Loyalty program configuration


A loyalty program is a way for businesses to offer rewards, discounts, and other special incentives as a way to attract and retain customers. They are designed to encourage repeat business, offering people a reward for brand loyalty. Typically, the more a client uses the products or services of a business, the greater the rewards. Maxxton recently implemented the possibility of creating and configuring such a loyalty program within the Maxxotn Software System. This article will guide you through the different steps that are needed to setup, your loyalty program and manage it on a daily basis when needed.

Initial setup


To be able to start using the loyalty program features within Maxxton Software, the following elements are required :

  • Activating of the feature flag “Enable Loyalty Point Based Program”. This task needs to be done by Maxxton. Please reach out to the customer success for this.

  • Enabling the right(s) to manage the loyalty program configuration.

    • This can be done in the Back Office Manager. Here is the path to follow : Maxxton Software Home Page > Back Office Manager > Configuration menu > Roles sub-tab. From here you can select the relevant role.

    • Once inside, in the “Assigned Rights” card, you can see the different modules for which some (or all rights are configured). Please go into the Customer Care module to open up the rights related to that module.

    • N.B : If you do not see the Customer Care module in the Assigned rights card, go to the top right, where you can see the list of modules for which rights are configured. Make sure to add the Customer Care module to this list. Once that is done, you should be able to see the the different rights related to this module.

    • There are 3 separate rights related to the Loyalty Program :

      • Loyalty Reward Configuration (to have access to the Reward Configuration sub-tab)

      • Loyalty Redemption Configuration (to have access to the Redemption Configuration sub-tab)

      • Optional : Enable Loyalty Program Manual Transaction (to be able to add points manually to a given customer). Please see this section for more details.

  • Accommodation types need to be setup within the system (to base the reward system onto them).


In order to start configuring the features of the loyalty program, you need to navigate to the Loyalty program tab within Maxxton Software. To do so, follow the path below :

Maxxton Software Home > Customer Care module > Loyalty tab

Under this Loyalty tab, there are 2 sub-tabs :

  • Reward configuration

  • Redemption configuration

We will first focus on the setup of the reward configuration.


Reward configuration

Create a loyalty program

If you are setting up a loyalty program for the first time, follow this path to create a new loyalty program : 

Maxxton Software Home Page > Customer Care module > Loyalty > Reward Configuration. 

Once there, click on “Create loyalty program”.

The creation of the loyalty program is done in these 6 steps :

  1. Select the date from which you want your new loyalty program to begin, and then move on to the next step of the setup process.

If there is an active loyalty program already in place and the start date you choose overlaps with the existing program's dates, the new program will deactivate the current one. This ensures that only one loyalty program is active at a time, preventing conflicts and confusion in your reward system.

  1. On this step, the user can select the reward strategy they want to use to reward their customers. They can choose either :
    Per Night : Loyalty points are awarded for each night a customer stays at a location. This means that for every night spent at the location, the customer will earn additional loyalty points, encouraging repeat stays and rewarding their continued patronage.
    Once Per Night : Loyalty points are awarded only once for each night stayed at a specific location. This reward strategy ensures that customers receive a single reward per night, even if they book different types of accommodations or have overlapping stay periods across multiple reservations. This approach prevents multiple points from being given for the same night, regardless of the variety of bookings or accommodations.
    Points per Spent Amount : Reward points are awarded based on the amount spent on the rental. For instance, if the system is set to award one loyalty point for every ten euros spent, a customer would earn 40 points for a rental price of 400 euros. This method ensures that the rewards are directly proportional to the expenditure, encouraging higher spending and rewarding customers accordingly.

    Once the reward strategy is selected the user can click on “Next step” to move to proceed.

  1. On this step, the user can decide if they want to enable an activation delay for rewarded points or not.

    If we simply disable the Activation delay, the points will be instantly credited to the customer once the reservation is checked out.


    If we enter some activation delay in the field then the points will be created after those entered days once the reservation is checked out (By default 7 will be Activation delay).
    Once configured the user can move to the next step.

  1. On this step, the user can choose if they wish to enable expiration for rewarded points or not, as well as determine the number of days after which the points should expire (if the expiration feature is enabled).

    By default, this functionality is enabled & the number of days is set to 365 days, which means that the points will remain valid for one year from the date they are credited.


The user has the option to adjust this timeframe according to their needs. For example, if you want points to expire sooner or last longer, you can enter a different number of days. This flexibility allows you to tailor the reward program to your business goals and customer engagement strategies.

