

Ctoutvert is a French company based in Toulouse that was founded in October 2000. With over 20 years of experience, they have specialized in e-commerce and distribution software within the tourism sector. Maxxton integration with Ctoutvert allows Maxxton clients to sell their inventory through Ctoutvert and get reservations from Ctoutvert into Maxxton.

Supported functionalities

  1. Mapping

    1. Accommodation Type:- Using this integration clients can load Maxxton accommodation type for a particular location on Ctoutvert PMS, and link them with the Ctoutvert product type (term used at Ctoutvert for accommodation type).

    2. Addon -: Using this integration clients can load the Maxxton add-on for a particular accommodation type on Ctoutvert PMS, and link them with the Ctoutvert options (term used at Ctoutvert for addon). Clients can also link mandatory as optional add-ons at Ctoutvert, depending on their requirements.

    3. Payment methods:- Using this integration clients can load the Maxxton payment methods for a particular accommodation type on Ctoutvert PMS, and link them with the Ctoutvert Payment type (term used at Ctoutvert for add-on). Clients can also link mandatory as optional add-ons at Ctoutvert, depending on their requirements.

  2. Export prices with booking rules of accommodation types

    1. Single rate type with be linked with Ctoutvert and prices will be sent for that only.

    2. The integration will take care of syncing the prices and booking rules for the linked accommodation types to Ctoutvert.

    3. Prices

      1. Nightly prices are synced to Ctoutvert.

      2. The deposit/advance payment, in the percentage of the total reservation amount that the customer has to pay, can be sent to Ctotuvert. This has to be configured under Integration Manager.

        1. Only one value can be sent for all accommodation types.

    4. Booking rules

      1. Booking rules are sent directly from rentability or rentability-set configured/linked in the representation of accommodation types.

      2. The representation that has the Ctoutvert distribution channel added in it, will be considered for the booking rules.

      3. The following booking rules are considered:

        1. Minimum and Maximum Length of Stay Restrictions.

        2. Possible arrival.

        3. Possible departures.

      4. Please note that it is recommended to create simple rentability for the Ctoutvert distribution channel in Maxxton.

    5. When prices or booking rules change in Maxxton for any of the linked accommodation types, an automatic export will be conducted to Ctouvert within 5-10 minutes.

  3. Export available accommodations and units of linked accommodation type

    1. The integration will export the available units for the linked accommodation type.

    2. Any change in available units will be reflected on Ctoutvert in 5-10 minutes.

  4. Reservations - Currently only new reservation

    1. Real-time availability check

      1. Before confirming the reservation to the customer, Ctoutvert will check the availability of the accommodation type that the customer is booking.

      2. This will prevent bookings that are not possible in Maxxton due to limited or no availability.

    2. Reservation

      1. Once the customer confirms the reservation, it will be sent to Maxxton and accordingly created within the Maxxton system.

      2. Distribution channel handling

        1. By default, reservations are created on the Ctoutvert distribution channel in Maxxton. However, if the engine ID (a term Ctoutvert uses for distribution channels) is included in the incoming Ctoutvert XML and matches the code of any existing distribution channel in Maxxton, then that specific channel will be used for the booking.

        2. The channel information will automatically be added to the memo of the reservation in Maxxton.

      3. Cancellation insurance

        1. If the Ctoutvert reservation has cancellation insurance then the cancellation insurance will also be added to the Maxxton reservation which is applicable for that accommodation type in Maxxton.

      4. Add-on handling

        1. If the Ctoutvet reservation has bookable add-ons that are linked and present in Maxxton, the integration will add those add-ons to the Maxxton reservation if not added already. If the prices of such add-ons in the Maxxton reservation do not match with the prices of add-ons in the Ctoutvert reservation, the integration will use the Ctoutvert add-on price and override maxxton add-on prices.

      5. Reservation Status

        1. If the customer has paid a given amount in advance to Ctoutvet while confirming the reservation, then the paid amount details are added to the Maxxton reservation, and the status is changed to definitive.

      6. Offer handling and price override in Maxxton reservation

        1. If the Ctoutvert reservation contains an offer and the offer is linked with the Maxxton offer, a reservation will be created in Maxxton using the same offer.

        2. If the Ctoutvert reservation contains two offers, where one is linked and another offer is not linked in Maxxton, the reservation will be created in Maxxton with the linked offer. The offer amount will be overridden in the Maxxton reservation by including the second offer coming in Ctoutvert XML.

        3. If the Ctoutvert reservation contains an offer and the offer is not linked in Maxxton, then in the Maxxton reservation the accommodation type price will be overridden with the accommodation type prices coming from Ctoutvert with the offer.

  5. Export offers (Promotions) to Ctoutvert

    1. One offer should have only a single cashflow rule application for Ctoutvert, as Ctoutvert does not allow creating multiple prices for an offer for different date ranges.

    2. The offer in Maxxton with price type Percentage discount and Fixed amount discount is supported.

    3. The offer with the offer method Open and Open search code is supported.

    4. The offer with configured with booking rules like the minimum and maximum length of stays for all the applicable stays are supported.

    5. Promotion will be exported once a day.

Where to find data flow information between Maxxton and Ctoutvert?

Clients can see the outgoing/incoming information between Maxxton and Ctoutvert.

  • All the outgoing data, meaning exports of prices, booking rules, availability, and offers can be found under the Integration manager → Reseller dashboard → Ctoutvert

  • Incoming data, reservation requests, and their status can be found under Reservation Manager → Reseller-> Reservation request dashboard

  • If any process fails it can be found under the Integration Manager dashboard with the proper error message Integration Manager → Dashboard