Step-by-step plan

Step-by-step plan

StepStep descriptionResponsibleTicket
1AProvide email template to inform customersClient
1BCreate email (template) to inform customersMaxxton

Inform customers about upcoming voucher (Email #1)
Create a Notification Manager task. Conditions determine which reservations get the email. In the Action the email template can be selected and the validation status should be updated to "park 1".


Configure Corona Voucher extra

This is the extra that should be added to the original reservation as a placeholder for the costs of the reservation and to make sure that the accommodation can be removed from the original reservation. 


Configure voucher extras 
Both the voucher extra and the adjustment voucher need to be configured. These will be used in the new reservation. 
1. extra for the current booking to store the received money
2. extra for the voucher to use the received money in the new booking
3. adjustment extra : used in case the new booking is less than the amount of the voucher, to avoid paying back

2CConfigure voucher configurationMaxxton

Run script to process the affected reservation

This is a Maxxton Developed script that will add a specific Corona extra, remove all other items and changes reservation status to checked out. This is a separate step from generating the vouchers to make sure that it is not depending on the new voucher feature. Once this script has been executed, then the accommodations are no longer blocked. 

3BRun script to generate vouchers for reservations with the Corona extra
This script will generate a new voucher for each reservation with the Corona extra (which isn't generated yet).

4AProvide email template to send vouchers to customersClient
4BCreate email (template) to send vouchers to customersMaxxton
4CSend vouchers to the clients (Email #2)
Create a Notification Manager task. Condition to select all reservations having the Validation status "Park 1". In the Action the email template can be selected and the Validation status should be updated to "park 2".
5Develop an online feature to redeem the voucher online.Maxxton
6AProvide email template to send instructions on how to redeem the voucher onlineClient
6BCreate an email (template) to send instruction on how to redeem the voucher (Email #3)Maxxton
6CSend vouchers to the clients (Email #3)
Create a Notification Manager task. Condition to select all reservations having the Validation status "Park 2". In the Action the email template can be selected and the Validation status should be updated to "sent".
7Redeem voucher online Customer
8Redeem voucher via call center in MXTS Reservation Manager 
Knowledge base link: Add payments, vouchers and refunds

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