It is also possible to disable the checkbox for point expiration. By doing so, all credited points will not have an expiration date and will remain valid indefinitely. This means that once points are credited to a customer's account, they will stay active and usable without any time limit.

The user can also select the checkbox to enable the option for automatically updating existing rewarded points. When this feature is activated, any new points credited to a customer's account will also update the duration of their existing points. This means that the validity period of the existing points will be extended to match the latest credited points.

By enabling this option, you ensure that customers' points will not expire prematurely, as the validity period will be refreshed each time new points are added. This helps in maintaining the value of accumulated points and encourages ongoing engagement by providing a longer window for customers to use their rewards.

If the checkbox to automatically update existing rewarded points is disabled, existing points expiration date will not be updated.

  1. On this page, you can enable a sign up reward for new customers & set the number of reward points that a customer will earn when they create a new account.

    If activated, customers created through the Customer Care, Reservation Manager, and Owner Manager modules will automatically receive a signup bonus. This means that when new accounts are set up using these specific modules, the customers will be granted an initial reward or bonus points as part of the account creation process.

    If you prefer not to offer a signup bonus, you can also choose to disable this feature.

The signup bonus is credited only once per customer, provided that the settings are enabled. This means that each customer will receive the bonus only a single time during their account creation, regardless of any future interactions or account updates.

  1. On the last page, the user will be shown an overview of the values that they have selected during the previous steps.

    Once confirming the details and clicking on the “Create loyalty program” button the loyalty program will be created successfully. The loyalty program will also be shown on the landing page of the “Reward Configuration” tab within Customer Care, either under the “Active” section or the “Upcoming” section.

Set base settings

Each loyalty program has several base settings that are important in the configuration of your program. Let’s go through all of them one by one.

Reward system

The reward system controls the behavior of how loyalty points are rewarded. You can choose from three options: ‘Per night’, ‘Per amount’ or ‘Once per night’.

‘Per night’ means that you get rewarded a number of points for each night that you stay. Even if you have multiple overlapping reservations or multiple accommodations.

‘Once per night’ means the same, except that you only get the highest rewarded night if you have multiple overlapping reservations and/or accommodations.

‘Per amount’ means that you don’t get a fixed amount of points for a certain night for a certain type, but instead it looks at the rental value and the number of points is based on that.

Activate points

Since points will always be rewarded once a reservation is checked out, it will always write a loyalty transaction for a departed reservation (if there is a reward configuration). However, with this setting it is possible to configure when the rewarded points will become active. Once points are active, these are part of the balance of the customer and can be spent (redeemed).

With this setting, you can control when the points become active. The setting is in number of days, counting from the departure date of the reservation.

Points expire

All the loyalty rewards are stored as an individual transaction. These transactions will all get an (optional) expiration date. This date will depend on this setting.

Update expire date

You can choose from two strategies in how the expiration dates in the loyalty transactions; ‘All points after adding new points’ or ‘No reset’.

The first will have the result that the new expiration date of a new loyalty transaction will be applicable for all the other loyalty transactions for that customer that are still valid at that time. That means that all points for a customer will always expire at the same date.

Another feature that is added to this behavior is that it will reset the expiration date to when a new reservation is made (without spending points). This is to reward the customer that making a booking will help not lose existing points.

Sign up reward

When this feature is enabled, as soon as a customer account is created, it will reward the customer account some points as a starting balance. The amount can be set here too.

Start date and end date

These are the valid dates for the loyalty program. Although only a single program can be active at the same time, it is possible to change the whole program from a given date. Maxxton advises to not use an end date for your Loyalty Program unless you really know that the program will end. This will avoid unnecessary maintenance of the program.

Program rules

You can choose the rules that you wish to apply to your Loyalty Program to better control when the program will be applicable for a given guest. There are a certain number of parameters on which you can filter these rules in order to include or exclude certain elements. Maxxton suggests to use these parameters to make sure that only customers only get points when booking via direct channels and not when booking via a partner such as a Tour Operator for example. The list of parameters is as follows :

  • Accommodation kind

  • Customer country

  • Customer status

  • Distribution channel

  • Distribution channel group

  • Distribution channel type

  • Location

  • Product brand

  • Rate type

  • Reservation category

It is also possible to combine multiple rules (also called conditions) within your program.

