Inbox Configuration


Inbox Configuration is the first step for getting started with the “Unified Inbox“ feature in Customer Care Module. This module allows you to create multiple inboxes and configure templates, categories, employees and their working hours per inbox. Below are the steps to create and configure inboxes in Customer Care Module.

How To Create An Inbox

  1. Go to the Customer Care Module in the MXTS software


2. Click on the “Inbox Configuration” option from the configuration drop down and then click on the “Create Inbox“ option.

3. Provide all information for the inbox such as name, code, color (mandatory fields) and description and click on the next step button.

4. Now Configure the working hours for the inbox.


The above information filled in the 3 & 4 steps can be edited/changed if required

5. Now Inbox will be created.

How To Add Translations For An Inbox

  1. For each created inbox users can configure translations as well through a section shown below. Users can select the language and fill in the name and description for the inbox and click on the “Save Changes” button.

How To Configure Working Hours

  1. Users can edit working hours according to their requirements/shift timings by clicking on the “Edit Working Hours” button.


2. User can add multiple working hours (based on shift timings) for a single day by clicking on the “+” button and the same can be removed by clicking on the “-“ button.

How To Configure Special Working Hours

  1. Users can also configure special working hours for specific days as per the requirement by clicking on the add special hour button.


2. After filling in the appropriate working hours for the day users can click on “Add Special Hours“ button.

For Example, If there is a holiday and only a few employees are working for some hours without modifying/changing the actual working hours users can add special working hours for that day.

How To Configure Employees

  1. Click on the “Link Employees” button.

  1. Now the list of employees will be visible from this you can select one or more employees which are needed to be linked to the inbox.

Also, a specific employee can be found by typing the name in the search box


Users can apply filters for employee groups from drop-down as well.


Now after clicking the link employees button the selected employees will be linked to the inbox

3. To Unlink an employee from an inbox select the employees and then click on the “Unlink employees” button

How To Configure Categories

  1. There’s a section named “Categories“ which allows users to link categories to an inbox by clicking on the “Link Categories“ button.

2. After clicking on the above button a dialog box will appear showing a list of all the available categories and from that user can select single or multiple categories and link them to the inbox by clicking on the “Link Categories“ button on the dialog box.

3. Once categories are linked to the inbox they can be unlinked also. For the same user can select all categories that needs to be unlinked and click on the “Unlink Categories“ button.

How To Configure Templates

  1. There’s a section named “Templates“ which allows users to link templates to an inbox by clicking on the “Link templates“ button.


2. After clicking on link templates a list of available templates will be displayed from them the user can select single or multiple templates and link them to the inbox.

The first template in the list would be considered as the “Default Template“ and will have a default badge as shown below.

3. Users can change the sequence/order of the linked templates by clicking on the “Change Sequence“ button as shown below.

4. Once templates are linked to the inbox they can be unlinked also. For the same user can select what all templates need to be unlinked and click on the “Unlink templates“ button.

How To Archive An Inbox

  1. Users have the option to archive an existing inbox. On the inbox overview page, there is a three-dot option on the top right-hand side.