04. Settling the deposit with the guest MXTS

04. Settling the deposit with the guest MXTS

Once the real costs can be charged, the deposit paid by the guest on forehand should be settled with the costs to be paid. 

01. Book deposit/advance payment reverse

To settle the deposit/advanced payment the guest already paid for, an add-on has to be added to the reservation having the value in negative of the deposit/advanced payment that's already in the reservation.

In Newyse, this easily could be done in CICO as well on Check-out by adding the same extra for number = -1. In MXTS it's not possible to add an add-on for a negative number. So a new add-on should be created having a reate of -€75 in this example.

In this example, both are the same add-ons, because I first did it in Newyse. When a new add-on is created for the reverse booking, they won't be netted on the bill.

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