Reward rules

In this section, you are able to configure the different reward rules that will be applicable to certain (or all) of your accommodation types. You can for example have a rule setup for all accommodations with 2 bedrooms and a different reward rule for accommodations with 3 bedrooms, etc…

When setting up reward rules, it is also possible to set them based on one or multiple conditions. The list of conditions that can be used is as follows :

  • Number of bedrooms

  • Number of bathrooms

  • Location

  • Accommodation type

  • Accommodation kind

  • Quality level

  • Accommodation type brand

  • Accommodation type group

It is possible to combine multiple conditions within a single reward rule.

To setup a new reward rule, the user goes through the following 4 steps :

  1. Give the rule a name, a code & an optional description

  2. Select the stay dates (Maxxton suggests to only enter a stay date from, to avoid maintenance in the future), one or multiple conditions as shown in the list above, the number of points rewarded to the customer & the maximum number of nights for which points can be rewarded.

  3. The system checks if there is any overlap with any existing reward rules that have been setup. If there are any overlapping rules, they will be shown here.

    At this step it is now also possible to view the impact of the reward rule the user is setting up via a calculate impact button. Using this feature, the user can check what a potential result of setting their rule could be, to give a sense of impact.

  1. Add the translations & descriptions for your reward rules (this step is optional).

Once you have moved through these 4 steps, your reward rule is created and you should now see it in the reward rules card.

Please note, that there is an ordering logic for all of your reward rules. This ordering follows a descending order so the rule that is set as first will be the most important one & will be applied first, and the rule that is set as last will be the least important one. Once setup, the user has the option to change the ordering of the different rules by clicking on the “Change order” button.

In order to make sure that no accommodations are missing from the reward rules that have been setup, Maxxton suggests to have a basic, catch all reward rule set as the least important one (highest order number) to be able to have a fallback rule for any accommodations that have been mistakenly left out.

Redemption configuration

Now that the reward configuration has been setup, you can move to the redemption configuration sub-menu (under the Loyalty menu) to start configuring your redemption rules.


Redemption is managed within Maxxton Software by a loyalty discount resource (a type of an add-on) that will be added to the reservation when a customer will use their points for a booking. It is therefore required to configure at least one such resource (you can configure multiple if needed) to be able to allow end-users to redeem their points.

Loyalty resources

To setup a new loyalty discount resource, click on “create loyalty discount” at the top right of the screen.

You will see a pop-up where you need to configure the following elements :

  • Mandatory elements:

    • Location (can be parent location. Inheritance is applicable).

    • Name

    • Code

    • Min / Max number of free nights allowed to be redeemed per reservation.

    • Redemption strategy (you have the option to choose from either

      • Points per night

      • Amount per night

      • Percentage per night)

  • Optional elements:

    • Parent add-on under which this loyalty discount will be created (you can either chose a loyalty parent or any other one)

    • Description

    • Creating a default rentability for this loyalty discount. By default this toggle is ON.

    • Creating a default representation & linking all Distribution Channels (DC’s). By default this toggle is ON.

Once you have filled in all of the mandatory fields you can create your loyalty discount.

When the loyalty discount is created, the user still has a few mandatory and optional elements to configure.

  • Linked accommodation types (mandatory)

Within the loyalty discount resource page, there is a “Linked accommodation types” card. In order for customers to be able to redeem their loyalty points, the accommodation types on which this redemption is applicable need to be linked, which is done here.

To start configuring applicable accommodation types, click on “Link accommodation type”.

A four step wizard will appear to link accommodation types to the loyalty resource.

  1. Selecting accommodation types: A list of all accommodations that have been setup in the system. To better help the user find relevant accommodation types, it is possible to use the search bar to search on different criteria such as :

  • Containing words

  • Number of bedrooms

  • Number of bathrooms

  • Locations

  • Quality levels

  • Reward rules

Once the selection of the different accommodation types has been done, you can move to the next step, where you need to enter the applicable stay period.

  1. Stay period: You can either choose a period :

  • Valid from today

  • Valid from specific date. If you choose this option, you will be prompted to enter stay dates (from & to)

Maxxton suggests to use the option “valid from today' to avoid maintenance in the future when the stay date to will have passed). Once you have made your selection click on “Next step”.

  1. Choose rate types: You can choose to either :

  • Allow all rate types to be applicable for the redemption

  • Allow only specific rate types to be applicable. If you choose this option, you will be prompted to choose the applicable rate types from the list.

Once you have made your selection click on “Next step”.

  1. Point redemption for free night: Here you can choose whether :

  • The number of points needed for a free night is the same for all the accommodation types (selected on the 1st step of this wizard). If you choose this option, enter the number of points needed for a free night in the field below.

