DC Creation


This page is designed to outline the complete testing process for the newly implemented distribution channel creation system in the Maxxton application. The objective is to ensure that every aspect of the system functions as expected, covering all functionalities, user interactions, and system responses outlined in the design specifications. The testing will include validation of data inputs, UI usability, functionality of each step, and the integration with other system components.

Initial set up


  1. The user should have atlist the create permission for the below permission entity from the backoffice manager.

  1. If there is need to create a dc with the currency apart form the default currency of the perticular concern then this feature flag need to be enabled to get all available currencies including the deafualt currency in teh selection list.



The user should have distribution channel access.


To creat and DC the user can use the below path

Path → Maxxton - Channel Manager - Distribution Channel - Create Distribution Channel.


To create an distribution channel

  1. General Setting Page -

In this page user can add fields like

  • Parent

    • The DC under which distribution channel user wants to create a DC that can be selected as parent.

    • User can select only one parent and selection should be carried by radio buttons.

    • This is an optional field and user can skip this.

    • If the parent is not selected then the separate dc will be created.

  • Name -

    • Name is a mandatory field where user have to add name of the distribution channel.

    • Min letter validation -

      The name should be min of 3 letters. The user will notify by an error message if he adds less than 3 letters.

    • Max letter validation - The user can add max of 150 letters.

    • The name should be unique -

User will notify by an error message if he added duplicate name, The name of the distribution channel should be unique and different from the existing DC.

  • Code - Code is a mandatory field where user have to add the unique code for the distribution channel. Duplicate code will show an error.

    • Min letter validation - The code should be min of 3 letters. The user will notify by an error message if he adds less than 3 letters.

    • Max letter validation - The code should be max of 25 letters.

    • Special Letter Validation -

      • The user can not add space in between the code.

      • The user can not add special characters to the code -

  • Description - The user can add description to the distribution channel where he can add max 400 letters. User can add information about the DC to the description.

  • Currency - The currency is a mandatory field and user can add one at a time. By default only one currency is available to select. If the feature flag for the multicurrency is enable then the user will get more than one currency to select.

    • When the feature flag for multi currency is disable-

    • When feature flag for multicurrency is enable-

  • Type - There are mainly 3 types of DC’s. User can select only one type of the DC. One of DC type is always selected the user can change by the radio buttons.

    • Direct-

    • Resseler-

    • Touroperator-

      • Linear- If the linear distribution channel feature flag is enabled user can create linear distribution channel and he will get the option under DC type Touroperator.

      • When the Linear distribution channel feature flag is enabled- The only book only allotment option will be selected by default.


    • Comité d’Entreprise portal- If the feature flag for Comité d’Entreprise portal enabled then it will show the Comité d’Entreprise DC type.

      • When the Comité d’Entreprise portal feature flag is enabled-

      • When the Comité d’Entreprise portal & Linear distribution channel both feature flags are enabled then user can create Linear Comité d’Entreprise distribution channel.

  • Allotment Use -

    • Book only Without Allotment - The user can make this DC as non allotment by selecting this option and User can book the accommodations from this DC. The free units are available to book.

    • Book only From Allotment - The user can make this DC as allotment DC by selecting this option and User can book the accommodations from this DC and the only alloted units are available to book.

For more details you can check this dedicated allotment page

  • General Settings Page - When the user added mandatory fields he can proceed to the next step.

  1. Select Rate Type - The second step is for selection of rate types and it is mandatory field. The user should have select minimum 1 rate type to proceed to the next step. User can add multiple rate types to the newly created DC.

  1. Configure Inventory - This step is for linking representations to the newly created DC. We can link representations by 3 options.

    1. Copy Inventory from the distribution channel - By selecting this option the user can choose any distribution channel from the list and the newly created dc will follow or linked to the same representations as selected dc.

      b. The checkbox is available to link mandatory add-ons as well, the newly created dc will follow or link to the same representations of mandatory add-ons as selected dc.

      If the checkbox is checked means the newly created dc will be linked to the same mandatory add-ons

      as the selected dc. E.g- The below screenshot is showing that the New dc will follow representations of dc ACSI also the mandatory addons checkbox is checked means the newly dc will follow the representations of linked mandatory add-ons of dc ASCI.


    2. Link to distribution channel group - By selecting this option the user can choose any distribution channel group from the list and the newly created dc will follow or linked to the same representations as selected dc group.


    3. The checkbox is available to link mandatory add-ons as well, the newly created dc will follow or link to the same representations of mandatory add-ons as selected dc.

      If the checkbox is checked means the newly created dc will be linked to the same mandatory add-ons

      as the selected dc group. E.g- The below screenshot is showing that the New dc will follow representations of dc grop ALLIN DC’s also the mandatory addons checkbox is checked means the newly dc will follow the representations of linked mandatory add-ons of dc group ALLIN DC’s.


      1. Create a new inventory - By selecting this option user can create new inventory for the newly created dc, The newly created dc will be linked to the representations of the new inventory(Accommodation types and its mandatory add ons, add ons, offers).


        When user selects an option to as create a new inventory and proceeds to the next step the select inventory step will be avaiable to select the accommodation types and its mandatory add-ons, add-ons , offers. The mandatory add ons options is only available when user selects atlist one accommodation type. When user selects accommodation types then only it’s mandatory add-ons tab will be visible.

        When accommodation type is not selected.


      2. When accommodation type is selected

  1. Skip Inventory - By selecting this option user can skip the inventory and the newly created dc will not have any representation.


  1. Copy mandatory add ons - If the user selects any dc or dc group and uncheck the copy mandatory add checkbox and proceeds to the next step the copy mandatory add on step will add to the creation flow next to the configure inventory steps.

By selecting distribution channel or dc group the newly created dc will be linked to the representation of mandatory add ons of the selected dc or dc group.

E.g - If the user selects dc ACSI then the newly created dc will follow the representations of linked mandatory add ons of ACSI. User should have selects any one option dc or dc group to proceeds to the next week.

E.g - If the user selects dc group ALLIN DC’s then the newly created dc will follow the representations of linked mandatory add ons of dc group ALLIN DC’s .


  1. Select reservation category - This is a mandatory step and user can select min one or more reservation categories to proceed to the next step.

The selected reservation category will be displayed in this step and user can drag and drop RC to up and down as per the priority.

  1. Overview - This step will display all the selection that user have choosen till this step.

    1. General Setting

    2. Rate type

    3. Selected inventory

    4. Selected reservation category

Verify your expected outcome

After clicking the create distribution channel button the dc will be created successfully with the selected resources.

Dependencies & impacts


The distribution channel is ready to use for the expected reservation however the accommodation type should be bookable and the required configuration is available for the successfull reservation.


The dc will be available in the representation of the resource. The dc will be available in the reservation manager.


The above information explains the dc creation process step by step.

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