Limit Reseller availability
Limit Reseller availability
Resellers normally book from the total availability, but sometimes need to be restricted in certain periods or for certain resellers.
Basic configuration:
- Resellers are created . Please contact support in case you need any Resellers.
- Link the reseller to the dc
- Make sure that the DC is linked to the accommodation type
- In the Rate Manager, Rates, search for the accommodation type (make sure you have the Reseller info switched on in the Display option)
- At the bottom of the screen, you can see the Reseller section
- The availability can be changed in several ways:
O By clicking on the cell, it can be updated per night
O By clicking on the arrows it can be updated for the period visible in the screen:
O By batch update it can be changed for a larger period:
In the module batch update, select for which accommodation types the availability needs to be changed.
Select Reseller
Select the new amount or update. - Options:
O choose a new amount
O lower the amount
O block the availability