  • The number of points needed for a free night is different per accommodation type. If you choose this option you will get a list of all selected accommodation types and a field per accommodation type to enter the number of points needed for a free night.

In order to avoid a lot of maintenance & repetitive work, Maxxton suggests to group together the accommodation types that require the same number of points per night. This will allow you to select the “same for all accommodation types” option in this step.

Once you have made your selection & entered the number of points needed for a free night for all of the accommodation types, you can click on “Link accommodation types” to finish the setup and close the wizard.

You should now be able to see the accommodation type(s) that you have setup in the “Linked accommodation types” card.

  • Minimum number of units (optional)

The user has the option to add a minimum number of units that is required in order for the loyalty redemption to be applicable. This feature related to the actual number of available units that can be booked by a guest. For example, if this setting is set to 5, it will never be allowed to redeem loyalty points for the last 5 available units.

For example, If you have an accommodation type with 10 units and 6 of them are already booked, then you would no longer be allowed to redeem points on for that dates when the availability is lower than 5 units.

  • Linking a ledger (optional)

In order to link a ledger to your loyalty discount resource, click on the 3 vertical dots at the top right of the screen & select “Settings” from the drop-down menu. A drawer will appear on the right side of your screen as shown here :


The toggle is OFF by default. When you switch it ON, you will have the option of either linking a single ledger or linking a ledger group to your loyalty discount.

  • Translations (optional).

At the bottom of the loyalty discount resource page, there is a Translations card. You can manage the translations of your loyalty resource in this section.


You’re all set ! You have now completed the setup of your Loyalty program (reward configuration & redemption configuration). Users can now earn loyalty points and redeem those points based on the different rules that you have setup. We will now cover how the reward process works.

Reward process

There are 2 ways in which loyalty points can be rewarded within the system. Each have their own specificities & rules.

Reward via reservations

When a booking is created that matches the reward configuration that has been setup, the reservation is eligible to loyalty rewards. The reward (number of points) is based on the different rules that have been setup and on the length of stay.

The points are credited to the main customer of a reservation once the reservation is moved to status checked-out.

For example, if points are activated after 7 days, then this means that a customer needs to wait 7 days after their reservation has been checked out to actually use the points that they have earned with their stay.

Reward via manual entry of loyalty points

Another way of rewarding points is by manually adding points to a customer via their profile within Maxxton Software. This can be done from the Customer profile in the Customer Care module. To do so, follow this path : Maxxton Software Home > Customer Care > Customer tab. Search for a given customer and enter the profile page.


Once on the customer page, you can see in the top left rectangle the number of loyalty points the customer currently has. If you click on the 3 vertical dots at the top right of the rectangle, this will open up a menu. Click on “Loyalty Points”.



This will open up a pop-up that shows you all of the information related to the customer’s loyalty points.

The header shows the following information :

  • Active points

  • Spent points

  • Pending points acquired but not active yet)

  • Expired points


The rest of the pop-up shows all of the different loyalty point transactions that are linked to this customer. The user also has the possibility to search for a given transaction from the list via the search bar.

At the bottom right of the pop-up, there are 2 buttons :

  1. One to “Add points”, which allows the user to add loyalty points to the customer. When clicking on the button, the user is presented with a pop-up where they need to enter the following information :

    1. Mandatory fields

      1. The amount of points to add to the customer (negative values are not allowed)

      2. Date from which these points are valid (it is possible to enter a date in the past)

      3. Date on which the points should expire

      4. A reason for adding points to the customer (free text)

    2. Optional fields

      1. Select a reservation for which you would like to add the points

      2. Toggle to extend the expiration date of past rewards (active points of the customer). By default this toggle is OFF.

        Once all of the mandatory data has been entered, click on “Add points to add the points to the customer”.

  2. Another one to “Deduct points”, which allows the user to deduct points from the customer. When clicking on the button, the user is presented with a pop-up where they need to enter the following information :

    1. Mandatory fields

      1. Points to deduct (negative values are not allowed)

      2. A reason for deducting points from the customer (free text)

    2. Optional fields

      1. Select a reservation for which you would like to deduct the points


Notifications linked to loyalty reward

With the introduction of the Loyalty Program, the Notification Manager has been updated to support new types of Notifications with regards to loyalty. For this purpose, a new context has been created for tasks, the loyalty context. A new trigger has also been introduced, the Loyalty transaction trigger. Last but not least, a certain amount of parameters within a condition specific to loyalty have been added :

  • activation date

  • expiration date

  • original points

  • transaction type

These new filters can be used to create & send the appropriate e-mails to your customers automatically. To know more about the Notification Manager & Tasks, please see this page and it’s sub-pages : https://maxxton.atlassian.net/l/cp/e2pR1wWC.

