
Infotexts are made to be shown during the booking process. Info texts are shown to the customer during the different steps of the booking process. Information can be given on special offers and packages or on special features of accommodations and products. It is also possible to show a text during the confirmation of the booking. For example, to mention that the swimming pool is closed due to maintenance. 

How to create infotexts

  1. Open the Content Manager
  2. Unfold the Configuration menu
  3. Click on Infotexts
  4. Click on Create infotext
  5. Complete details and click on Create

How to complete an infotext

  1. Show moments: determine when the infotext should be visible during the reservation process, for example, during check-in or check-out.
  2. Settings: determine whether the infotext should be shown at confirmations, travel information or a voucher.
  3. Add conditions: determine for which location/accommodation kinds/accommodation types or units the message is applicable.

How to manage infotext categories

  1. Click on Manage categories
  2. Click on Create category
  3. Complete details and click on Create