block in the calendar.

Selecting a period or a single stay date de figure shows the notifications that include this dates.

Example 1

There is a Notification which is related to stay dates 01/01/2023 - 10/01/2023 and there is another Notification for 01/01/2023 - 02/01/2023, and we select the stay date 02/01/2023 the calendar wil colour blue from stay date 01/01/2023 until 10/01/2023.

Example 2

There is a Notification which is related to stay dates 01/01/2023 - 10/01/2023 and there is another Notification for 01/01/2023 - 02/01/2023 then the days 01 and 02 count 2 Notifications and the other days 1 Notification.


Notifications per event

Amount of notifications per event.

Notifications per type

Amount of notifications per monitor type. You can remove a notification by clicking on the cross.

Notifications per collection

Amount of notifications per collection. You can remove a collection by clicking on the cross.

Notifications per priority

Amount of notifications per priority. You can remove a priority by clicking on the cross.

Explaining status types

  • Open:

  • Snoozed: Choose to snooze for One day, Three days, One week or Select date

  • Closed: Some monitors will close permanently and some not. E.g. Occupancy reached, if this is closed, this will be closed forever (since this can be triggered only once). While occupancy lagged, can happen multiple times in the lead time to a stay date.

  • Handled:

  • Archived:

Notifications table

List of all notifications. Information is given about:

  • Status

  • Priority

  • Type/ for which this notification is triggered.

  • Description: type for which this notification is triggered.

  • Days until impact

  • Impacted days

  • Stay date from

  • Stay date to and including

  • At the right the icons: Screenshot 2024-04-04 at 12.05.26.png

    • Optimise rates →

    • Snooze notification

    • Close notification



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