Updating the Loyalty Program configuration

Reward configuration

Base settings

To update the base settings of your loyalty program, simply head into the Customer Care module > Loyalty > Reward configuration and select your loyalty program.

Once inside, pass your mouse over any of the header fields (except the reward system & the start / end date fields) and click on the pencil that appears to change the setting.

Program rules

For the program rules, you can edit any existing rule that you have setup by clicking on the “Edit condition” button on the right of any existing criteria that has been setup. This will open a pop-up with the current configuration. You can update the condition according to your needs and then press “Update condition” at the bottom right of the pop-up.

Reward rules

To update an existing reward rule, this can either be done for an individual rule or by bulk for all or multiple rules.

  • Individual rule

Click on the 3 vertical dots on the right of the reward rule that you wish to update. A menu appears, giving you the option to either edit the rule, edit the translations, or remove the rule. Selecting any of the edit options for the rule will open a pop-up with the current configuration. You can update the rule / translation according to your needs and then press “Update rule” or “Update translation” at the bottom right of the pop-up.

  • Multiple rules

To edit multiple rules in one go, you can make a selection on the rules you want to update with the checkbox on the left of each rule. It is also possible to select all rules by selecting the checkbox that is in the header of the reward rules card. Once you have made a selection, the “Update rules” button at the bottom right of the card becomes clickable.

Once clicked, a pop-up will appear, allowing you to either update the reward (points), the conditions, or the stay period in the selected reward rules.

Updating the reward

  • When updating the reward, you have the option to :

    • Increase the reward

    • Decrease the reward

    • Override the reward

Enter the updated number of points in the designated field and click on “Next step”.

The third & last step of the update process will prompt you to update the existing rules in order to increase the chances that customers will receive the updated reward during recalculation. Click on ”Update reward rule” to update your reward rules.

Updating the conditions

  • When updating the conditions, you have the option to :

    • Add or override a condition

    • Remove a condition

In both cases the user is prompted with a selection of a condition under the 2 options. The user can make any changes required. Once finished, click on “Next step”.

The third & last step of the update process will prompt you to update the existing rules in order to increase the chances that customers will receive the updated reward during recalculation. Click on ”Update reward rule” to update your reward rules.

Updating the stay period

The user is prompted to update the existing rules in order to increase the chances that customers will receive the updated reward during recalculation. Update the stay date from - till in the dedicated field. The stay date from is mandatory, but the stay date till is optional. You have made the necessary changes, you can click on ”Update reward rule” to update your reward rules.

Viewing the history

It is also possible to view the history of any changes that have been done to the reward configuration. This can be done at the top right corner of the reward configuration page of your loyalty program. Click on the 3 vertical dots to show the history tab. When clicking on it, a drawer will appear on the right side of your screen.

Redemption configuration

Base settings

To update the base settings of your loyalty program, simply head into the Customer Care module > Loyalty > Redemption configuration and select your loyalty discount resource.

Once inside, pass your mouse over any of the header fields and click on the pencil that appears to change the setting.

Representations & rentability

To update your representation(s) for the loyalty discount resource, simply click on the “Edit representations” button at the bottom right of the representations card. Navigate the different tabs to update the translations (of the representations), the rentability and the Distribution Channel linking (either individual Distribution Channels or Distribution Channel Groups).

Linked accommodation types

To link new accommodation types to the loyalty discount resource, simply click on the “Link accommodation type” button at the bottom right of the “Linked accommodation types” card and follow the steps described in this section (starting from the “linked accommodation types” part) .

To update already linked accommodation types, find the accommodation type you want to update from the list (you can use the search bar to help you) and click on the 3 vertical dots on the right side of the screen. From the list, select “Edit”. A 3 step pop-up will appear. To fill it in, follow the same steps as described in this section. .


To manage your translations, simply update the different fields within the Translations card at the bottom of the loyalty discount resource page.

Ledger configuration

To update the ledger configuration, open up the settings by clicking on the 3 vertical dots at the top right of the screen (you need to be within one of your configured loyalty discount resources). This will open up the ledger settings, allowing you to make any change needed.

Viewing the history

It is also possible to view the history of any changes that have been done to the redemption configuration. This can be done by clicking on the 3 vertical dots at the top right of the screen (you need to be within one of your configured loyalty discount resources) and selecting “History” from the list. When clicking on it, a drawer will appear on the right side of your screen.

