01. Configuration steps/data input (Guest energy charging)
Before the Energy settlement can be started, some configuration has to be checked/added and data has to be given in:
Step 1: Reservation
A reservation should be available to charge guests for energy costs. The starting point of this functionality is, that guests stay in an accommodation or rent a camping spot and pay for their energy costs. Often it is about energy costs, but it could also be about the use of water and gas.
The status of the Reservation has to be Checked-in to be able to be shown in the Check-out module, where the meter reading entries are available.
- Rented = camping spot "Winterplaats"
- Unit = Season pitch Dennewei nr 681
- Arrival =
- Departure = .
- Customer = Guest
- Status = Checked-in
Step 2: Create usage extra's
Per Meter an extra should be created with the valid rates for calculation of the charges.
The charges will be calculated by rate x unit. So when the meter reading for energy will be kWh, the rate should be the price per kWh.
Note: On the extra used for this example, the check box "Invoice article" has been selected. This is because of the Energy settlement for owners. It did work fine for this example as well, but I don;t think it's necessary to have the check box selected for charging the guest for usage.
Step 3: Link invoice extra's to Utility bill
In Accommodations (on Unit level) on the tab Energy guest, the configured extra's with the right rates should be linked to the specific Meters.
The configuration has to be done on Unit level.
The Meter name will be shown in Check-out as well, so should be clear to the user.
Step 4a: Add meter readings in Accommodations
In Accommodations on Unit level on the tab Energy Guest, the first and following meter readings could be added. If this is done, the reservation will automatically show the start value.
Step 4b: Add meter readings in reservation through Check-out
The Start end End value could be added manually in the reservation through the Check-out module as well.
Once the end value has been added, the Startdate and Enddate are filled automatically, even as the Total usage and the costs of the corresponding extra per usage unit.