How to configure Periodical invoicing payment terms

How to configure Periodical invoicing payment terms

In order to create periodical invoices, specific payment term configuration is required to support the creation of periodical invoices: 

  • Configure a separate payment term set for periodical invoicing
  • In the paymentterm set Periodical Invoicing, add 2 terms (per payer type):
    • 1 payment term for periodical invoicing 
    • 1 payment term for ‘no invoice’.
    • NOTE: The payment terms for periodical invoicing should have a higher priority than terms for no snapshot.

Common periodical invoicing configuration could be:

  • Payment term set Periodical Invoicing
    1. Periodical Invoicing | payer type Customer | priority 10
    2. Periodical Invoicing | payer type Paying Customer | priority 20
    3. Periodical Invoicing | payer type Agent | priority 30
    4. No invoice | payer type Customer | priority 100
    5. No invoice | payer type Paying Customer | priority 200
    6. No invoice | payer type Agent | priority 300

It is advised to configure a meaningful issue date and due date, to have periodical invoices automatically created with the correct issue and due date. 

  • An example for periodical invoice dates could be:
    • Issue date: invoice start date
    • Due date: 14 days after invoice start date
  • NOTE: In practice, this means a periodical invoice (for instance monthly) is issued on the starting day of the invoiced period (issue date) and should be paid 14 days later at latest (due date). 

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