Changing Payment Service Provider (PSP)


Clients use a PSP for processing payments via their website and/or credit card payments via its call center. For this, a PSP ID is in place which is configured in MXT system.

Scenario's can occur where a client profile is changing and a new PSP ID should be used. Examples are: 

  • Client switches from PSP provider
  • Client changes legal entity of the business (from one man company to 'closed company')
  • Client is breaking up his business into different Administration Organisations

It is important to have the complete impact clear, since changing PSP ties into system configuration, PSP ID status, Website and Finance. 

  • Configuration: What is PSP ID and password? 
  • PSP ID status: PSP provider will provide a TEST ID first and change this to PRODUCTION ID when all is ready
  • Website: Is the website managed via MXT CMS, or externally? 
  • Finance: When AO structure changes, payments may be received in 1 AO whilst being meant for another AO around the time of cutover. 
How to?

The following overview of steps is not limitative, because the exact steps may vary based on the occuring scenario. This overview is meant to provide a high level sequence: 

  1. PSP Provider to provide new PSP ID and password (PSP ID status TEST)
  2. Maxxton to configure new PSP ID in MXT System
  3. Maxxton to test new PSP ID if it works as expected
  4. Validate if changes are required from WEB perspective (if MXT CMS is used, no changes are required because PSP ID is fetched dynamically from CMS end)
  5. Maxxton/PSP Provider to align when both are ready to convert TEST ID to PRODUCTION ID
  6. Maxxton to update PSP configuration in MXT system 
    1. Activate new PSP ID as PRODUCTION ID
    2. De-activate old PSP ID as invalid and update from PRODUCTION ID to TEST ID

(warning) Please note it is not possible anymore to use the old PSP ID once the new PSP ID is activated in the system. It is therefore not possible to automatically refund payments which were initially stored in MXTS via old PSP ID. For these scenario's, a manual outgoing payment should be performed via the bank account.