Redemption flow

Creating a reservation while spending points

Via the Reservation Manager

  1. Go to the Reservation Manager & into the Customer tab

  2. Search for the customer who will be making the booking and enter into their profile.

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page & click on the “New reservation” button at the bottom right.

You will be redirected to the reservation manager into the search step (either location level or accommodation level, based on configuration). Proceed to make a reservation as usual by booking an accommodation.

Before calculating the rates for your selected accommodation type, you should see just above the “calculate rates” button a new toggle to redeem loyalty points for discount. (if the redemption configuration is applicable). This toggle is ON by default. In this section you can also see the current balance of loyalty points of the main customer of the booking.

If you proceed to calculate the rates for your accommodation, you will see a new field called “Number of free days” above the different rates, as shown below.

By default, the highest number of free days applicable (based on the customer’s point balance & the redemption rules) is selected. This number can be lowered or increased in case it was decreased if needed. Changing the number of free nights will have an impact on the rates so if the number of free nights is modified, the different rates will be recalculated.

Under each rate, the user also gets the status of the loyalty point’s balance after the redemption is made.

Once you have made the selection of your rate, click on “select and book accommodation”. The reservation is created and the loyalty discount add-on is added to the reservation with the discount price. The loyalty discount is present in the list of reserved add-ons within the reservation. From here the user can proceed to finalize the booking as per the standard process.

Using the Super User mode

Within the Reservation Manager, there is a functionality that can allow users that have a specific right to bypass the loyalty redemption configuration & allow guests to use their loyalty points even in situations where they should not be allowed to do so.

There are 3 main scenarios of when loyalty redemption should not be allowed based on configuration :

  1. Booking outside of loyalty rentability rules

  2. Booking for more than the max number of redeemable nights configured

  3. Booking on an accommodation type that has less than the minimum number of units available on the dates of the reservation (if activated)

When a user tried to make a booking with loyalty points for one of the scenarios above, they will be prompted with the following message within the Reservation Manager

However, there is a right within the Back Office Manager that gives users access to a Super User mode allowing them to bypass the restrictions linked to loyalty redemption.

To be used, this super user mode requires the activation of the following Reservation Manager right within the Back Office Manager :

Reservation Manager - Ignore loyalty redemption configuration


When this right is activated, users making a booking via the Reservation manager will see a new toggle under the toggle to redeem loyalty points for discount.

This toggle is OFF by default. When activated, it allows the user to bypass the following limitations or rules :

  • Bypass loyalty rentability. For example, if redemption is not allowed in high season based on the configuration of the loyalty program, activating the “ignore rentability of loyalty” toggle will allow redemption during that period.

  • Bypass the requirement of the maximum number of redeemable nights configured within the loyalty program. The guest can redeem as many nights as there is in their reservation (provided that they have enough points to redeem all nights).

  • Bypass the requirement of the minimum number of units required to allow loyalty redemption as configured within the loyalty program.

When the toggle is activated, the user can adjust the number of redeemed nights (if required) & then simply proceed to make the booking as they would within the standard flow of the Reservation Manager.

Via the Customer Care

  1. Go to the Reservation Manager & into the Customer tab

  2. Search for the customer who will be making the booking and enter into their profile.

  3. In the reservations card (left side), click on the “New reservation” button.

From here, the flow is exactly the same as for the Reservation Manager. Please see the section above on how to move forward.

Via API’s

It is also possible to create a reservation with loyalty points via the API. To know more, please see this documentation :

If you have any other questions related to API, please contact the Customer Success team who can assist you further.

Dependencies & Impacts


There are a few dependencies in order to be able to use the Loyalty Program. They mostly revolve around being able to make a booking, as this is required to be able to earn points & redeem them. Here is a list of the different elements that need to be fully configured:

  • Admin Organization(s)

  • Financial Account(s)

  • Location(s)

  • Distribution Channel(s)

  • Accommodation type(s)


The following parts of Maxxton Software are impacted by the Loyalty Program feature :

  • Back Office Manager (new rights linked to Loyalty)

  • Reservation Manager (new fields linked to loyalty redemption)

  • Customer Care (Loyalty configuration)

  • Notification Manager (Loyalty Conditions)

  • API’s (new API’s created for Loyalty)


You now know everything you need to setup & use your Loyalty Program within Maxxton Software ! If you have any more in-depth questions that are not covered in this documentation page, feel free to reach out to the customer success team who can assist you further on this topic.

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