Optimised Rates Page

The optimised rate page will show you an overview of all the rate changes the Revenue Manager has made. It will show the recent rate changes as well as which periods the rates have changed. Here you can have a quick overview about the performance of the rate changes.

At the top the collections, employee, stay dates and Batch created can be selected.

You can reset all selected options by clicking 'Reset'.


  • Average rate change: average rate change for selected collections and stay dates.

  • Updated days: amount of days updates are shown.

  • Updated resource days: all the updated days per number of rate updates of the resources of the selected collections.

  • Number of rate updates: number of rate updates for selected collections and stay dates.

Optimised rates per day

Displays Average rate percentage or number of rate changes per stay date.

Optimised rates update

Shows the performance of an applied rate change.


  • Status: Completed, failed, pending

  • Date: date of the rate change

  • Started by: name of employee

  • Collection

  • Stay dates

  • Occupancy increased: increased occupancy after rate change

  • Reservation pickup: number of reservations after rate change

  • Last indexed:

The columns with the icon Screenshot 2024-04-04 at 09.11.45.png can be sorted.

To the right of each row are the icons:

Screenshot 2024-04-04 at 09.15.43.png

→ Insights page

→ Optimise rates